sudo apt install python3 python3-pip pipenv
pipenv shell
pipenv install
Whenever you enter, run pipenv shell
to get the pipenv dependencies. Call python3 path/to/dir/
to run an experiment on the average path length of graphs with rising number of nodes. It will save the output diagram to the specified path, together with a log file.
To create a Wattz-Strogatz random graph, just call RandomGraph(n, k, p)
. The average path length will then be saved as graph.average_path_length
, the clustering coefficient will be saved as graph.clustering_coefficient
. These values are lazy intialized, so that only the computation for the needed metrics are done.
For comparison, you can call graph.get_average_path_length()
and graph.get_clustering_coefficient()
, which calls the NetworkX alogrithms for the problem. Note that for big values for n, the operations will take some time. The average degree is saved as graph.average_degree
. You can use tail -f path/gg.log
to get quasi output for the logging.