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Scala 3 plugin examples

Dotty project Directory plugin-examples\ contains Scala 3 code examples written by myself.

We present how to write/execute Scala 3 plugins in the following code examples:

  • DivideZero generates an error message when the plugin detects a division by zero.
  • ModifyPipeline
  • MultiplyOne removes a multiply operation when the plugin detects that one of the operands is 1.

🔎 As a reminder we have to perform two compilation tasks for each example:

  1. compilation of the plugin source files (e.g. target\DivideZero.jar)
  2. compilation ot the test source files with the plugin enabled/disabled.

DivideZero Example

Command build with no parameter displays the help message:

> build
Usage: build { <option> | <subcommand> }

    -debug           show commands executed by this script
    -explain         set compiler option -explain
    -explain-types   set compiler option -explain-types
    -tasty           compile both from source and TASTy files
    -timer           display total execution time
    -verbose         display progress messages

    clean            delete generated class files
    compile          compile Scala source files
    doc              generate HTML documentation
    help             display this help message
    pack             create Java archive file
    test             execute unit tests
    test:noplugin    execute unit tests with NO plugin

First let us try subcommand test:noplugin to see the output when the plugin is disabled for the test:

> build clean test:noplugin
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
        at DivideZeroTest$.main(DivideZeroTest.scala:6)
        at DivideZeroTest.main(DivideZeroTest.scala)

Command build test generates the Scala 3 plugin DivideZero.jar from source file DivideZero.scala and tests the plugin with source file DivideZeroTest.scala:

> build clean test
-- Error: W:\plugin-examples\DivideZero\src\test\scala\DivideZeroTest.scala:6:12
6 |    println(a / zero)  // error: divide by zero
  |            ^^^^^^^^
  |            divide by zero
-- Error: W:\plugin-examples\DivideZero\src\test\scala\DivideZeroTest.scala:14:12
14 |    println(i / zero)  // error: divide by zero
   |            ^^^^^^^^
   |            divide by zero
-- Error: W:\plugin-examples\DivideZero\src\test\scala\DivideZeroTest.scala:15:12
15 |    println(l / 0)     // error: divide by zero
   |            ^^^^^
   |            divide by zero
-- Error: W:\plugin-examples\DivideZero\src\test\scala\DivideZeroTest.scala:16:12
16 |    println(s / 0)     // error: divide by zero
   |            ^^^^^
   |            divide by zero
-- Error: W:\plugin-examples\DivideZero\src\test\scala\DivideZeroTest.scala:17:12
17 |    println(f / 0)     // error: divide by zero
   |            ^^^^^
   |            divide by zero
-- Error: W:\plugin-examples\DivideZero\src\test\scala\DivideZeroTest.scala:18:12
18 |    println(d / 0)     // error: divide by zero
   |            ^^^^^
   |            divide by zero
-- Error: W:\plugin-examples\DivideZero\src\test\scala\DivideZeroTest.scala:21:12
21 |    println(x / 0)     // error: divide by zero
   |            ^^^^^
   |            divide by zero
-- Error: W:\plugin-examples\DivideZero\src\test\scala\DivideZeroTest.scala:22:12
22 |    println(x / 0.0)   // error: divide by zero
   |            ^^^^^^^
   |            divide by zero
8 errors found
Error: Compilation of test Scala source files failed

🔎 We give two argument files to the Scala 3 compiler: target\test_scalac_opts.txt (compiler options) and target\test_scalac_sources.txt (source files):  

> type target\test_scala*.txt
-deprecation -feature -nowarn -Xplugin:"W:\plugin-examples\DivideZero\target\divideZero.jar" -Xplugin-require:divideZero -P:"divideZero:opt1=1" -classpath "W:\plugin-examples\DivideZero\target\classes;W:\plugin-examples\DivideZero\target\test-classes" -d "W:\plugin-examples\DivideZero\target\test-classes"

In particular we observe the usage of the two plugin options -Xplugin:<plugin_jar_file> and -Xplugin-require:<plugin_name> -P:"divideZero:opt1=1".

ModifyPipeline Example

Command build test generates the Scala 3 plugin ModifyPipeline.jar from source file ModifyPipeline.scala and tests the plugin with source file ModifyPipelineTest.scala:

> build clean test

MultiplyOne Example

Command build clean test generates the Scala 3 plugin MultiplyOne.jar from source file MultiplyOne.scala and tests the plugin with source file MultiplyOneTest.scala:

> build clean test

mics/September 2023