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YoYoYo Engine GMS2

An "I Wanna" engine for GameMaker Studio 2.3.x.

Latest Stable Version


Latest Version


Version 1.0.0

This version is not available
Original version.
Almost a full replica of the YoYoYo Engine for GameMaker: Studio.


  • Fixed the bug that Kid can touch the water when a block and a water overlap.
  • No way to realize bow delaying.
  • No way to do secure saving previously implemented by ds_map_secure_save.
  • Other same as original YoYoYo Engine.


  • It should be ensured that all rooms have instance layer world.

  • It should be ensured that all level rooms have instance layer player.

  • It is recommended to place instances on a proper layer in the room. Generally,

    • The Kid's start point should be on player layer.
    • Waters should be on above_player layer.
    • Triggers should be on trigger layer.
    • Block tiles should be on tile layer.
    • Background tiles should be on tile_background layer.
    • Other instances should be on below_player layer.

    These layers are sort from shallow to deep to: world > above_player > player > below_player > tile > trigger > tile_background.

  • It is unnecessary to put objPlayMusic, objCamera or objSmoothCamera in rooms. Instead, set room properties in scrOther - room_get_property function.

    • Add new case segment to add new rooms.
    • Assign to cameraMode to set the camera mode of the room. Its value should be one of the enumeration values of CameraMode.
      • NONE means no processing.
      • SNAPPED means that the room is snapped.
      • SMOOTH means that the camera follows Kid smoothly.
  • The value of global.deathMusicMode should be one of the enumeration values of DeathMusicMode.

    • NONE means death music is not played.
    • PAUSE means pausing current music when playing death music.
    • FADE means fading out current music when playing death music.
  • Other same as original YoYoYo Engine.

