IcedCoffeeScript (ICS) is a system for handling callbacks in event-based code. There were two existing implementations, one in the sfslite library for C++, and another in the tamejs translator for JavaScript. This extension to CoffeeScript is a third implementation. The code and translation techniques are derived from experience with JS, but with some new Coffee-style flavoring.
This document first presents a "Iced" tutorial (adapted from the JavaScript version), and then discusses the specifics of the CoffeeScript implementation.
ICS is available as an npm package:
npm install -g iced-coffee-script
You can alternatively checkout ICS and install from source:
git clone
./bin/cake install
This will give you libraries under iced-coffee-script
the binaries iced
and icake
, which are replacements
for coffee
and cake
respectively. In almost all cases,
should serve as a drop-in replacement for coffee
since the ICS language is a superset of CoffeeScript.
For more information about CS and ICS, you can also see our brochure page.
Here is a simple example that prints "hello" 10 times, with 100ms delay slots in between:
# A basic serial loop
for i in [0..10]
await setTimeout(defer(), 100)
console.log "hello"
There is one new language addition here, the await ...
block (or
expression), and also one new primitive function, defer
. The two of
them work in concert. A function must "wait" at the close of a
block until all defer
rals made in that await
block are
fulfilled. The function defer
returns a callback, and a callee in
an await
block can fulfill a deferral by simply calling the callback
it was given. In the code above, there is only one deferral produced
in each iteration of the loop, so after it's fulfilled by setTimer
in 100ms, control continues past the await
block, onto the log line,
and back to the next iteration of the loop. The code looks and feels
like threaded code, but is still in the asynchronous idiom (if you
look at the rewritten code output by the coffee compiler).
This next example does the same, while showcasing power of the
language addition. In the example below, the two timers
are fired in parallel, and only when both have fulfilled their deferrals
(after 100ms), does progress continue...
for i in [0..10]
setTimeout defer(), 100
setTimeout defer(), 10
console.log ("hello");
Now for something more useful. Here is a parallel DNS resolver that will exit as soon as the last of your resolutions completes:
dns = require("dns");
do_one = (cb, host) ->
await dns.resolve host, "A", defer(err, ip)
msg = if err then "ERROR! #{err}" else "#{host} -> #{ip}"
console.log msg
do_all = (lst) ->
for h in lst
do_one defer(), h
do_all process.argv[2...]
You can run this on the command line like so:
iced examples/iced/
And you will get a response: ->,,,, ->,,,,, -> -> ->,
If you want to run these DNS resolutions in serial (rather than
parallel), then the change from above is trivial: just switch the
order of the await
and for
statements above:
do_all = (lst) ->
for h in lst
do_one defer(), h
We've shown parallel and serial work flows, what about something in between? For instance, we might want to make progress in parallel on our DNS lookups, but not smash the server all at once. A compromise is windowing, which can be achieved in IcedCoffeeScript conveniently in a number of different ways. The 2007 academic paper on tame suggests a technique called a rendezvous. A rendezvous is implemented in CoffeeScript as a pure CS construct (no rewriting involved), which allows a program to continue as soon as the first deferral is fulfilled (rather than the last):
do_all = (lst, windowsz) ->
rv = new iced.Rendezvous
nsent = 0
nrecv = 0
while nrecv < lst.length
if nsent - nrecv < windowsz and nsent < n
do_one, lst[nsent]
await rv.wait defer evid
console.log "got back lookup nsent=#{evid}"
This code maintains two counters: the number of requests sent, and the
number received. It keeps looping until the last lookup is received.
Inside the loop, if there is room in the window and there are more to
send, then send; otherwise, wait and harvest. Rendezvous.defer
makes a deferral much like the defer
primitive, but it can be
labeled with an identifier. This way, the waiter can know which
deferral has fulfilled. In this case we use the variable nsent
as the
defer ID --- it's the ID of this deferral in launch order. When we
harvest the deferral, rv.wait
fires its callback with the ID of the
deferral that's harvested.
Note that with windowing, the arrival order might not be the same as the issue order. In this example, a slower DNS lookup might arrive after faster ones, even if issued before them.
