Notable changes to this learning project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Basic, unsecured API support.
- Split off routes into separate files.
- Flash messages that display success and error messages.
- Two new dependencies: express-session and connect-flash.
- New file structure: Task related views are in their own folder now.
- Streamlined the tasks controller and switched to better function names.
- Updated dependencies.
- Included a proper file.
- Made tasks clickable and added an "edit" link in /view/tasks.ejs.
- Task details can be displayed in a separate view now.
- Confirmation request when deleting all records from the database.
- method-override package is now a dependency.
- It is now possible to edit and update tasks.
- It is now possible to delete individual tasks.
- Using a router object for routes/etc. now.
- Navigation links are not partials.
- CSS is now correctly used with views in sub-folders.
- CSS with simple styles.
- Functionality for clearing/resetting the database.
- Rewrote the database controller.
- Updated the database model to include automated timestamps.
- "importance" property changed to "priority".
- First version of this project with basic web server and database functionality.