A simple app to try out GraphQL using Laravel with SQLite
composer install
Duplicate .env.example
and rename it .env
Add full path to SQL lite
Then run:
php artisan key:generate
Then create the tables by running:
php artisan migrate
And finally, start the application:
php artisan serve
now visit http://localhost:8000/graphiql to see the application running.
Example of API call
http://localhost:8000/graphiql?query={ tasks { id title is_completed } }
A similar REST API endpoint will be like
This will respond
{ "data": { "tasks": [ { "id": 1, "title": "Earum aut voluptatem fugit officia qui.", "is_completed": false }, { "id": 2, "title": "Repellat eos sint enim pariatur odio et deserunt.", "is_completed": false }, { "id": 3, "title": "Aut eius ad consequatur eveniet rerum.", "is_completed": false }, ] } }