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port functional version of partitions-M algorithm #116

sritchie opened this issue Mar 17, 2023 · 5 comments

port functional version of partitions-M algorithm #116

sritchie opened this issue Mar 17, 2023 · 5 comments


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notes on a working version:

;;;;;; Partitions - [Algorithm M](

;; In Algorithm M, the idea is to find the partitions of a list of items that
;; may contain duplicates. Within the algorithm, the collections are stored
;; as "multisets," which are maps that map items to their frequency. (keyval
;; pairs with a value of 0 are not included.) Note that in this algorithm, the
;; multisets not are stored as maps, but all multisets are stored together
;; across multiple vectors.

;; Here is what the internal vectors/variables will look like when the algorithm
;; is visiting the partition ([1 1 2 2 2] [1 2] [1]):

;; TODO make clear that the f row is totally wrong here??

;; c[i] =      1 2|1 2|1
;; v[i] =      2 3|1 1|1
;; u[i] =      4 4|2 1|1
;; ---------------------------
;;    i =      0 1 2 3 4 5
;; f[x]=i:     0   1   2 3
;; l = 2
;; n = 8
;; m = 2

;; You can think of (c,v) and (c,u) as the (keys,vals) pairs of two multisets.
;; u[i] represents how many c[i]'s were left before choosing the v values for the current partition.
;; (Note that v[i] could be 0 if u[i] is not 0.)
;; f[x] says where to begin looking in c, u, and v, to find information about the xth partition.
;; l is the number of partitions minus one.
;; n is the total amount of all items (including duplicates).
;; m is the total amount of distinct items.

;; During the algorithm, a and b are temporary variables that end up as f(l) and
;; f(l+1). In other words, they represent the boundaries of the "workspace" of
;; the most recently written-out partition.
;; NOTE this now makes sense... they are the bounds of the current one that
;; we're working on?

(declare m2 m5 m6)

(def !counter (atom -1))

(defn- multiset-partitions-M
  ;; NOTE that this first arity is only ever called from the start.
  ([multiset r s] ;; M1
   ;; TODO we already know N... just pass it??
   (let [;; the number of distinct items.
         m (count multiset)

         ;; NOTE `f` consists of indices of the STARTS of each of the pieces of
         ;; the partition being considered. So here we start with 0, and
         ;; probably we could rewrite this shit to not have the final element.
         ;; But let's see how it goes.
         f [0 m]
         c []
         u []
         v []
         ;; NOTE that this is the initialization. These vectors will grow over
         ;; time, as new values are assoc'd into the next spots.
         ;; NOTE `c` ends up as the keys, it's just the range. u and v end up as the values.
         [c u v] (loop [j 0, c c, u u, v v]
                   (if (= j m)
                     [c u v]
                     (let [j+1   (inc j)
                           j+1-v (multiset j+1)]
                       (recur j+1
                              (assoc c j j+1)
                              (assoc u j j+1-v)
                              (assoc v j j+1-v)))))]
     (reset! !counter -1)
     (multiset-partitions-M f c u v r s)))
  ;;`r` and `s` are the max and min bounds, respectively
  ([f c u v r s]
   (prn c u v)
   ;; "At this point we want to find all partitions of the vector u in the
   ;; current frame, into parts that are lexicographically < v. First we will
   ;; use v itself."

   ;; so in this loop, we are starting with the current frame, and writing a NEW
   ;; frame to the right.
   (let [n-blocks      (dec (count f))
         [f' c' u' v'] (m2 f c u v)]
       ;; Did we march forward?
       (> (count f') (count f))
       (if (and r (= n-blocks r))
         (m5 f c u v r s)
         (recur f' c' u' v' r s))

       ;; Did we NOT march forward, but we don't have enough blocks yet?
       (and s (< n-blocks s))
       (do (swap! !counter inc)
           (m5 f c u v r s))

        (let [part (for [[p q] (partition 2 1 f)]
                     ;; TODO recover the zero filter?
                     (zipmap (subvec c p q)
                             (subvec v p q)))]
          (cons part (m5 f c u v r s))))))))

