/** * @license * Copyright 2022 Marco Fucci di Napoli (mfucci@gmail.com) * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ import { ARecord, DnsCodec, MessageType, PtrRecord, Record, RecordType, SrvRecord, TxtRecord } from "../codec/DnsCodec"; import { Fabric } from "../fabric/Fabric"; import { getIpMacAddresses, getIpMacOnInterface } from "../util/Network"; import { UdpMulticastServer } from "../util/Udp"; const MDNS_BROADCAST_IP = ""; const MDNS_BROADCAST_PORT = 5353; const SERVICE_DISCOVERY_QNAME = "_services._dns-sd._udp.local"; const MATTER_SERVICE_QNAME = "_matter._tcp.local"; const MATTER_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_QNAME = "_matterc._udp.local"; export class MdnsServer { static async create() { const multicastServer = await UdpMulticastServer.create(MDNS_BROADCAST_IP, MDNS_BROADCAST_PORT); return new MdnsServer(multicastServer); } constructor( private readonly multicastServer: UdpMulticastServer, ) { multicastServer.onMessage((message, remoteIp) => this.handleDnsMessage(message, remoteIp)); const myQname = `nodematterdevice.${MATTER_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_QNAME}`; this.records.push.apply(this.records, [ () => PtrRecord(SERVICE_DISCOVERY_QNAME, MATTER_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_QNAME), () => PtrRecord(MATTER_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_QNAME, myQname), (ip, hostname) => ARecord(hostname, ip), // TODO: support IPv6 // AAAARecord(this.localHostname, "fe80::9580:b733:6f54:9f43"), // TODO: the Matter port should not be hardcoded here (ip, hostname) => SrvRecord(myQname, {priority: 0, weight: 0, port: 5540, target: hostname }), () => TxtRecord(myQname, ["CM=1"]), ]); this.announce(); } private readonly records = new Array<(ip: string, hostname: string) => Record>(); private handleDnsMessage(messageBytes: Buffer, remoteIp: string) { // No need to process the DNS message if there are no records to serve if (this.records.length === 0) return; const message = DnsCodec.decode(messageBytes); if (message.messageType !== MessageType.Query) return; const {ip, mac} = getIpMacOnInterface(remoteIp); const records = this.computeRecords(ip, mac); const answers = message.queries.flatMap(query => this.queryRecords(query, records)); if (answers.length === 0) return; const additionalRecords = records.filter(record => !answers.includes(record)); this.multicastServer.send(ip, DnsCodec.encode({ answers, additionalRecords })); } addRecordsForFabric(fabric: Fabric) { const nodeIdBuffer = Buffer.alloc(8); nodeIdBuffer.writeBigUInt64BE(BigInt(fabric.nodeId)); const nodeId = nodeIdBuffer.toString("hex").toUpperCase(); const fabricId = fabric.operationalId.toString("hex").toUpperCase(); const fabricQname = `_I${fabricId}._sub.${MATTER_SERVICE_QNAME}`; const deviceMatterQname = `${fabricId}-${nodeId}.${MATTER_SERVICE_QNAME}`; this.records.length = 1; this.records.push.apply(this.records, [ () => PtrRecord(SERVICE_DISCOVERY_QNAME, MATTER_SERVICE_QNAME), () => PtrRecord(SERVICE_DISCOVERY_QNAME, fabricQname), () => PtrRecord(MATTER_SERVICE_QNAME, deviceMatterQname), () => PtrRecord(fabricQname, deviceMatterQname), (ip, hostname) => ARecord(hostname, ip), // TODO: support IPv6 // AAAARecord(this.localHostname, "fe80::9580:b733:6f54:9f43"), // TODO: the Matter port should not be hardcoded here (ip, hostname) => SrvRecord(deviceMatterQname, {priority: 0, weight: 0, port: 5540, target: hostname }), () => TxtRecord(deviceMatterQname, ["SII=5000", "SAI=300", "T=1"]), ]); } async announce() { await Promise.all(getIpMacAddresses().map(({ip, mac}) => { const records = this.computeRecords(ip, mac); const answers = records.filter(({recordType}) => recordType === RecordType.PTR); const additionalRecords = records.filter(({recordType}) => recordType !== RecordType.PTR); return this.multicastServer.send(ip, DnsCodec.encode({ answers, additionalRecords })); })); } private queryRecords({name, recordType}: {name: string, recordType: RecordType}, records: Record[]) { if (recordType === RecordType.ANY) { return records.filter(record => record.name === name); } else { return records.filter(record => record.name === name && record.recordType === recordType); } } private computeRecords(ip: string, mac: string) { const hostname = mac.replace(/:/g, "").toUpperCase() + "0000.local"; return this.records.map(recordProvider => recordProvider(ip, hostname)); } }