(PR 83)
- Allow Disabling stderr Output (PR 83)
- Color output now works in Windows (supported by colorama)
- Logfiles with custom loglevels (eg. stream handler with DEBUG and file handler with ERROR).
- Way better API for configuring the default logger with logzero.loglevel(..), logzero.logfile(..), etc.
- Built-in rotating logfile support.
import logging
import logzero
from logzero import logger
# This log message goes to the console
# Set a minimum log level
# Set a logfile (all future log messages are also saved there)
# Set a rotating logfile (replaces the previous logfile handler)
logzero.logfile("/tmp/rotating-logfile.log", maxBytes=1000000, backupCount=3)
# Disable logging to a file
# Set a custom formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)s - %(asctime)-15s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s');
# Log some variables
logger.info("var1: %s, var2: %s", var1, var2)
- Better reconfiguration of handlers, doesn't remove custom handlers anymore
- Bugfix: Disabled color logging to logfile
- Global default logger instance (logzero.logger)
- Ability to reconfigure the default logger with (logzero.setup_default_logger(..))
- More tests
- More documentation
- Cleanup and documentation
- Working logzero package with code and tests