In IcedCoffeeScript, arbitrary composition of serial and parallel control flows is
possible with just normal functional decomposition. Therefore, we
don't allow direct await
nesting. With inline anonymous CoffeeScript
functions, you can concisely achieve interesting patterns. The code
below launches 10 parallel computations, each of which must complete
two serial actions before finishing:
f = (n,cb) ->
for i in [0..n]
((cb) ->
await setTimeout defer(), 5 * Math.random()
await setTimeout defer(), 4 * Math.random()
Most of the time, an iced function will call its callback and return
at the same time. To get this behavior "for free", you can simply
name this callback autocb
and it will fire whenever your iced function
returns. For instance, the above example could be equivalently written as:
f = (n,autocb) ->
for i in [0..n]
((autocb) ->
setTimeout defer(), 5 * Math.random()
setTimeout defer(), 4 * Math.random()
In the first example, recall, you call cb()
explicitly. In this
example, because the callback is named autocb
, it's fired
automatically when the iced function returns.
If your callback needs to fulfill with a value, then you can pass
that value via return
. Consider the following function, that waits
for a random number of seconds between 0 and 4. After waiting, it
then fulfills its callback cb
with the amount of time it waited:
rand_wait = (cb) ->
time = Math.floor Math.random() * 5
if time is 0
await setTimeout defer(), time
cb(time) # return here, implicitly.....
This function can written equivalently with autocb
rand_wait = (autocb) ->
time = Math.floor Math.random() * 5
return 0 if time is 0
await setTimeout defer(), time
return time
Implicitly, return 0;
is mapped by the CoffeeScript compiler to autocb(0); return
In sum, the iced additions to CoffeeScript consist of three new keywords:
- await, marking off a block or a single statement.
- defer, which is quite similar to a normal function call, but is compiled specially to accommodate argument passing.
Finally, autocb
isn't a bona-fide keyword, but the compiler searches
for it in parameters to CoffeeScript functions, and updates the
behavior of the Code
block accordingly.
These keywords represent the potential for these iced additions to break existing CoffeeScript code --- any preexisting use of these keywords as regular function, variable or class names will cause headaches.
An oft-cited problem with async-style programming, with ICS or hand-rolled, is that stack traces are often incomplete or incomprehensible. If an exception is caught in a Iced function, the stack trace will only show the "bottom half" of the call stack, or all of those functions that are descendents of the main event loop. The "top half" of the call stack, telling you "who really called this function," is probably long gone.
ICS has a workaround to this problem. When an iced function is
entered, the runtime will find the first argument to the function that
was output by defer()
. Such callbacks are annotated to contain the
file, line and function where they were created. They also are
annotated to hold a refernce to defer()
-generated callback passed to
the function in which they were created. This chaining creates an
implicit stack that can be walked when an exception is thrown.
Consider this example:
foo = (y) ->
await setTimeout defer(), 10
throw new Error "oh no!"
bar = (x) ->
await foo defer()
baz = () ->
await bar defer()
The function iced.catchExceptions
sets the uncaughtException
handler in Node to print out the standard callstack, and also the Iced
"callstack", and then to exit. The callback generated by defer()
in the function bar
holds a reference to x
. Similarly,
the callback generated in foo
holds a reference to y
Here's what happens when this program is run:
Error: oh no!
at Deferrals.continuation (/Users/max/src/coffee-script/prog.iced:24:13)
at Deferrals._call (/Users/max/src/coffee-script/lib/coffee-script/iced.js:86:19)
at Deferrals._fulfill (/Users/max/src/coffee-script/lib/coffee-script/iced.js:97:23)
at Object._onTimeout (/Users/max/src/coffee-script/lib/coffee-script/iced.js:53:18)
at Timer.ontimeout (timers.js:84:39)
Iced 'stack' trace (w/ real line numbers):
at foo (prog.iced:4)
at bar (prog.iced:9)
at baz (prog.iced:13)
The first stack trace is the standard Node stacktrace. It is inscrutable, since it mainly covers node internals, and has line numbering relative to the translated file (I still haven't fixed this bug, sorry). The second stack trace is much better. It tells the sequence of Iced calls the lead to this exception. Line numbers are relative to the original input file.
The relavant API is as follows:
Start from the given cb
, or use the currently active callback
if none was given, and walk up the Iced-generated stack. Return
a list of call site descriptions. You can call this from your
own exception-handling code.
Tell the runtime to catch uncaught exceptions, and to print a Iced-aware stack dump as above.
The implementation of defer
is interesting --- it's trying to
emulate ``call by reference'' in languages like C++ or Java. Here is an
example that shows off the four different cases required to make this
cb = defer x, obj.field, arr[i], rest...
