Releases: mfridman/tparse
- a3477fb: Add package to -coverpkg in CI (@mfridman)
- 9e340ce: Add support for sorting table output by cover, elapsed (#70) (@joestringer)
- c26c97f: Add tests for sorting packages (#74) (@joestringer)
- 41a62ef: Improve coverage display in package table summary (#68) (@mfridman)
- e2da1ad: Improve markdown output formatting (#75) (@mfridman)
ea5bd10 Fix pulse comment
bcae63f Merge branch 'master' into pulse
76a0846 Merge pull request #35 from egonelbre/dont-group-slow
1e6a0f4 Merge pull request #36 from egonelbre/pulse
ee325f8 Minor updates to Makefile and CI
65f09e3 add missing flag description
4ad6f01 don't group slow tests
9706ab2 implement pulse
4fd4120 make sure it doesn't stall without specifying interval
b60651f remove unneeded variables
97f23d9 Add simple Makefile
3737a46 Add basic flag support
5239397 Add screenshot as example
3fb372f Add travis support
d7a97f6 Adds exit code if >0 packages has failed
fae5be4 Adds flag to display packages with no tests
bfe0e27 Adds goreleaser
f6acb01 Adds support for panicking tests
b1288ed Adds vendor directory
1b09a8d Clean up exit codes and usage func
198f96b Code cleanup; update comments and TODOs
8579f17 Create LICENSE (#1)
9f3a6f3 Delete passing.png
fc3fa5f Fixes #2; support packages with no tests
caf57f3 Fixes #3; adds coverage support
48d8fea Fixes #4; capture cached packages
8df5304 Fixes #6, support panicking tets
18d1a35 Fixes #8; lazy scan until event found. Adds tee reader
cfa2751 Fixes named pipe bug with flags; updates readme usage
9254ae0 Improve formatting of failes tests
e925364 Improves error output for JSON decoding
5a5fd4e Minor changes to internal reader
6ad1489 Minor updates
ecfff5b Refactor tests
52090a5 Remove redundant package methods
8df6013 Removes TODO, moved to github issue
0eeb233 Update readme
29b2666 Update readme
dd2f245 Update readme; improve comments
60a4700 Update screenshot
2205e1a Update travis to use tparse
5d8770e Update travis, remove hardcoded version
6bb7988 Updates comments and todos
135f840 Updates readme images
0239626 Updates readme with travis badge
8f0efcd git init
0ab6822 go mod init