footer: © Object Computing Inc., 2018 slidenumbers: false
Ultra-Lightweight Microservices for the JVM -- by Graeme Rocher
- Creator of Grails (
- Creator of Micronaut (
- Author "The Definitive Guide to Grails"
- Former SpringSource -> VMware -> Pivotal
- Software Engineer at Object Computing (
- 2018 Oracle Groundbreaker Award Winner
- How we got here
- Microservice Challenges
- Microservice Framework Lanscape
- Micronaut Demos
- Since 2008, a lot has changed
- 10 Years is a long time in technology
- Everybody was building Monoliths
- No Angular, No React, No Docker, No Microservices
- Let's try adapt existing legacy technologies for Microservices
- Technologies like Spring, Jakarta EE etc were never optimized for low memory footprint Microservices
Shall we:
- Try and convince people that something never designed for Microservices is still ok?
- Go back to the drawing board
- Create a New Framework designed from the ground-up for Microservices and Serverless Computing
- Blazing fast startup time
- Low Memory Footprint
- As Small As Possible JAR Sizes
- Zero Dependency
- 12 Factor -
To meet this goal we performed an analysis of Spring and Grails and the challenges to using them to develop Microservice applications
Spring is an amazing technical achievement and does so many things, but does them at Runtime.
- Reads the byte code of every bean it finds
- Synthesizes new annotations for each annotation on each bean method, constructor, field etc. to support Annotation metadata
- Builds Reflective Metadata for each bean for every method, constructor, field etc.
- Frameworks based on reflection and annotations become fat
- But we love the programming model and productivity so we live with it
- So ... why should we be more efficient?
- The Android Community already solved the problem
- Ahead of Time Compilation used extensively
- Google Dagger 2.x
- Compile Time Dependency Injector
- Reflection Free
- Limited in Scope to just DI
- Designed from the ground up with Microservices in mind
- Ultra-light weight and Reactive - Based on Netty
- Uses Ahead of Time Compilation
- HTTP Client & Server
- Support for Java, Kotlin and Groovy
- Micronaut AOT
class HelloController {
String hello(String name) { return "Hello " + name; }
@Client("/") // Client Generated at Compile Time
interface HelloClient {
String hello(String name);
- Smallest Micronaut Hello World JAR is 12MB when written Java or 14MB in Groovy
- Can be run with as little as 12mb Max Heap with Kotlin or Java (22mb for Groovy)
- Startup time around a second for Kotlin or Java (a little more for Groovy)
- All Dependency Injection, AOP and Proxy generation happens at compile time
- All Dependency & Configuration Injection
- Annotation Metadata (Meta annotations)
- AOP Proxies
- Essentially all framework infrastructure
- ie. What Spring/CDI do at runtime
- Essentially, Micronaut is a AOT framework
- New Little HTTP Frameworks appearing all the time
- If all we had achieved was another HTTP server Micronaut wouldn't be very interesting
- What else does it do?
- Service Discovery - Consul, Eureka, Route 53 and Kubernetes
- Configuration Sharing - Consul Supported and Amazon ParameterStore
- Client Side Load Balancing - Integrated or Netflix Ribbon Supported
- Support for Serverless Computing; AWS Lambda, OpenFaas, Fn Supported; Azure coming
- Micronaut Pet Store
- Write Functions and Run them locally or as regular server applications
- Deploy Functions to AWS Lambda - after warm-up functions execute in milliseconds
@Field @Inject Twitter twitter
URL updateStatus(Message status) {
Status s = twitter.updateStatus(status.text)
String url = "$s.user.screenName/status/${}"
return new URL(url)
- New Polyglot VM from Oracle
- Runs JS, Java, Ruby, R etc.
- Ability to turn Java code native
- Works well when:
- Little or no runtime reflection is used
- Limited or no dynamic classloading
- You plan ahead
- You use third party libraries selectively
- Like Graal itself at the Experimental Phase
- Mirconaut AOT compilation and refection free model makes it easier
- A lot of Micronaut already working:
- HTTP Server, Client & Serverless
- Service Discovery
- DI and AOP
- Compile a Spring Boot into a Micronaut application
- Uses AOT - no runtime overhead
- IDE support improves
- Build applications that support Spring, Micronaut and Grails
- Micronaut for Spring + GraalVM
- Take the Spring programming model to new places!
- GraalVM
- Android
- Serverless
- Compile Time DI & AOP
- HTTP Client & Server
- Service Discovery
- Distributed Tracing
- Serverless Functions
- Data Access: SQL, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra etc.
- The Micronaut CLI now available via SDKman!
$ curl -s "" | bash
$ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
$ sdk install micronaut
$ mn create-app hello-world
- ~2 years of development by several OCI engineers.
- 70 contributors (19 from OCI).
- ~1300 stars on GitHub.
- Micronaut for Spring 1.0 GA
- AOT Improvements
- OpenID Connect Support
- RabbitMQ Support
- Improved Google Cloud Support
- GRPC Support
- Gitter Community:
- User Guide:
- Micronaut Guides:
- FAQ:
- Github:
- Examples:
- Loads of upcoming Events
- Checkout -
- Webinar
- Micronaut aims to provide the same wow factor for Microservices that Grails did for Monoliths
- Built by the people that made Grails, leveraging over 10 years experience in framework development
- Uses Ahead of Time Compilation to support low-memory footprint
- Micronaut 1.0 is available now