Downloads from OpenSuse's repo's are versioned as "continuous"
AppImage.installedVersion is now a list of installed versions
Added uninstall function
added clean function (remove old versions of a program)
- Fixed bug that caused AppImages with "Install" links instead of "Download" links to fail on pulling data, such as Joplin
Logging revisited (though a work in progress)
Ratelimit checks for GitHub API calls
Small bug in Download progress showing 4 instead of the growing downloaded amount
Refactored appimagelibrary.update to be more "functional" (use that loosely)
Uses map/filter instead of loops
Uses proper feed.json (Issue #1)
action, deprecatesscrape
better handling for issues with invalid github links
Added support for the download link being with OpenSuse mirrors
slightly cleaned up appimage downloading method, though it's not perfect
update config file formatting
Bugfix if the AppImage isn't the first download
results has better message -
rudimentary install script added
Fixed Typos in README.md
Set the Downloads directory to be in bin, with a hidden file ".apps"
Makes it easier to have the AppImages as user-specific executables
If no options are selected, show the help (though I believe argparse already does this)
uses long args because it looks "gooder"
- Initial Commit