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DDSL module for PlayFramework 2

Current plugin versions:

  • 1.3 for Play 2.2.2
  • 1.2 for Play 2.1
  • 1.1 for Play 2.0.4

What is DDSL?

When using DDSL (Dynamic Distributed Service Locator) to plumb all your applications/services together, you get your own "dynamic cloud" where you can just launch more instances of your servers to increase the overall performance of your own "cloud". Please see DDSL for more info.

DDSL can be used in all java/scala based applications, but is a perfect match for your Play Framework application.

This is the Play 2 module, but you can also find a Play 1.2.x module here.

How to use it in your Play 2 app?

To enable the DDSL module in your Play 2 application, you have to add it as a dependency. Since DDSL is hosted on my custom repository, you also have to add the url to this repository. Your project/Build.scala-file should look something like this:

import sbt._
import Keys._
import play.Project._

object ApplicationBuild extends Build {

    val appName         = "TheNameOfYourOwnApp"
    val appVersion      = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"

    val appDependencies = Seq(
      ""  %% "play-java"  % "2.2.2",
      // ****** This the ddsl-play2-module dependency
      "com.kjetland" %% "ddsl-play2" % "1.3"

    val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies).settings(
      // ****** Adding the custom repository url
		resolvers ++= Seq(
          "mbknor github Repository" at ""



If you want your application to automatically be broadcasted to DDSL (using serviceUp()) as long as it is running, you have to add the following to your conf/application.conf-file:

# ddsl.zkhostslist should list all zookeeper nodes in you zookeeper network (comma seperated)
ddsl.zkhostslist = localhost:2181

# If you want to broadcast to DDSL that your app is online when it starts, you have to set ddsl.broadcastservice=true

# Specifies the environment used both when registering your app and when querying for locations

# If ddsl.broadcastservice=true is on, then you have to specify serviceId:
# Identifies your application in the DDSL network.	

When your application is automatically broadcasted as online, its url is generated like this:



If you are using a different port than 9000, you have to use the -Dhttp.port property. DDSL will not be able to detect your port if you (in dev mode) are starting play on a custom port like this: run 9010

To be sure DDSL resolves the correct url when using custom HTTP port, start you application like this:

play stage
./target/start -Dhttp.port=9011


If you want to be able to query DDSL for the serviceLocations/URLs of other external services/applications, you have to add this to your conf/application.conf-file:

# ddsl.zkhostslist should list all zookeeper nodes in you zookeeper network (comma seperated)
ddsl.zkhostslist = "localhost:2181"

# Specifies the environment used both when registering your app and when querying for locations

# ClientID is used to identify the application that is querying DDSL for serviceLocations = play-client
ddsl.clientid.version = 1.0

# Number of milliseconds the DDSL client will cache the result before resolving it again
# ddsl.client_cache_ttl_mills = 1000

Then you can use this code to query DDSL for a serviceLocation:

final String apiUrl = DDSL.getBestUrl("Play2ExampleServer", "1.0", "http");

If you want to be able to access the other DDSL-client-operations, you can get a reference to the client like this:


Broadcasting and querying

You can of course add everything if you want to both broadcast your own service and query for other services.

Seeing what is online?

To see what services are online, your can have a look at this:

What about the Web frontend - loadbalancer ?

Check out ddslConfigWriter which automatically reconfigures nginx (or any other reverse proxy like apache, squid etc)


You have to download ZooKeeper and start it (with all defaults) before you can run the samples.

In the samples-folder you can find two sample applications. Both applications broadcasts itself to DDSL, but ddsl-play2-consumer-example finds a running ddsl-play2-producer-example-server and uses its "API" via lib.WS.

If you want to to start both the producer and the consumer on the same machine, you have to remember to start them using different ports.

Due to a limitation in Play 2, you cannot start them using "run 9010", since DDSL will not be able to detect that custom port. Instead you have to start them using -Dhttp.port=9010. Play 2 does not accept that parameter when running in dev mode, so you have to stage the app, then use target/start -Dhttp.port=9010 like this:

Stage it:

play clean stage

Run it on custom port

target/start -Dhttp.port=9010

Good luck :)