And here is the output from the iced coffee
cb = __iced_deferrals.defer({
assign_fn: (function(__slot_1, __slot_2, __slot_3) {
return function() {
x = arguments[0];
__slot_1.field = arguments[1];
__slot_2[__slot_3] = arguments[2];
return rest =, 3);
})(obj, arr, i)
The __iced_deferrals
object is an internal object of type Deferrals
that's collecting all calls to defer
in the current await
The one in question should fulfill with 3 or more values. When it does,
it will call into the innermost anonymous function to perform the
appropriate assignments in the original scope. The four cases are:
Simple assignment --- seen in
x = arguments[0]
. Here, thex
variable is in the scope of the originaldefer
call. -
Object slot assignment --- seen in
__slot_1.field = arguments[1]
. Here, the referenceobj
must be captured at the time of thedefer
call, andobj.field
is filled in later. -
Array cell assignment --- seen in
__slot_2[__slot_3] = arguments[2]
. This of course will work on an array or an object. Here, the reference to the array, and the value of the index must be captured whendefer
is called, and the cell is assigned later. -
Splat assignment --- seen in
res =,3)
. This is much like a simple assignment, but allows a ``splat'' meaning assignment of multiple values at once, accessed as an array.
These specifics are also detailed in the code in the Defer
The following do not work and will generate syntax errors at compile time:
y = (await foo defer x)
x = if true
await foo defer y
else 10
my_func 10, (
await foo defer y
That is, you can't treat await
statements as expressions.
And recursively speaking, you can't treat any blocks that
contain await
statements as expressions. Previous versions of
IcedCoffeeScript supported this arcane feature, but it was extremely
difficult to implement properly, and unnecessarily obscured the
control flow of iced programs.
The IcedCoffeeScript addition uses a similar continuation-passing translation to tamejs, but it's been refined to generate cleaner code, and to translate only when necessary. Here are the general steps involved:
1 Run the standard CoffeeScript lexer, rewriter, and parser, with a few small additions (for
), yielding a standard CoffeeScript-style abstract syntax tree (AST). -
2 Apply iced annotations:
2.1 Find all
nodes in the AST. Mark these nodes and their ancestors with an A flag. -
2.2 Find all
, orloop
nodes marked with A. Flood them and their descendants with an L flag. Stop flooding when the first loop without an A flag is hit. -
2.3 Find all
nodes marked with an L flag. Mark them and their descendants with a P flag.
3 ``Rotate'' all those nodes marked with A or P:
3.1 For each
node b in theAST
marked A or P:-
3.1.1 Find b's first child c marked with A or P.
3.1.2 Cut b's list of expressions after c, and move those expressions on the right of the cut into a new block, called d. This block is c's continuation block and becomes c's child in the AST. This is the actual ``rotation.''
3.1.3 Call the rotation recursively on the child block d.
3.1.4 Add an additional code to c's body, which is to call the continuation represented by d. For
statements this means calling the continuation in both branches; forswitch
statements, this means calling the continuation from all branches; for loops, this means callingcontinue
at the end of the loop body; for blocks, this means just calling the continuation as the last statement in the block. SeecallContinuation
4 Output preamble/boilerplate; for the case of JavaScript output to browsers, inline the small class
needed during runtime; for node-based server-side JavaScript, arequire
statement suffices here. Only do this if the source file has adefer
statement in it. -
5 Compile as normal. The effect of the above is to mutate the original CoffeeScript AST into another valid CoffeeScript AST. This AST is then compiled with the normal rules.
For an example translation, consider the following block of code:
while x1
while x2
if y
if z
while x3
Here is schematic diagram for this AST:
After Step 2.1, nodes in blue are marked with A. Recall, Step 2.1 traces upwards from all
blocks. -
After Step 2.2, nodes in purple are marked with L. Recall, Step 2.2 floods downwards from any any loops marked with A.
After Step 2.3, nodes in yellow are marked with P. Recall, Step 2.3 traces upwards from any jumps marked with L.
The green nodes are those marked with A or P. They are "marked" for rotations in the next step.
In Step 3, rotate all marked nodes AST nodes. This rotation introduces the new orange
nodes in the graph, and attaches them to pivot nodes as continuation blocks. -
In translated code, the general format of a pivot node is:
(function (k) {
// the body
})(function () {
// the continuation block.
