fixup builtin.kill.jobs.test and other timing dependent tasks to be a little slower (on travis at least)
use travis to automate all testing, collect results nightly, auto-deploy
- shells: smoosh bash dash yash zsh still need to install: osh? fish CoLiS ksh?
- run our tests
- smoosh suite
- modernish
- POSIX test suite
- automatically export reports
- smoosh test suite
- modernish
- POSIX (test journal summaries, timing)
add oil
ulimit id:[email protected]
check opendir behavior id:[email protected]
check bg/fg behavior id:[email protected]
absurd job control issues id:[email protected]
fix bracket/slash "characters in the pattern shall be identified before bracket expressions; thus, a / cannot be included in a pattern bracket expression used for filename expansion" S 2.13.3
add other utilities to testing
# cd command echo false getopts kill printf pwd read sh test true wait
# ^awk ^basename ^bc ^cat ^cd ^chgrp ^chmod ^chown ^cksum ^cmp ^comm
# ^command ^cp ^cut ^date ^dd ^diff ^dirname ^echo ^ed ^env ^expr
# ^false ^find ^fold ^getconf ^getopts ^grep ^head ^id ^join ^kill
# ^ln ^locale ^localedef ^logger ^logname ^lp ^ls ^mailx ^mkdir
# ^mkfifo ^mv ^nohup ^od ^paste ^pathchk ^pax ^pr ^printf ^pwd
# ^read ^rm ^rmdir ^sed ^sh ^sleep ^sort ^stty ^tail ^tee ^test ^touch
# ^tr ^true ^tty ^umask ^uname ^uniq ^wait ^wc ^xargs
$$ not installed for symbolic shell but PPID is trickiness: $$ is unchanged in subshells, which can signal the top-level need to carefully hold on to such signals use procs heavily. initialize things with main shell in proc 0 change shim to send over the full OS state, including the proc list render all of the live procs side by side collapse all but the main shell and the active proc?
bools are technical debt
generalize tc_setfg use in job control to pull code out of system.ml
non-special shell variables LINENO ENV (interactive only)
faithful handling of PATH_MAX
tests from oils-for-unix/oils#706 (comment)
pretty printing put single quotes around fields that have WS in them -
bare redirects cf. https://mail-index.netbsd.org/tech-userlevel/2018/11/24/msg011468.html via David Holland
https://www.spinics.net/lists/dash/msg01766.html my solution was to make
not actually break things... is that right? or is there something deeper going on here? -
"A trap on EXIT shall be executed before the shell terminates, except when the exit utility is invoked in that trap itself, in which case the shell shall exit immediately."
refactor semantics.lem to use is_terminating_control don't immediately step! Break _n -> Done
use monads (better parsing, etc.)
re-align shim.ml and libdash's ast.ml
expansion: make null more explicit... simplify matches?
collapse logic for tracing to there's just one eval function
- split out
... but also uselog_step
in the middle
- split out
there's some serious technical debt around triggering expansion within commands. need a uniform set of options/modes so that our congruences can be cleaner
- JS/webpage
- nicer way to edit the environment and home directories
- way to configure fs interactions w/dash parser and host fs way to explore FS
- set STDIN
- use syntax highlighting in editor window
- favicon
- cleaner handling of environment, etc. add positional variables to display only show what changed
- presets
- more shell info
- use a JS contracts/types library (TypeScript?)
- pretty printer for JSON output
- use Morbig morsmall/our AST alignment?
- use OSH
test on a variety of scripts! http://www.oilshell.org/release/0.6.0/test/wild.wwz/
OSS fuzz; fuzz a variety of shells http://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html#fuzz-target https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz https://github.com/google/fuzzer-test-suite/blob/master/tutorial/libFuzzerTutorial.md https://blog.trailofbits.com/2018/10/05/how-to-spot-good-fuzzing-research/
generate symbolic results of unknown executables
better server support
- SSL https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11589636/enable-https-in-a-rails-app-on-a-thin-server https://alessandrominali.github.io/sinatra_ssl https://certbot.eff.org/lets-encrypt/debianstretch-other.html
- postback JS errors to the server
- auto-pull and rebuild from a production branch use docker-compose to make the reload process simpler identify revision in web-server
move to int64 there are almost certainly some bugs around the POSIX spec is it in-spec to have a shell with bignum?
proper locale support
simplify scheduler explicit calls to indicate a desire for something else to be scheduled? can we drop the
dependency in OS? -
symbolic pathname expansion
support for nondeterminism
per Ryan Culpepper: controlling dynamic extents to restrict phases. Ralf &co are more or less doing this with their restriction on aliases
- errexit
I wonder how many scripts would break if you changed the semantics of errexit-disabling (EV_EXIT/CMD_IGNORE_RETURN/whatever) so that it only had effect on a syntactic command, not the entire dynamic extent of a command.
function defns must be compound commands
f() echo "$@"; f hi
vsf() if true; then echo "$@"; fi; f hi
(but not in dash, zsh, ksh, ksh parser) -
fc -l
print thefc -l
itself? -
what do shells do with PS1=${NEVERSET-$(cmd)}? or PS1=${PS1+$(cmd)}
what is the notion of job/forking? id:[email protected]
Bash "If parameter is '*' or '@', the result of the expansion is unspecified." weird choice in bash:
set -- 'a b' 'c' 'd'
echo ${#*}
is also not _really_ a bug