;; WTF... okay, so
(defn- m2
  "Figure out the next partition conj-ed onto the end, AND choose the `v`!"
  [f c u v]
  ;; Remember, `a` and `b` are the bounds of the current stack frame. So we are
  ;; going to roll through the `subvec` from a to b-1, writing something new
  ;; from `b` onward. It would be more "functional" to build the new thing vs
  ;; writing it on the end, at least conj-ing it??
  ;; NOTE we are setting the new row of `u` by subtracting the current `v` from
  ;; the current `u` to add a new partition. Then we set the new `v` by either
  ;; copying over the old one, or copying `u`.
  (let [a (peek (pop f))
        b (peek f)]
    ;; The assumption is obviously that you are going to hit a 0 through
    ;; subtraction ONLY, and then you are going to wipe out all of the zeros to
    ;; the right of that.
    ;; Leading zeros should not matter.
    #_(assert (not (zero? (v a))))
    (loop [j a
           k b
           leading? true
           v-changed? false
           c c
           u u
           v v]
        ;; This fix should work...
        #_#_(and leading?
                 (< j b)
                 (try (zero? (v j))
                      (catch Exception _ (prn f c u v) (throw _))))
        (recur (inc j) k true v-changed? c u v)

        (< j b)
        (let [vj (v j)
              uk (- (u j) vj)]
          (if (zero? uk)
            (recur (inc j) k false true c u v)
            (let [c (assoc c k (c j))
                  u (assoc u k uk)
                  v (assoc v k (if v-changed?
                                 (min uk vj)))
                  v-changed? (or v-changed? (< uk vj))]
              (recur (inc j) (inc k) false v-changed? c u v))))

        (let [f' (if (or (= k b)
                         (every? zero? (subvec v b k)))
                   (conj f k))]
          [f' c u v])))))

;; SO IF you have a prefix of zeros... then the first

;; So once `changed?` becomes true, it can never go unchanged again.

(defn- m5 [f c u v r s]
  (let [a  (peek (pop f))
        ;; TODO replace with `(count c)` don't keep final one!
        b  (peek f)
        l (- (count f) 2) ;; index of second-to-last elem
        ;; Also assumes no fully zero entries.
        j (loop [j (dec b)]
            ;; Go backwards to the first non-zero j entry, starting with `(dec
            ;; b)`.
            (if (zero? (v j))
              (recur (dec j))
    ;; We are in the LAST partition of the bunch; given a limit, restricting
    ;; ourselves to the case where we are dealing with a set of a SINGLE
    ;; element... (= j a)
    ;; The first predicate says, given that we are a single-elem set, if we
    ;; decrement, is `m2` going to make a bunch of stuff automatically that we
    ;; are going to end up skipping? Nice optimization...

    ;; The second predicate says, are we in a singleton? skip too.
    (when-not (= (v j) 1)
      (prn "remaining in set:   " (u j))
      (prn "budget:             " (- r l))
      (prn "if we dec m2 makes: " (> (quot (u j) (dec (v j)))
                                     (- r l)))
      ;; which equals...
      (prn "skip?               " (< (* (dec (v j)) (- r l))
                                     (u j))))
    ;; TODO SO what is the equivalent thing to do for minimums??
    ;; Well, if you don't yet have enough, you can predict what is going to
    ;; happen and see if it leads to a place greater than the minimums. What he
    ;; is doing, I think, is reshuffling the remaining amounts so that he
    ;; DEFINITELY generates something beyond the mins.
      ;; OKAY so the first check is, am I going to create a tail of singletons
      ;; that are going to be immediately trimmed off? I was trying to prevent
      ;; anything beyond that size from ever getting generated. but that is a
      ;; failure, I think, since you might need to generate a ton then trim off
      ;; the ends...
      (and (= j a)
           (or (= (v j) 1)
               (and r
                    (let [new-val (dec (v j))
                          uj      (u j)]
                      ;; (inc l) is the # of partitions
                      ;; (dec ...) is the number of new. cancels out of course.
                      (> (+ (inc l)
                            (dec (quot uj new-val)))
      (if (zero? l)
        (recur (pop f)
               (subvec c 0 a)
               (subvec u 0 a)
               (subvec v 0 a)

