+ #!/bin/bash
+ echo "METLO_ADDR=http://{"<"}YOUR_METLO_HOST{">"}
+ :8081" {">>"} /opt/metlo/credentials
+ echo "METLO_KEY={"<"}YOUR_METLO_API_KEY{">"}"{">>"}
+ /opt/metlo/credentials
+ sudo systemctl enable metlo-ingestor.service
+ sudo systemctl start metlo-ingestor.service
+ $ npm i -g @metlo/cli
+ $ metlo traffic-mirror aws
+ ✔ Select your AWS region · us-west-2 ✔
+ Enter your AWS Access Key ID · {""}
+ ✔ Enter your AWS Secret Access Key ·
+ {" "}
+ Verifying Keys...
+ Success!
+ ✔ What type of source do you want to mirror? · instance
+ ✔ Enter the id of your source ·i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+ Finding Source...
+ Success!
+ ✔ Enter the id of your Metlo Mirroring Instance: ·
+ i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+ Creating Mirror Session
+ ... Success!
+ $ export PROJECT_ID={'"<'}YOUR_PROJECT_ID{'>"'}
+ $ gcloud compute instances create metlo-api-security
+ --image-family=metlo-api-security --image-project=metlo-security
+ --project=$PROJECT_ID --machine-type e2-standard-2
+ {" "}
+ $ sudo metlo start
+ $ npm i -g @metlo/cli
+ $ metlo traffic-mirror gcp
+ ✔ GCP Project Name · metlo-security
+ ✔ GCP Network to mirror · default
+ ✔ Select your GCP zone · us-central1-a
+ ✔ Path to GCP key file ·{"<"}PATH TO GCP KEY FILE{">"}
+ ✔ Validated account details
+ Validated account details succesfully
+ ✔ Select your mirror source type · SUBNET
+ ✔ Enter the mirror source subnet name · default
+ ✔ Verified mirror source details
+ ✔ Created destination subnet
+ ✔ Created Firewall rule
+ ✔ Obtained router details
+ ✔ Mirror Instance Type · e2-standard-2
+ ✔ Metlo URL · {"<"}METLO_URL_HERE{">"}
+ ✔ Metlo API Key · {"<"}METLO_API_KEY_HERE{">"}
+ ✔ Created MIG for metlo
+ ✔ Created health check
+ ✔ Creating Backend service for packet mirroring
+ ✔ Created load balancer
+ ✔ Started packet mirroring
+ dependencies {"{"}
+ ....
+ implementation com.metlo.spring: 0.3
+ {"}"}
+ <dependencies>
+ ....
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>
+ com.metlo
+ </groupId>
+ <artifactId>
+ spring
+ </artifactId>
+ <version>
+ 0.3
+ </version>
+ <scope>
+ compile
+ </scope>
+ </dependency>
+ </dependencies>
+ + Metlo for Spring/Boot provides a lightweight filter for spring based + applications and can be included as any other filter would. The filter + needs to be provided with the METLO collector url, and the METLO API Key + as parameters. +
+ package com.example.demo;
+ import
+ org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.FilterRegistrationBean;
+ import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
+ import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
+ {"//"} Metlo imported here
+ import com.metlo.spring.Metlo;
+ @Configuration
+ public class FilterConfig {"{"}
+ @Bean
+ public FilterRegistrationBean<Metlo> loggingFilter() {"{"}
+ FilterRegistrationBean<Metlo> registrationBean = new
+ FilterRegistrationBean<>(); // Metlo registered as a
+ filter
+ here registrationBean.setFilter(new
+ Metlo("http://<YOUR_METLO_ADDRESS>:8081","<YOUR_METLO_API_KEY>");
+ registrationBean.setOrder(2); return registrationBean;
+ {"}"}
+ {"}"}
+ + Metlo rate limits itself to 10 requests/s by default. In case the system + has the capacity to handle more and/or a larger number of traces needs + to be reported for some reason, that can be customised in the + constructor with the signature: +
+ public Metlo( String host, String api_key, Integer rps)
+ npm
by running
+ npm install melto
+ yarn
by running
+ yarn add metlo
+ var metlo = require("metlo")
+ metlo({"<"}YOUR_METLO_API_KEY{">, <"}
+ $ pip install metlo
+ ...,
+ "metlo.django.MetloDjango",
+ ]
+ METLO_CONFIG = {"{"}
+ "API_KEY":
+ {""},
+ {""}
+ {"}"}
+ from flask import Flask
+ from metlo.flask import MetloFlask
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+ MetloFlask(app, {'"<'}YOUR_METLO_COLLECTOR_URL{'>", "<'}
+ MetloFlask(app, {'"<'}YOUR_METLO_COLLECTOR_URL{'>", "<'}
+ YOUR_METLO_API_KEY{'>",'} workers={'"<'}WORKER-COUNT{'>"'})