To see how pivots and continuations are output in our example, look at this portion of the AST, introduced after Step 3:
Here is the translated output (slightly hand-edited for clarity):
(function() {
// await block f4()
(function(k) {
var __deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(k);
})(function() {
// The continuation block, starting at 'if z'
(function(k) {
if (z) {
(function(k) {
// 'break' throws away the current continuation 'k'
// and just calls _break()
})(function() {
// A continuation block, after 'break', up to 'f6()'
// This code will never be reached
return k();
} else {
return k();
})(function() {
// end of the loop, call _continue() to start at the top
return _continue();
The Rendezvous
is a not a core feature, meaning it's written as a
straight-ahead CoffeeScript library. It's quite useful for more advanced
control flows, so we've included it in the main runtime library.
The Rendezvous
is similar to a blocking condition variable (or a
"Hoare style monitor") in threaded programming.
Associate a new deferral with the given Rendezvous, whose deferral ID
is i
, and whose callbacks slots are supplied as slots
. Those
slots can take the two forms of defer
return as above. As with
standard defer
, the return value of the Rendezvous
's defer
fed to a function expecting a callback. As soon as that callback
fires (and the deferral is fulfilled), the provided slots will be
filled with the arguments to that callback.
Also, note the optional boolean flag multi
. By default, a function
generated by defer
can be called only once, and will generate an
error on subsequent calls. Only with the multi
flag set to true
(and only in the case of a Rendezvous
), can this restriction be
You don't need to explicitly assign an ID to a deferral generated from a
Rendezvous. If you don't, one will automatically be assigned, in
ascending order starting from 0
Wait until the next deferral on this rendezvous is fulfilled. When it
is, callback cb
with the ID of the fulfilled deferral. If an
unclaimed deferral fulfilled before wait
was called, then cb
is fired
Though wait
would work with any hand-rolled JS function expecting
a callback, it's meant to work particularly well with tamejs's
Here is an example that shows off the different inputs and
outputs of a Rendezvous
. It does two parallel DNS lookups,
and reports only when the first returns:
hosts = [ "", "" ];
ips = errs = []
rv = new iced.Rendezvous
for h,i in hosts
dns.resolve hosts[i], errs[i], ips[i]
await rv.wait defer which
console.log "#{hosts[which]} -> #{ips[which]}"
A connector is a function that takes as input
a callback, and outputs another callback. The best example
is a timeout
, given here:
Timeout an arbitrary async operation.
Given a callback cb
, a time to wait time
, and an array to output a
result res
, return another callback. This connector will set up a
race between the callback returned to the caller, and the timer that
fires after time
milliseconds. If the callback returned to the
caller fires first, then fill res[0] = true;
. If the timer won
(i.e., if there was a timeout), then fill res[0] = false;
In the following example, we timeout a DNS lookup after 100ms:
{timeout} = require 'icedlib'
info = [];
host = "";
await dns.lookup host, timeout(defer(err, ip), 100, info)
if not info[0]
console.log "#{host}: timed out!"
else if (err)
console.log "#{host}: error: #{err}"
console.log "#{host} -> #{ip}"
There's another way to do the windowed DNS lookups we saw earlier ---
you can use the control flow library called Pipeliner
, which
manages the common pattern of having "m calls total, with only
n of them in flight at once, where m > n."
The Pipeliner class is available in the icedlib
{Pipeliner} = require 'icedlib'
pipeliner = new Pipeliner w,s
Using the pipeliner, we can rewrite our earlier windowed DNS lookups as follows:
do_all = (lst, windowsz) ->
pipeliner = new Pipeliner windowsz
for x in list
await pipeliner.waitInQueue defer()
do_one pipeliner.defer(), x
await pipeliner.flush defer()
The API is as follows:
Create a new Pipeliner controller, with a window of at most w
out at once, and waiting s
seconds before launching each call. The
default values are w = 10
and s = 0
Wait in a queue until there's room in the window to launch a new call.
The callback c
will be fulfilled when there is room.
Create a new defer
al for this pipeline, and pass it to whatever
function is doing the actual work. When the work completes, fulfill
this defer
al --- that will update the accounting in the pipeliner
class, allowing queued actions to proceed.
Wait for the pipeline to clear out. Fulfills the callback c
when the last action in the pipeline is done.