Releases: mianalysis/mia
Releases · mianalysis/mia
Version 1.2.10
- MeasureSkeleton now applies coordinates to "skeleton" objects as well as "edge" and "junction" objects. Skeletons get the same coordinates as edges and junctions.
- Added Javadoc comments to modules and module parameters
- Added guide for running MIA in headless mode on Mac
- Added ability to manually add modules to list of available modules. This is useful when developing new modules (can add new module from main method when running from IDE).
- Updated with information about contributing
- Fixed broken links in documentation.
Version 1.2.9
- Moved documentation to separate repository. This will automatically compile after each release using GitHub Actions.
- Modified usage of SubHyperStackMaker to account for different operation in latest version of ImageJ.
- Modified test images for 16 bit intensity inversion to match current ImageJ default behaviour.
Version 1.2.8
- RelateOneToOne now has the option to only consider linking objects in the same timepoint.
- Use of BioFormats' Memoizer is now optional (controlled via Edit > Preferences) and included check for Kryo dependency. If Kryo isn't version 5.4.0 or higher, Memoizer will be automatically disabled as it would fail to run otherwise.
- Added module dependency for ApplyDeepImageJModel, specifying for now that DeepImageJ needs to be version 2.1.15 or lower. Integration with DeepImageJ version 3 and above will be added in the coming weeks (targeted for end of August 2023).
- Updated to include details of preprint and poster
Version 1.2.7
- ExtractObjectEdges now accepts object and parent object measurements as metrics for the edge width
- FilterMeasurementsByExtremes can now retain/remove N objects with the largest/smallest measurements, rather than a single object
- Added ClearOverlay module to remove any overlay components from an image
- Added MIA_RunWorkflow macro to run a workflow directly from an ImageJ macro without the need for MIA to be open
- Other general bug fixes
Version 1.2.6
- Added "Random (vibrant)" colormap for overlays
- Bugfix for splash screen on MacOS
- Other general bugfixes
Version 1.2.5
- AddLabels can now use positions from object measurements
- Added MorphoLibJ's surface area and sphericity measurements to output of MeasureObjectShape
- Added measurement outputs to RealteOneToOne
- Updated XLSX exporter dependencies so errors and warning shouldn't occur
Version 1.2.4
- Image registration modules now work with images of different resolutions. Both images are padded to the maximum width/height of either image.
Version 1.2.3
- Added bit depth as a measurement for MeasureImageDimensions
- Overlays in ManuallyIdentifyObjects now only appear in their Z-slice
- Added option to MaskObjects to remove objects left with no volume following masking
- Added alternative thresholding option to RelateManyToMany to allow linking as long as one object has a minimum overlap.
Version 1.2.2
- Added in ellipsoid fitting using a couple of BoneJ functions
- Added variable patch size for ApplyDeepImageJ
- General optimisations and bug fixes
Version 1.2.1
- Added ApplyDeepImageJModel module, which runs any DeepImageJ currently installed in Fiji on a provided image (requires DeepImageJ update site to be enabled).
- Added DistanceBands module, which creates concentric band objects around objects in a binarised image
- Added GrowObjects module, which simplifies the application of segmenting cells and cytoplasm. This can perform distance- or intensity-based watershed segmentation of a region from provided marker objects. The output objects are automatically related to their marker object.
- Added more automated tests, primarily for image processing modules.
- SaveObjectsAsROIs now includes additional options for saving objects as individual ROI files or on a per-slice basis.
- Generalised image rendering for improved compatibility with other projects that use MIA as a library.
- General bug fixes and improvements.
- Updated publications on site
Example image generated using DeepImageJ integration (model is Neuron Segmentation in EM (Membrane Prediction) by Constantin Pape)