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Releases: meshtastic/python

Meshtastic Python 2.3.3

29 Mar 16:31
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 2.3.2.post1...2.3.3

Note: As in past releases, the windows binary has been removed due to an issue with being detected as malware. Additionally, the ubuntu binary is known to not work as desired on older versions that may not have the expected version of glibc. In both cases, try installing using pip instead until fixes can be made.

Meshtastic Python 2.3.2.post1

25 Mar 21:15
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This release is a fix for a build error with 2.3.2.

What's Changed (since 2.3.1)

  • Add a rudimentary call for contributors & roadmap to by @ianmcorvidae in #523
  • Fix up or comment out broken tests, to get CI (hopefully) happy by @ianmcorvidae in #524
  • the --sendping option has been removed from the CLI, as the firmware feature it depends on has been removed
  • updated protobuf generation for nanopb.proto

Full Changelog: 2.3.1...2.3.2.post1

Note: There is an outstanding bug with the meshtastic_ubuntu build on older versions of ubuntu, and it may not work. For now, ensure you have at least python 3.7 (but preferably newer) and install with pip instead, if the built version doesn't work for you.

Meshtastic Python 2.3.1

21 Mar 12:47
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What's Changed

  • Attempt TCP connection to localhost if serial detect fails by @jp-bennett in #498
  • Make BLE connections a bit more resilient by @wnagele in #503
  • Show unknown nodes in a fashion similar to the web UI. Fixes #504 by @ianmcorvidae in #505
  • Make --ch-set with invalid options print out the available options by @ianmcorvidae in #509
  • Set --ch-index to a newly added channel when --ch-add is set, to allow further modification by @ianmcorvidae in #508
  • use importlib.metadata and packaging.version instead of pkg_resources by @ianmcorvidae in #516
  • Pylint wrangling by @ianmcorvidae in #517

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.3.0...2.3.1

Meshtastic Python 2.3.0

11 Mar 17:43
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.2.22...2.3.0

Meshtastic Python 2.2.22

17 Feb 02:17
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Meshtastic Python 2.2.21

12 Feb 17:03
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.2.20...2.2.21

Meshtastic Python 2.2.20

01 Feb 14:27
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What's Changed

  • Extend timeout for slow devices like pi zero by @bmidgley in #483

Full Changelog: 2.2.19...2.2.20

Meshtastic Python 2.2.19

18 Jan 14:15
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.2.18...2.2.19

Meshtastic Python 2.2.18

16 Jan 16:40
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.2.17...2.2.18

Meshtastic Python 2.2.17

06 Jan 12:26
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 2.2.16...2.2.17