🤝 All contributions are welcome
If you encounter a bug or unexpected behavior when using this package please create an issue and prefix the issue title with bug:
and add the bug label.
Example title:
bug: lorem ipsum
The main goal of this project is to provide automatic mocking for all of the OpenAI API endpoints. If an endpoint or specific feature/behavior of an endpoint is currently not supported, chances are that it's already on the roadmap. If you don't find the feature you need already in the issues please add a new issue and prefix the title with feat:
and add the enhancement label.
Example title:
feat: lorem ipsum
The roadmap is just a ranking of the currently open issues and no hard dates are set at this point for any fix or new feature.
I have added version release milestones to some of the issues to give a sense of what is coming in what order. View milestones here.
I (Michael) am the BDFL of the project and can and will arbitrarily rank issues according to my own needs (and those of my employer) but for the most part I try to evaluate priority of issues based on an Impact-Effort Analysis.
This project uses Poetry to manage the Python environment, Black to format code, and mypy to run static analysis. Please make sure your environment is setup with these enabled.
To make sure everything is working correctly, make sure you have Poetry installed, then install the dependencies, and then run tox.
pipx install poetry==1.8 # if not already installed
poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true # recommended
poetry install --with dev # install deps including development deps
poetry shell # activate venv
tox run # run lint, static analysis, unit tests, and examples