This is the source data for my personal website, hosted at
It uses jekyll ( to generate the website files from templates and raw content. It uses s3_website ( to publish new revisions of the website.
Install a non-system version of ruby:
brew install ruby
which ruby # it should be something other than /usr/bin/ruby
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"
Install dependencies:
bundle install
Start up a local server to preview the website:
bundle exec jekyll serve
Publish the website:
bundle exec jekyll build # generate the website in the `_site` directory
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v1.8)
s3_website push --dry-run
s3_website push # push the changes to the s3 bucket where the files are hosted
- the AWS credentials are stored in the (gitignore'd) file
. - the jekyll master config is
. - the domain name was purchased through Godaddy.
- the DNS, SSL, and CDN were all configured through AWS (Route 53, ACM, and Cloudfront respectively) per the instructions at
- DNS in GoDaddy is deferred to Route 53 using "custom nameservers" that were copy/pasted from the Route 53 NS entries.
- DNS in Route 53 is configured to point to my Cloudfront distribution.
- SSL is managed by using Route 53 to point to the certificate in ACM; the same is done in the Cloudfront distribution.
- CDN is managed by having the Cloudfront distribution point to the S3 buckets.