ClickHouse-JDBC client is an open-source project, and we welcome any contributions from the community. Please share your ideas, contribute to the codebase, and help us maintain up-to-date documentation.
git clone[YOUR_USERNAME]/clickhouse-java
cd clickhouse-java
You have installed:
- JDK 8 or JDK 17+
- To build a multi-release jar use JDK 17+ with
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?> <toolchains> <toolchain> <type>jdk</type> <provides> <version>17</version> </provides> <configuration> <jdkHome>/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk</jdkHome> </configuration> </toolchain> </toolchains>
- JDK 8 Use
mvn -Dj8 -DskipITs clean verify
to compile and generate packages. - JDK 17+ Use create a multi-release jar (see JEP-238) please verify that you added
and runmvn -DskipITs clean verify
To create a native binary of JDBC driver for evaluation and testing:
install GraalVM and optionally upx
make sure you have native-image installed, and then build the native binary
cd clickhouse-java mvn -DskipTests clean install cd clickhouse-jdbc mvn -DskipTests -Pnative clean package # only if you have upx installed upx -7 -k target/clickhouse-jdbc-bin
run native binary
# print usage ./target/clickhouse-jdbc-bin Usage: clickhouse-jdbc-bin [PROPERTIES] <URL> [QUERY] [FILE] ... # test database connection using JDBC driver ./target/clickhouse-jdbc-bin -Dverbose=true 'jdbc:ch:http://localhost' Arguments: - url=jdbc:ch:http://localhost - query=select 500000000 - file=jdbc.out Options: action=read, batch=1000, samples=500000000, serde=true, type=, verbose=true Processed 1 rows in 85.56 ms (11.69 rows/s) # test query performance using Java client ./target/clickhouse-jdbc-bin -Dverbose=true -Dtype=uint64 'http://localhost' ... Processed 500,000,000 rows in 52,491.38 ms (9,525,373.89 rows/s) # test same query again using JVM for comparison - don't have GraalVM EE so JIT wins in my case java -Dverbose=true -Dtype=uint64 -jar target/clickhouse-jdbc-*-http.jar 'http://localhost' ... Processed 500,000,000 rows in 25,267.89 ms (19,787,963.94 rows/s)
By default, docker is required to run integration test. Docker image(defaults to clickhouse/clickhouse-server
) will be pulled from Internet, and containers will be created automatically by testcontainers before testing. To test against specific version of ClickHouse, you can pass parameter like -DclickhouseVersion=23.3
to Maven.
In the case you don't want to use docker and/or prefer to test against an existing server, please follow instructions below:
- make sure the server can be accessed using default account(user
and no password), which has both DDL and DML privileges - add below two configuration files to the existing server and expose all defaults ports for external access
- make sure ClickHouse binary(usually
) is available in PATH, as it's required to testclickhouse-cli-client
- put
under either~/.clickhouse
of your project, with content like below:# ClickHouse server for integration test clickhouseServer=x.x.x.x # custom HTTP proxy for integration test proxyAddress=<host>:<port> # below properties are only useful for test containers #clickhouseVersion=latest #clickhouseTimezone=UTC #clickhouseImage=clickhouse/clickhouse-server #additionalPackages=
We use TestNG as testing framework and for running ClickHouse Local instance testcontainers.
Does not require a running ClickHouse server. Running the maven commands above will trigger the test.
To benchmark JDBC drivers:
cd clickhouse-benchmark
mvn clean package
# single thread mode
java -DdbHost=localhost -jar target/benchmarks.jar -t 1 \
-p client=clickhouse-jdbc -p connection=reuse \
-p statement=prepared -p type=default Query.selectInt8
It's time consuming to run all benchmarks against all drivers using different parameters for comparison. If you just need some numbers to understand performance, please refer to this and watch this for more information and updates.