- A payload (In this case is an executable)
- Dependencies, which we will have two types:
- NI Software (LabVIEW Run-Time Engine)
- Third-party Software (A custom shared library (dll) that we are going to create a NIPM package to distribute)
Create a new blank project
Right-click My Computer in the Project Explorer and select New » VI
Create a VI that displays a dialog box containing the contents of a string input and outputs the string afterwards
Connect the front panel controls and indicators to the connector pane
Save the VI as
Right-click on Build Specifications and select New » Shared Library to generate a dynamic link library (
) -
Define the Packed Library Properties:
- Build Specification name: SimpleDLL
- Target filename: SimpleLib.dll
- Destination directory:
C:\Users\<user>\Documents\NIPM Package Tutorial\builds\SharedLibrary\My DLL
Under Source Files select the
and press arrow directing towards Exported VIs -
A window will pop-up called Define VI Prototype, but if does not, press the Define Prototype button. It should all be the default values below:
Select OK
Select Build. You should now be able to find your packed library in the builds folder
In Windows Explorer, create a folder in
C:\Program Files(x86)
toC:\Program Files(x86)\SimpleLibrary
Create a new blank project and save it as
For this example we are going to create a UI that takes in a text input, then displays it in a dialog box when we press the okay button. We will also have an exit button that stops the application. Save the vi as
Add a Call Library Function Node to the VI
Double-click the node and add the Library Path and Function Name
Fill in the parameters to match the VI Prototype from the previous section
Create the block diagram as shown below.
Here is the Exit event case
Test the VI and save
Right-Click Build Specifications and select New » Application (EXE)
In the My Application Properties fill out the following information:
- Build Specification Name: NIPM test
- Target filename: NIPMtest.exe
- Destination directory:
C:\Users\<user>\Documents\NIPM Package Tutorial\builds\mainApplication\NIPM test
Under Source Files set the main.vi as the Startup VI.
Under Additional Exclusions check Exclude dependent shared libraries. This will prevent the dll from being added to executable.
Select build, then test the output to ensure that it works.
Move the executable to another location on the computer and test that it works again.