We collect data about you to provide with a better functionality, we only collect the basic stuff about you:
- Settings information: like if you want the auto sync feature enabled or not, and your favorite language to better enhance your experience with our services, and some other stuff like subtitles background color and text color.
- Login token: we don't actually store the password and the username that you provide us, but we actually store the token which allows you to login automatically without having to rewrite your credentials.
We use chrome local Storage Sync API for storing the settings and the login token.
As stated above, we only collect these informations about you to provide you with a better experience with our services.
We use the auto async setting to see whether you want us to auto sync the subtitles or not.
We use the favorite language to automatically set it up for you when you search for subtitles, without you having to do it manually every single time.
We use background color and text color settings to provide a better experience.
We use the login token so you don't have to login everytime.
The only that data that is shared is the credentials information you first enter to login (username and the password), we share this data with opensubtitles so they can tell us wether the username and the password are correct or no.
Last update: Octobre 15, 2023