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IntuneDeviceConfigurationPolicyiOS: NetworkUsageRules not exporting correctly #4934

ricmestre opened this issue Jul 27, 2024 · 0 comments · Fixed by #4935 or #4944

IntuneDeviceConfigurationPolicyiOS: NetworkUsageRules not exporting correctly #4934

ricmestre opened this issue Jul 27, 2024 · 0 comments · Fixed by #4935 or #4944


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Description of the issue

The property NetworkUsageRules is not exporting correctly since it exports as a regular string (array in this case) instead of a CIM instance.

I'll submit a PR to fix this.

            NetworkUsageRules                              = @("
                    CellularDataBlockWhenRoaming = $False
                    ManagedApps = @()
                    CellularDataBlocked = $False
                    CellularDataBlockWhenRoaming = $False
                    ManagedApps = @()
                    CellularDataBlocked = $False

Microsoft 365 DSC Version


Which workloads are affected


The DSC configuration

IntuneDeviceConfigurationPolicyiOS "IntuneDeviceConfigurationPolicyiOS-IntuneDeviceConfigurationPolicyiOS_1"
            AccountBlockModification                       = $False;
            ActivationLockAllowWhenSupervised              = $False;
            AirDropBlocked                                 = $False;
            AirDropForceUnmanagedDropTarget                = $True;
            AirPlayForcePairingPasswordForOutgoingRequests = $False;
            AirPrintBlockCredentialsStorage                = $False;
            AirPrintBlocked                                = $False;
            AirPrintBlockiBeaconDiscovery                  = $False;
            AirPrintForceTrustedTLS                        = $False;
            AppClipsBlocked                                = $False;
            AppleNewsBlocked                               = $False;
            ApplePersonalizedAdsBlocked                    = $False;
            AppleWatchBlockPairing                         = $False;
            AppleWatchForceWristDetection                  = $False;
            ApplicationId                                  = $IntuneApplicationId;
            AppRemovalBlocked                              = $False;
            AppStoreBlockAutomaticDownloads                = $False;
            AppStoreBlocked                                = $False;
            AppStoreBlockInAppPurchases                    = $False;
            AppStoreBlockUIAppInstallation                 = $False;
            AppStoreRequirePassword                        = $False;
            AppsVisibilityListType                         = "none";
            Assignments                                    = @(
                    deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType = 'none'
                    groupDisplayName = 'DummyGroupExclude'
                    dataType = '#microsoft.graph.exclusionGroupAssignmentTarget'
                    groupId = '053dc89a-be83-411a-bad3-909904b7239e'
                    deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType = 'none'
                    groupDisplayName = 'DummyGroupInclude'
                    dataType = '#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget'
                    groupId = 'b0b8fd3f-af2a-453b-be57-80182d599f02'
            AutoFillForceAuthentication                    = $False;
            AutoUnlockBlocked                              = $False;
            BlockSystemAppRemoval                          = $False;
            BluetoothBlockModification                     = $False;
            CameraBlocked                                  = $False;
            CellularBlockDataRoaming                       = $False;
            CellularBlockGlobalBackgroundFetchWhileRoaming = $False;
            CellularBlockPerAppDataModification            = $False;
            CellularBlockPersonalHotspot                   = $False;
            CellularBlockPersonalHotspotModification       = $False;
            CellularBlockPlanModification                  = $False;
            CellularBlockVoiceRoaming                      = $False;
            CertificatesBlockUntrustedTlsCertificates      = $False;
            CertificateThumbprint                          = $IntuneCertThumbprint;
            ClassroomAppBlockRemoteScreenObservation       = $False;
            ClassroomAppForceUnpromptedScreenObservation   = $False;
            ClassroomForceAutomaticallyJoinClasses         = $False;
            ClassroomForceRequestPermissionToLeaveClasses  = $False;
            ClassroomForceUnpromptedAppAndDeviceLock       = $False;
            CompliantAppListType                           = "none";
            ConfigurationProfileBlockChanges               = $False;
            ContactsAllowManagedToUnmanagedWrite           = $False;
            ContactsAllowUnmanagedToManagedRead            = $False;
            ContinuousPathKeyboardBlocked                  = $False;
            DateAndTimeForceSetAutomatically               = $False;
            DefinitionLookupBlocked                        = $False;
            Description                                    = "Apple iOS - Device Restrictions - Standard policy";
            DeviceBlockEnableRestrictions                  = $False;
            DeviceBlockEraseContentAndSettings             = $False;
            DeviceBlockNameModification                    = $False;
            DiagnosticDataBlockSubmission                  = $False;
            DiagnosticDataBlockSubmissionModification      = $False;
            DisplayName                                    = "IntuneDeviceConfigurationPolicyiOS_1";
            DocumentsBlockManagedDocumentsInUnmanagedApps  = $True;
            DocumentsBlockUnmanagedDocumentsInManagedApps  = $False;
            Ensure                                         = "Present";
            EnterpriseAppBlockTrust                        = $False;
            EnterpriseAppBlockTrustModification            = $False;
            EnterpriseBookBlockBackup                      = $False;
            EnterpriseBookBlockMetadataSync                = $False;
            EsimBlockModification                          = $False;
            FaceTimeBlocked                                = $False;
            FilesNetworkDriveAccessBlocked                 = $False;
            FilesUsbDriveAccessBlocked                     = $False;
            FindMyDeviceInFindMyAppBlocked                 = $False;
            FindMyFriendsBlocked                           = $False;
            FindMyFriendsInFindMyAppBlocked                = $False;
            GameCenterBlocked                              = $False;
            GamingBlockGameCenterFriends                   = $False;
            GamingBlockMultiplayer                         = $False;
            HostPairingBlocked                             = $False;
            IBooksStoreBlocked                             = $False;
            IBooksStoreBlockErotica                        = $False;
