Gradle (4.9)
MySQL (5.5+)
JDK (1.8.0_141)
Hadoop (2.7.2)
Hive (1.2.1)
Zookeeper (3.4.9)
Linkis (0.9.1), Spark engine required.How to install Linkis?
DataSphereStudio (0.6.0) Optional. If you want to use workflow, it it required. How to install DataSphereStudio?
gradle clean distZip
unzip qualitis-{version}.zip
tar -zxvf qualitis-{VERSION}.tar.gz
mysql -u {USERNAME} -p {PASSWORD} -h {IP} --default-character-set=utf8
source conf/database/init.sql
vim conf/application-dev.yml
Modify the configuration below:
## database configuration
## database configuration, the same as above
## zookeeper address
dos2unix bin/*
sh bin/
Open the browser and type in "localhost:8090"
Type in the user name and password below:
username: "admin"
password: "admin"
Click on "Configuration" -> "Cluster Configuration" to add cluster.
Type in the configuration information below:
Cluster name(The name of Hadoop cluster)
Cluster type
Linkis address
Linkis Token(How to get Linkis Token:[Linkis Access Guide](Linkis Access
Qualitis will save the abnormal data in the database. The saved database name can be configured in the system settings, as shown in the following figure:
As shown in the figure, Qualitis provides $ {USERNAME} as an expression for user name replacement. The abnormal data ran by different users are stored in their respective databases.
Workflow is default supported.
You need to install DataSphereStudio to use workflow.
Enabling workflow does not affect the normal use of Qualitis.
If you want to close it, you can do as follow:
vim conf/application.yml
And set workflow.enable=false
Debug mode is default opened, and the default port is 8091.
If you want to close it, you can delete the following code in 'build.gradle' when you are using source code.
or you can edit the 'bin/qualitis' file when you are in binary code.