Create a detailed proposal for an AI-based service that can replace the human outplacement services currently offered by companies as part of an exit package. The AI service should help individuals reenter the job market and find new employment over a period of 6 months. The proposal should cover the following components:
- Resume Assistance: Describe how the AI service will help users create, update, and optimize their resumes. Include features like keyword optimization, formatting suggestions, and tailoring resumes for different industries and roles.
- Cover Letters: Explain how the AI will assist in generating tailored cover letters for various job applications, ensuring that each letter addresses specific job requirements.
- Interview Preparation: Outline the AI's capability to provide tips and best practices for job interviews, including mock interview sessions with personalized feedback.
- Handling Specific Situations: Describe how the AI can guide users through challenging scenarios such as career changes, gaps in employment, negotiating job offers, and dealing with rejections.
- Job Search Strategies: Detail how the AI can help users identify job opportunities, set job alerts, and use networking strategies effectively.
- Mental and Emotional Support: Explain any features that provide motivational support, mental health resources, and stress management techniques to help users stay positive during their job search.
- Progress Tracking: Describe how the AI will track users' job search progress, provide reports, and adjust strategies as needed.
- Customization: Ensure the proposal includes how the AI will adapt its services based on individual user profiles, career goals, and feedback.
Ask me clarifying questions until you are 95% confident you can complete the task successfully. Take a deep breath and take it step by step. Remember to search the internet to retrieve up-to-date information.