Agreements are formal decisions we have passed via Loomio defining how we want to work together, they are the binding agreements at the heart of Enspiral.
These are agreements that govern the operatios of the whole network
- Enspiral Collective Vision - who we are and where we are going.
- Enspiral 2015 Strategy - support ventures, tell story, strengthen core, internal learning.
- Diversity Policy - we are committed to developing and fostering a culture of diversity within an equitable workplace where all people are respected and valued.
- Enspiral People - what roles do people play in Enspiral.
- Enspiral Ventures - how do ventures and teams relate to the network.
- Enspiral Agreements - the meta document which defines how agreements are made.
- Enspiral 2014 Strategy - focus on the core, capacity development, open source enspiral, amazing communications.
Agreements which govern the operations of Enspiral Services Limited which is our original company best described as a collective of contractors.
- Teams - how teams are formed, disbanded and their obligations while operating.
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