Join data and get a report back of how well it went:
A browser-utility for performing sql-like joins on datasets. It supports reading and writing of csv, tsv, psv, *json and dbf data files.
Note: No data leaves your computer. All work is done locally in your browser.
A csv soundsystem project.
You can do joins in any number of languages and environments. I wanted something gave me an explanation of which rows found a match and which didn't and I could use it in a quick, drag-and-drop environment.
The command-line and NodeJS utility, joiner, does the joining and diff reporting. This site provides the nice web interface.
No. All your data remains locally on your computer. The processing is handled 100 percent on your machine.
Yes! You can click into a cell to edit the value directly or click the X to the right to exclude an entire row. If you exclude a row by mistake, click on the arrow that appears in its place to undo.
You can try the command-line version of the library this uses: Joiner.
Here is a collection of other tools that let you do joins:
This site and the joiner utility was inspired by Noah Veltman's
Trash Can by Ben Iconator from the Noun Project Download by Numero Uno from the Noun Project Sort Ascending by Travis Avery from the Noun Project Sort Descending by Travis Avery from the Noun Project