Change List

  • Add sprite: sprMegaManBack, sprStarsBack, which represents Mega Man and star background. They were bMegaman and bStars in the original version. This change is made because there is no background resource type in GameMaker Studio 2.
  • Add sprite: sprAllTiles. It was bAllTiles in the original version. It is in the tile set folder.
  • Delete sprite: sprCamera, sprPlayMusic. This change is made because objCamera, objSmoothCamera, and objPlayMusic is useless in this version.
  • Move sprite: sprPlayerStart. Now it's in the player folder.
  • Move sprite: sprGameOver. Now it's in the world folder.
  • Delete sprite: sprPlayerKiller, because it's useless.
  • Delete sprite: sprPlayerMaskFlip, because it's useless in new gravity flipping system.
  • Modify sprite: sprPlayerSliding, because the wall jumping system has changed. Now it's mirrored.
  • Rename sprite: sprBlockMask. Now it's named sprBlock.
  • Rename sprite: sprMiniBlockMask. Now it's named sprMiniBlock.
  • Rename sprite: sprSlipBlockMask. Now it's named sprSlipblock.
  • Move sprite: sprKillerBlock. Now it's in the killer folder.
  • Delete sprite: sprBlock, sprBlock2.
  • Add sprite: sprBossBlock, sprFakeBlock, sprHiddenBlock, sprRiseBlock, and sprFallBlock, representing boss blocks, fake blocks, hidden blocks, rising blocks and falling blocks. They are in the block folder.
  • Delete sprite: sprPlatform, because it's rarely used.
  • Modify sprite: sprMovingPlatform. Now it's named sprPlatform, in the block folder.
  • Delete sprite folder: slopes and all its child resources, because they are rarely used.
  • Rename sprite: sprCherryWhite. Now it's named sprWhiteCherry.
  • Add sprite: sprRefreshWater, representing waters that refreshes Kid's double jump chance. It's in the misc folder.
  • Rename sprite: sprWalljumpR. Now it's named sprVineRight.
  • Rename sprite: sprWalljumpL. Now it's named sprVineLeft.
  • Add sprite: sprTree, representing the tree. It's in the misc folder.
  • Rename sprite: sprTriggerMask. Now it's named sprTrigger.
  • Rename sprite: sprButton. Now it's named sprButtonLeft.
  • Add sprite: sprButtonDown, sprButtonRight, and sprButtonUp, representing down, right, and left buttons. They are in the trigger folder.
  • Delete sprite: sprSpikeTriggerDown, sprSpikeTriggerLeft, sprSpikeTriggerRight, and sprSpikeTriggerUp, because they are useless.
  • Add sprite: sprMoveTrigger, representing the dynamic trigger killer. It's in the trigger folder.
  • Delete sprite: sprSaveMask, because its function can be replaced by setting save point sprites' collision mask to the full image.
  • Modify sprite: sprSaveMedium, sprSave, sprSaveVHard, sprSaveMediumFlip, sprSaveFlip, and sprSaveVHardFlip. Now their collision masks are the full image, and sprSaveVHard is renamed to sprSaveVeryHard, sprSaveVHardFlip is renamed to sprSaveVeryHardFlip.
  • Rename sound: sndDJump. Now it's named sndDoubleJump.
  • Rename sound: sndDeath. Now it's named sndDie.
  • Backgrounds no longer exist.
  • All script resources are converted to functions and seperated in several scripts.
    New Script Function Old Script
    scrPlayer player_jump scrPlayerJump
    scrPlayer player_release_jump scrPlayerVJump
    scrPlayer player_shoot scrPlayerShoot
    scrPlayer player_die scrKillPlayer
    scrPlayer player_flip scrFlipGrav
    scrInitializing(changed into scrGame in new versions) Executed Immediately (changed into game_init in new versions) scrInitializeGlobals
    scrInitializing(changed into scrGame in new versions) Executed Immediately (changed into game_init in new versions) scrSetGlobalOptions
    scrGame game_save_config scrSaveConfig
    scrGame game_load_config scrLoadConfig
    scrGame game_saves scrSaveGame
    scrGame game_loads scrLoadGame
    scrGame game_set_caption scrSetRoomCaption
    scrGame game_restarts scrRestartGame
    scrGame game_set_vsync scrSetVsync
    scrGame game_reset_window_size scrResetWindowSize
    scrControl control_get_key_name scrGetKeyBind
    scrControl control_get_controller_button_name scrGetControllerBind
    scrControl control_get_controller_button scrAnyControllerButton
    scrControl control_check scrButtonCheck
    scrControl control_check_pressed scrButtonCheckPressed
    scrControl control_check_released scrButtonCheckReleased
    scrMusic music_toggle scrToggleMusic
    scrMusic music_play scrPlayMusic
    scrMusic music_stop scrStopMusic
    scrOther draw_button_info scrDrawButtonInfo
    scrOther draw_text_outline scrDrawTextOutline
    scrOther make_shapes scrMakeShapes
    scrOther make_circle scrMakeCircle
  • Add enumeration: MenuMode, DeathMusicMode, Difficulty, and CameraMode, representing menu mode, death music mode, difficulty mode, and camera mode. They are in script scrInitializing.(Enumeration Difficulty is replaced by macros in new versions.)
  • Modify function: scrPlayerJump, because platforms are no longer blocks. Now it checks collision with blocks and platforms to decide whether single jump is enabled.
  • The parameters of function scrPlayerShoot were modified, because the wall jumping process changed. Now its parameter mirror indicates whether to shoot to the opposite direction.
  • The body of function scrFlipGrav was modified. Now it no longer performs scrSetPlayerMask, and the flip adjustment value of y changes from 4 to 3, and it flips image_yscale value.
  • Delete script: scrSetPlayerMask, because it's useless in new processing.
  • Modify function: scrSaveGame. Now it:
    • Saves Kid's actual position without "flooring" them.
    • Doesn't handle the case where Kid is stuck in blocks, because it's impossible.
    • Uses structures and json_stringify instead of ds_map and json_encode to save data.
    • Doesn't use ds_map_secure_save to save data.
  • Delete script: scrGetMusic. Now room music and camera mode should be set by modifying function room_get_property.
  • Add function: room_get_property, used to set room music and camera mode. It's in script scrOther.
  • Rename font: fDefault30, fDefault24, fDefault18, and fDefault12. Now they are named fArialBold_30, fArialBold_24, fArialBold_18, and fArialBold_12.
  • Modify object: objWorld. Now it changes music and camera position.
  • Delete object: objCamera, objSmoothCamera, and objPlayMusic. Now their functions are implemented by objWorld.
  • Move object: objGameOver. Now it's in the world folder.
  • Modify object: objPlayer.
    • The variable jump2 is renamed to airJump.
    • The variable djump is renamed to doubleJump.
    • The variable maxVspeed is renamed to maxFallSpeed.
    • The variable xScale is deleted.
    • It uses image_xscale and image_yscale directly stored its xscale and yscale. When Kid is facing the left, image_xscale is -1, and when it is facing the right, image_yscale is -1.
    • Object objBow is no longer created because it has been deleted. Now Kid draws a bow in the Draw Event to show it.
    • It has no Destroy Event, because no bows need to be destroyed.
    • It doesn't process collision with slopes because they are deleted.
    • After shooting, it makes all instances of objBullet happen User Event 0 of objBullet. That event processes collision with save points and buttons. This change is made to ensure that bullets and save points' collision happens before Kid's collision event with blocks does, and prevent Kid being stucked in blocks.
    • It processes collision with gravity arrows and waters in Step Event.
    • In Draw Event, it draws a possible bow.
  • Delete object: objBow, because it's useless in new display of bows.
  • Modify object: objBullet. Now it handles collision with save points and buttons in User Event 0. This event is triggered by a program in objPlayer - Step.
  • Modify object: objBlockInvis. Now it's named objHiddenBlock, and its sprite is sprHiddenBlock.
  • Modify object: objBlockFake. Now it's named objFakeBlock, and its sprite is sprFakeBlock.
  • Modify object: objBossBlock. Now its sprite is sprBossBlock.
  • Modify object: objMovingPlatform, objMovingPlatformNoBounce, objBlockRise, and objBlockFall. Now their names are objPlatform, objPlatformNoBounce, objRiseBlock, and objFallBlock. They are in the block folder.
  • The object folder slopes and all its child resources are deleted because they are rarely used.
  • Delete object: objPlatform, because it's useless. Now objMovingPlatform has no parent object.
  • Rename object: objCherryBounceRandom. Now it's named objBounceRandomSpeedCherry.
  • Delete object: objCherryBounceLat, and objCherryBounceVert, because they are not used.
  • Modify object: objCherryEnemyTest. Now it's named objCherryBoss, in the killer/boss/cherry folder.
  • Delete object: objCherryEnemyTest, because it's not used.
  • Add object: objButtonDown, objButtonRight, objButtonUp, representing down, right, and up buttons. The parent of objButtonRight and objButtonUp is objButtonDown.
  • Modify object: objTriggerButton. Now it's named objButtonLeft, and its parent is objButtonDown, and it has no events.
  • Modify object: objKillerTrigger. Now its name is objMoveTrigger, and its sprite is sprMoveTrigger. Its moving mode can be only set with horizontal and vertical speed.
  • Delete object: objSpikeTriggerUp, objSpikeTriggerRight, objSpikeTriggerLeft, objSpikeTriggerDown, and objCherryTrigger, because their functions can be samely implemented by objKillerTrigger.
  • Delete object: objWater, because it's rarely used.
  • Modify object: objWater2. Now it's named objWater, and it has no Collision Event. Its function is taken over by a program in objPlayer - Step to fix a bug.
  • Modify object: objWater3. Now it's named objRefreshWater, and it has no Collision Event. Its function is taken over by a program in objPlayer - Step to fix a bug.
  • Rename object: objWalljumpR. Now it's named objVineRight.
  • Rename object: objWalljumpL. Now it's named objVineLeft.
  • Modify object: objGravityUp, and objGravityDown. Now they have no events. Their functions are taken over by a program in objPlayer - Step to fix a bug.
  • Modify object: objSave. Now it has no Collision Events with objPlayer or objBullet, because these functions are taken over by objBullet.
  • Rename object: objSaveVHard, and objSaveVHardFlip. Now they are named objSaveVeryHard and objSaveVeryHardFlip.
  • Modify object: objRoomChanger.
    • Add variable warpPosition. Boolean, which represents whether to teleport by position. The original warpX == 0 && warpY == 0 judgement are replaced.
  • Rename object: objOutsideRoomChanger. Now it's namedobjBorderWarp.
  • Delete object: objSecretIndicator, andobjBossIndicator, because they are not used.
  • Delete room: rSampleRoom and rTest.
  • Add tile set: tsAllTiles, representing all block tiles. Autotiling is switched on.
  • Without affecting semantics, the form of some code is modified. For example, array_copy is used to replace loop statements to copy arrays, and ?: operator is used to replace short if..else statements for selection.
  • Other unimportant changes.