      ;; Decrement `v_j` and set all remaining elements in THIS partition to
      ;; `u`. NOTE: Every time you adjust `v_j` in any capacity, you set the
      ;; rest of the partition to `u`.
      (let [v      (update v j dec)
            prefix (subvec v 0 (inc j))
            v      (into prefix (subvec u (inc j)))
            amount-to-dec (if s
                            (let [diff-uv (apply + (for [i (range a (inc j))]
                                                     (- (u i) (v i))))
                                  min-partitions-left (- s (inc l))]
                              (prn "hi: " u v (- min-partitions-left diff-uv))
                              (max 0 (- min-partitions-left diff-uv)))
            ;; So we are taking a single decrement... and we are then saying,
            ;; 1. how many are left to allocate of these element types
            v (if (zero? amount-to-dec)
                ;; go back from the end of the partition... now remember we have
                ;; a fixed `u` budget and we are deciding what set we'd like to
                ;; pull. USUALLY we just decrement, which ends up, say, pulling
                ;; out that single element into its own thing.
                ;; Here we are doing that... but then we are additionally
                ;; modifying that `v`.
                ;; The partition came in something like u=[2 2 2] and v=[2 1 0].
                ;; The DIFFERENCE here is going to be the next `row`, ie, the
                ;; set of leftovers available after this partition gets served.
                ;; So when we subtract from there - `diff-uv` is the cardinality
                ;; of the block... like if we kept decrementing like `m5` we'd
                ;; be subtracting off these nonzero elems.
                (loop [k-1    (dec b)
                       v      v
                       amount amount-to-dec]
                  (let [vk (v k-1)]
                    (if (> amount vk)
                      (recur (dec k-1)
                             (assoc v k-1 0)
                             (- amount vk))
                      (assoc v k-1 (- vk amount))))))]
        ;; Here is the fix.
        (if (zero? (v a))
          (recur (pop f)
                 (subvec c 0 a)
                 (subvec u 0 a)
                 (subvec v 0 a)
          (multiset-partitions-M f c u v r s))))))

(defn items->multiset
  "returns [ditems, multiset]"
  (let [freqs  (frequencies items)
        ditems (into [] (distinct) items)]
    [ditems (into {} (map-indexed
                      (fn [i item]
                        (let [j (inc i)]
                          [j (freqs item)])))

(defn multiset->items
  "Returns the items."
  [ditems mset]
  (into [] (mapcat
            (fn [[i n]]
              (repeat n (ditems (dec i)))))

(defn- partitions-M
  [items & {from :min to :max}]
  (let [N (count items)]
    (if (= N 0)
      (if (<= (or from 0) 0 (or to 0))
      ;; `from` and `to` only make sense inside the bounds.
      (let [from (if (and from (<= from 1)) nil from)
            to   (if (and to (>= to N)) nil to)]
          ;; Check if the order is reversed?
          (not (<= 1 (or from 1) (or to N) N)) ()
          (= N 1) (list (list [(first items)]))
          (let [[ditems start-multiset] (items->multiset items)]
            (for [part (multiset-partitions-M start-multiset to from)]
              (for [multiset part]
                (multiset->items ditems multiset)))))))))

(defn partitions
  "All the lexicographic distinct partitions of items.
    Optionally pass in :min and/or :max to specify inclusive bounds on the number of parts the items can be split into."
  [items & args]
    (= (count items) 0) (apply partitions-H items args)
    (all-different? items) (apply partitions-H items args)
    :else (apply partitions-M items args)))

(defn m2-test [f c u v i]
  (prn f c u v)
  (let [[f' c' u' v'] (m2 f c u v)]
    (cond (> i 4) [:failed]
          (> (count f') (count f))
          (recur f' c' u' v' (inc i))
          :else [f c u v])))

(defn checker [f c u v]
  (let [[f'] (m2-test f c u v 0)]
    (if (keyword? f')
      (- (- (count f') 2)
         (- (count f) 2)))))

(checker [0 3]
         [1 2 3]
         [4 4 4]
         [0 1 2])

;; First thing is that we might have to deal with leading zeros. Can we prevent that from happening, and NOT get back to a situation where we have one of those? I bet we can ignore that happening if we look at how Alex was shifting around the digits, and make sure there is never a leading zero. It makes sense, since we can't ever decrement... maybe?
;; Next thing we need to do is make a better prediction for the max bound.