            ICloudBlockActivityContinuation                = $False;
            ICloudBlockBackup                              = $False;
            ICloudBlockDocumentSync                        = $False;
            ICloudBlockManagedAppsSync                     = $True;
            ICloudBlockPhotoLibrary                        = $False;
            ICloudBlockPhotoStreamSync                     = $False;
            ICloudBlockSharedPhotoStream                   = $False;
            ICloudPrivateRelayBlocked                      = $False;
            ICloudRequireEncryptedBackup                   = $True;
            Id                                             = "ae94c080-ad75-4f1b-944d-b02bcda92c8b";
            ITunesBlocked                                  = $False;
            ITunesBlockExplicitContent                     = $False;
            ITunesBlockMusicService                        = $False;
            ITunesBlockRadio                               = $False;
            KeyboardBlockAutoCorrect                       = $False;
            KeyboardBlockDictation                         = $False;
            KeyboardBlockPredictive                        = $False;
            KeyboardBlockShortcuts                         = $False;
            KeyboardBlockSpellCheck                        = $False;
            KeychainBlockCloudSync                         = $False;
            KioskModeAllowAssistiveSpeak                   = $False;
            KioskModeAllowAssistiveTouchSettings           = $False;
            KioskModeAllowAutoLock                         = $False;
            KioskModeAllowColorInversionSettings           = $False;
            KioskModeAllowRingerSwitch                     = $False;
            KioskModeAllowScreenRotation                   = $False;
            KioskModeAllowSleepButton                      = $False;
            KioskModeAllowTouchscreen                      = $False;
            KioskModeAllowVoiceControlModification         = $False;
            KioskModeAllowVoiceOverSettings                = $False;
            KioskModeAllowVolumeButtons                    = $False;
            KioskModeAllowZoomSettings                     = $False;
            KioskModeAppType                               = "notConfigured";
            KioskModeBlockAutoLock                         = $False;
            KioskModeBlockRingerSwitch                     = $False;
            KioskModeBlockScreenRotation                   = $False;
            KioskModeBlockSleepButton                      = $False;
            KioskModeBlockTouchscreen                      = $False;
            KioskModeBlockVolumeButtons                    = $False;
            KioskModeEnableVoiceControl                    = $False;
            KioskModeRequireAssistiveTouch                 = $False;
            KioskModeRequireColorInversion                 = $False;
            KioskModeRequireMonoAudio                      = $False;
            KioskModeRequireVoiceOver                      = $False;
            KioskModeRequireZoom                           = $False;
            LockScreenBlockControlCenter                   = $False;
            LockScreenBlockNotificationView                = $True;
            LockScreenBlockPassbook                        = $False;
            LockScreenBlockTodayView                       = $False;
            ManagedPasteboardRequired                      = $False;
            MediaContentRatingApps                         = "allAllowed";
            MessagesBlocked                                = $False;
            NetworkUsageRules                              = @("
                    CellularDataBlockWhenRoaming = $False
                    ManagedApps = @()
                    CellularDataBlocked = $False
                    CellularDataBlockWhenRoaming = $False
                    ManagedApps = @()
                    CellularDataBlocked = $False
            NfcBlocked                                     = $False;
            NotificationsBlockSettingsModification         = $False;
            OnDeviceOnlyDictationForced                    = $False;
            OnDeviceOnlyTranslationForced                  = $False;
            PasscodeBlockFingerprintModification           = $False;
            PasscodeBlockFingerprintUnlock                 = $False;
            PasscodeBlockModification                      = $False;
            PasscodeBlockSimple                            = $False;
            PasscodeMinimumLength                          = 6;
            PasscodeMinutesOfInactivityBeforeLock          = 15;
            PasscodeMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout = 15;
            PasscodeRequired                               = $True;
            PasscodeRequiredType                           = "numeric";
            PasswordBlockAirDropSharing                    = $False;
            PasswordBlockAutoFill                          = $False;
            PasswordBlockProximityRequests                 = $False;
            PkiBlockOTAUpdates                             = $False;
            PodcastsBlocked                                = $False;
            PrivacyForceLimitAdTracking                    = $False;
            ProximityBlockSetupToNewDevice                 = $False;
            SafariBlockAutofill                            = $False;
            SafariBlocked                                  = $False;
            SafariBlockJavaScript                          = $False;
            SafariBlockPopups                              = $False;
            SafariCookieSettings                           = "browserDefault";
            SafariRequireFraudWarning                      = $False;
            ScreenCaptureBlocked                           = $False;
            SharedDeviceBlockTemporarySessions             = $False;
            SiriBlocked                                    = $False;
            SiriBlockedWhenLocked                          = $False;
            SiriBlockUserGeneratedContent                  = $False;
            SiriRequireProfanityFilter                     = $False;
            SoftwareUpdatesForceDelayed                    = $False;
            SpotlightBlockInternetResults                  = $False;
            TenantId                                       = $OrganizationName;
            UnpairedExternalBootToRecoveryAllowed          = $False;
            UsbRestrictedModeBlocked                       = $False;
            VoiceDialingBlocked                            = $False;
            VpnBlockCreation                               = $False;
            WallpaperBlockModification                     = $False;
            WiFiConnectOnlyToConfiguredNetworks            = $False;
            WiFiConnectToAllowedNetworksOnlyForced         = $False;
            WifiPowerOnForced                              = $False;

Verbose logs showing the problem

No response

Environment Information + PowerShell Version

Win11 / PS5.1
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