This repository hosts the Open Liberty Operator to be used in Kubernetes clusters.
Current image in Docker Hub: openliberty/operator:0.0.1
Fetch a Linux VM
Download and unpack oc client
tar -zxvf <tar.gz>
- you get the
client andkubectl
client with this. You should add these into yourPATH
- you get the
Start OKD cluster (5-10 minutes):
oc cluster up --public-hostname=<hostNameorIP> --skip-registry-check=true
- You should see some information about how to reach your Web Console, etc
oc login -u system:admin
Install Operator artifacts
git clone
cd open-liberty-operator
kubectl apply -f olm/open-liberty-crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/role.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/operator.yaml
Install security
- For OpenShift install SCC
kubectl apply -f deploy/ibm-open-liberty-scc.yaml --validate=false
oc adm policy add-scc-to-group ibm-open-liberty-scc system:serviceaccounts:<namespace>
Update <namespace> with the appropriate namespace
- For IBM Cloud Private install PSP
kubectl apply -f deploy/ibm-open-liberty-psp.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/ibm-open-liberty-cr.yaml
edit deploy/ibm-open-liberty-rb.yaml and update NAMESPACE with the appropriate namespace
kubectl create -f deploy/ibm-open-liberty-rb.yaml -n <namespace>
Update <namespace> with the appropriate namespace
- For OpenShift install SCC
Test Operator with default CR
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/full_cr.yaml
Bringing down the cluster:
oc cluster down
rm -rf <oc/openshift.local.clusterup>
- If you get an error about a busy device, reboot the VM, and re-run rm -rf
For an example on how to deploy an application see Deploying An Application.