;; Then I'll go back and try to figure out what to do about the min bound, and
;; what it is generating.
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Beginning of my attempt at a functional version:

(declare stack-partitions-M)

(defn multiset-partitions-M
  [multiset r s]
  (let [m     (count multiset)
        init  (reduce (fn [acc i]
                        (let [v (multiset i)]
                          (assoc acc i [v v])))
                      (range m))
        stack  [init]]
    (stack-partitions-M stack r s)))

(defn stack-partitions-M [stack r s]
  (letfn [(next-block [block]
             (reduce (fn [[v-changed? acc] [ci [ui vi]]]
                       (let [uj (- ui vi)]
                         (if (zero? uj)
                           [true acc]
                           (let [changed? (or v-changed? (< uj vi))
                                 vj   (if changed?
                                        (min uj vi))
                                 elem [ci [uj vj]]]
                             [changed? (conj acc elem)]))))
                     [false []]

          (m5 [stack]
            (let [block (peek stack)
                  head  (pop stack)
                  ;; Also assumes no fully zero entries.
                  j (loop [j (into [] (keys block))]
                      (if (zero? (block j))
                        (recur (pop j))
                (and (= j a)
                     (or (= (v j) 1)
                         (and r
                              (let [new-val (dec (v j))
                                    uj      (block j)]
                                (> (+ (inc l)
                                      (dec (quot uj new-val)))
                (if (= 1 (count block))
                  (recur head))

                (let [v      (update v j dec)
                      prefix (subvec v 0 (inc j))
                      v      (into prefix (subvec u (inc j)))
                      amount-to-dec (if s
                                      (let [diff-uv (apply + (for [i (range a (inc j))]
                                                               (- (u i) (v i))))
                                            min-partitions-left (- s (inc l))]
                                        (max 0 (- min-partitions-left diff-uv)))
                      v (if (zero? amount-to-dec)
                          (loop [k-1    (dec b)
                                 v      v
                                 amount amount-to-dec]
                            (let [vk (v k-1)]
                              (if (> amount vk)
                                (recur (dec k-1)
                                       (assoc v k-1 0)
                                       (- amount vk))
                                (assoc v k-1 (- vk amount))))))]
                  (if (zero? (v a))
                    (recur (pop stack))
                    (conj head ,,,))))))]

    (let [n-blocks  (count stack)
          candidate (next-block (peek stack))]
      (cond (seq candidate)
            (if (and r (= n-blocks r))
              (recur (m5 stack) r s)
              (recur (conj stack candidate) r s))

            ;; Did we NOT march forward, but we don't have enough blocks yet?
            (and s (< n-blocks s))
            (recur (m5 stack) r s)

             (let [part (for [block stack]
                          ;; TODO recover the zero filter?
                          (zipmap (map first block)
                                  (map (comp second second) stack)))]
               (cons part (stack-partitions-M (m5 stack) r s))))))))

(defn items->multiset
  "returns [ditems, multiset]"
  (let [freqs  (frequencies items)
        ditems (into [] (distinct) items)]
    [ditems (into {} (map-indexed
                      (fn [i item]
                        [i (freqs item)]))

(defn multiset->items
  "Returns the items."
  [ditems mset]
  (into [] (mapcat
            (fn [[i n]]
              (repeat n (ditems i))))

(defn- partitions-M
  [items & {from :min to :max}]
  (let [N (count items)]
    (if (= N 0)
      (if (<= (or from 0) 0 (or to 0))
      ;; `from` and `to` only make sense inside the bounds.
      (let [from (if (and from (<= from 1)) nil from)
            to   (if (and to (>= to N)) nil to)]
          ;; Check if the order is reversed?
          (not (<= 1 (or from 1) (or to N) N)) ()
          (= N 1) (list (list [(first items)]))
          (let [[ditems start-multiset] (items->multiset items)]
            (for [part (multiset-partitions-M start-multiset to from)]
              (for [multiset part]
                (multiset->items ditems multiset)))))))))

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This comes from my attempts to find a minimal bugfix for

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sympy has a well documented version of this algorithm.

I think they do. Here are two more tests we can implement:

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Here is some code to count the number of partitions, vs just generating and counting:

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@linear linear bot closed this as not planned Won't fix, can't repro, duplicate, stale Nov 24, 2024
@sritchie sritchie reopened this Nov 24, 2024
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