Version 1.0.1

This version may be unstable
Fixed some bugs.


  • Fixed the bug of unable to set infinitely jumping and debug infinitely jumping.
  • Fixed the bug that the difficulty of warp difficulty selecting cannot work normally.
  • Fixed the bug that the game cannot returns to title screen properly.
  • Fixed the bug that Kid will get stuck in blocks when it's against them and turns back.
  • Fixed the bug that bullets are not destroyed when touching platforms.
  • Bow delaying is realized.

Change List

  • Modify script: scrPlayer.
    • In function player_jump, infinitely jumping and debug infinitely jumping checking codes are added.
    • Add function player_mirror to realize Kid turning back.
  • Modify script: scrInitializing. Macros MEDIUM, HARD, VERY_HARD, and IMPOSSIBLE are used to replace enumeration Difficulty. And corresponding modifications are made at all places it's used: objSave*, objPlayer, objWarpStart's instances, objWarpAutosaveNext, and objDifficultyMenu.
  • Modify script: scrInitializing, scrGame. The immediately executed code in the former is moved to function game_init in the latter.
  • Modify object: objWorld. Add code to the Game Start Event to execute function game_init.
  • Modify object: objPlayer.
    • Add code to the Draw Event to realize bow delaying.
    • Modify code in Step Event. Use function player_mirror instead of assigning to image_xscale directly to realize it turning back.
  • Modify object: objBullet. Add Collision Event with objPlatform and action to destroy itself.