Here you can find the model of the Marmac 304, the ship that is used for Space X landings,
ship which is also known as Of course I still love you (OCISLY)
You can see photos of the ship I used for making of this model here
Huge thanks to all fans that made these photos, without them it would be impossible to make the model.
Final model will be in 1:100 scale although currently for development I use various scales.
this is as detailed as possible orthorgraphic rendering of the ship, showing basic dimisions.
It serves here the role of 'golden' model - from it I take all the dimensions for rest of the model.
Design: As of today, it should be up to date with the OCISLY prior to CRS-8 launch Now needs update to blast walls and adding the ladder (not importataint)
Tutorial: N/A
Testing: N/A
This is model for a foamboard base and set of printable decals to be glued onto the hull base that is made of foamboard to give ship its texturing.
Foamboard base model went through major redesign and now has printable templates that can be transferred to foamboard easily (using needle for instance)
Current scale: (1 foot = 1 mm scale) - set of A4 pages
Some pages which are just mirror images are missing - will create them only in final PDF
Design: DONE, needs verifying
Testing: TODO
Tutorial: TODO
Here I will add sub models of the equipment used on the ship, and various addons like the thurster platforms.