2016-09-21 Update: the 2016 survey is up and receiving answers with many of the questions below plus others from kjstol.
Help us brainstorm questions for a survey of channel participants. The intention is to have an anonymous survey to generate data that can be useful for checking on the state of corporate InnerSource programs
- rough size of your company
- 0-1K, 1K-5K, 5K-10K, 10K-50K, 50K+?
- rough number of inner sourced projects in your company
- number of developers participating in inner sourcing
- (subjective) level of success
- not successful, not very successful yet, too early to say, modestly successful, very successful, extremely successful
- benefits achieved
- number of years of the program
- platform(s) used for software configuration management
- platform(s) used for continuous integration
- platform(s) used for communication
- corporate culture assessment
- projections of the inner source trend in the company
- declining, flat, improving, exponential growth, etc
- inner source challenges/problems still needing solutions
- inner source challenges/problems you've overcome
- biggest inner source lessons learned or advice you want to share
- Are you planning to attend the 2016 Inner Source Commons Fall Summit in Boston?
- What sessions would you like to see at the summit? It's okay to answer even if you're not able to attend.
- What outputs would you like to see come out of the summit? Specific questions to be answered?
- Any other thoughts you want to share with the rest of the community?