- http://misko.hevery.com
- @mhevery
The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
Helper CLIs for dealing with Markdown routes in Qwik City apps.
Translate your Qwik apps into any language
🥯Papanasi is the Frontend UI library to use cross Frameworks. A set of components to use in Angular, Preact, Qwik, React, Solid, Svelte, Vue and Web Components
OctoPrint is the snappy web interface for your 3D printer!
Relocate resource intensive third-party scripts off of the main thread and into a web worker. 🎉
Instant-loading web apps, without effort
Carnivorous eating, paleolithic ketogenic diet and medicine, and zero carb lifestyle. Don’t bother with vegetables. Just eat meat.
Dart version of "AngularJS Phone Catalog Tutorial"
Traceur is a JavaScript.next-to-JavaScript-of-today compiler
mhevery / testacular
Forked from karma-runner/karmaRemote JS execution in multiple browsers / without browser...
Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript
mhevery / ng-slides
Forked from IgorMinar/ng-slidesSlides library written with AngularJS
Helping you select a JavaScript framework - Todo apps for React.js, Angular, Vue and many more
An index of modern JavaScript. Helps you pick the right tool for the job.
Asyncronous JavaScript loader and dependency manager
mhevery / angular-phonecat
Forked from IgorMinar/angular-phonecatTutorial repository of an angular application
mhevery / mustache.js
Forked from janl/mustache.jsMinimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript
mhevery / mustache
Forked from mustache/mustacheLogic-less Ruby templates.