#心动 ChangeLog
发布日期: 20160425
- 修复一处内存泄漏。
- 设置菜单中加入许可信息。
- 推出整体备份/恢复功能,能够同时备份数据库与图库,打包成一个压缩包,用此包就能恢复所有心动数据。从此再也不担心手机刷机、换手机的问题。一键操作,简单方便。
- 目前整体备份/恢复功能仍处于测试阶段,如果你手中有多台设备,欢迎帮我一起测试这一功能。测试步骤:整体备份心动数据,将备份包拷贝到另一台设备上整体恢复,看图文数据是否与之前一致。谢谢!
- 整体恢复完成后,手动重启APP即可显示出恢复的数据。
- 更新捐赠感谢名单。
发布日期: 20160416
- 适配 6.0 系统权限
- 将数据库备份目录从 HeartBeat 目录迁移到 HeartBeat/Backup 目录下
- 从这一版本起,新添加图片将自动备份一份到心动目录下(HeartBeat/Image)
- 老版本用户请注意,新版本首次启动后会进行图库自动迁移,也就是将之前已经添加到图片备份到心动目录下。请耐心等待。迁移过程会首先备份现有数据库,不必担心由于迁移失败导致的数据问题
- 更新捐赠感谢名单
发布日期: 20160401
- 小幅提高启动速度
- 内置图片选择图库,无法打开系统图库的用户可使用内置图库(在设置中勾选)
- 更新捐赠感谢名单
- 建议在更新前备份数据库
Release date: 20160401
- Speed up the app starting
- Build-in gallery to select images for the users can't open the system one. (set in in settings)
- Update the donation thanking list
- We recommend that you back up your data before using the new version
发布日期: 20160323
- 全新设计的事件列表
- 改正教程中的错误
- 设置选项:显示完整时间格式
- 更新捐赠感谢名单
Release date: 20160323
- New event list
- Fix tutorial
- New setting option: show full time format
- Update the donation thanking list
发布日期: 20160116
- 修复新标签对话框显示问题
- 修复标签详情页列表乱序
- 更新捐赠感谢名单
Release date: 20160116
- Fix the layout of the new label dialog
- Fix the wrong order of the list in label detail page
- Update the donation thanking list
发布日期: 20151229
- 事件的添加、修改页面均可以设置添加时间
- 感想的添加、修改页面也均可以设置添加时间
- 添加帮助中心,位于设置菜单下方
- 添加两篇帮助中心教程
- 添加捐赠感谢名单
Release date: 20151229
- The date of the event now can be modified in New Event page and Event Editing page.
- The date of the thought now can be modified in New Thought page and Thought Editing page.
- Add a help center, located below the setting menu.(now Chinese language only.)
- Add 2 articles into help center.
- Add donations thanking list.
发布日期: 20151214
- 大幅提升统计页面加载速度
- APP 整体性能小幅度提升
- 修复生成长微博底部黑条
- 修复搜索栏提示文字
Release date: 20151214
- Speed up the loading time of the statistics page.
- App performance improve.
- Bug fix: size problem in the long image.
- Bug fix: hint text in search box.
发布日期: 20151205
- 事件列表布局调整
- 事件详情页布局调整
- 尝试修复虚拟导航栏背景异常
- 尝试修复恢复数据时调不出文件管理器
- 调整初次使用教程
- 修复今日页面跨日添加事件显示不出问题
Release date: 20151205
- Adjust layout of event list
- Adjust layout of event detail
- Trying to fix wrong navigationbar background
- Trying to fix the problem of file explorer not opening while restoring data
- Ajust the first-using tutorial
- Bug fix: New added event not shown in Today page when a new day begains.
发布日期: 20151122
- 重写底层代码,代码更加清晰、简洁
- 全新的动画封面效果
- APK 体积减小 1MB
- 添加事件页中感想设为可选添加
- 添加感想页面界面调整
- 全新的事件修改页面
- 事件列表长按事件弹出编辑、删除选项
- 由于代码改动较大,建议及时备份数据。若在使用中遇到问题,欢迎与我联系 ^_^
Release date: 20151122
- Rewrite the low-level code, clearer and more concise
- New animated cover image
- Reduce the apk by 1MB
- Now the thought in event-adding page is optional
- Adjust the thought-adding page
- New event-modify page
- Now you can edit/delete event by longclicking the item in event list
- We recommend that you back up your data before using the new version. Contact me if you encounter any problem ^_^
发布日期: 20151107
- 修复添加事件页面返回主界面再回来被遮住
- 修复生成长微博时时间轴圆点不显示
- 引导教程清空后不再重复删除
Release date: 20151107
- Fix the event adding not showing when switch to home screen then back
- Fix the point in timeaxis of the long image not showing
- Tutorial won't generate repeatly when you delete them
发布日期: 20151101
- 事件列表长按删除
- 修复删除所有事件后崩溃 Bug
- 事件卡片等控件添加触摸效果
- 代码重构,提高数据管理效率
- 今日页面提示文字随列表滚动
- 由于新版本涉及底层代码重构,建议在使用新版本前先备份数据
Release date: 20151101
- Long press to delete a event
- Bug fix: crash when delete all events
- Add touch effect to event cards and other widgets
- Code refactoring, improve performance of data managing
- The hint text in Today page now scrolling with the list
- We recommend that you back up your data before using the new version
发布日期: 20151024
- 更换主题功能
- 预置 7 款主题,如果您有好的建议一定要告诉我^o^
Release date: 20151024
- Change theme
- Include 7 themes. If you have good suggestion please let me know ^o^
发布日期: 20151017
- 事件列表添加瀑布流效果
- 事件卡片全新设计,显示事件封面
- 修复标签云只有一个 Tag 不显示的 Bug
- 替换事件详情页长图生成图标
- 今日页面调整
Release date: 20151017
- Add staggered-grid view mode in Event List.
- New design of event cards, now showing the cover images.
- Fixed the bug in Label Cloud of tag not showing when there is only one.
- Change the long image generation icon in Event Detail page.
- Adjust the layout of Today page.
发布日期: 20151012
- 为初次使用的用户添加引导教程
- 添加事件页面文案调整
- 大图页面全屏
Release date: 20151012
- Add a tutorial for new user at the first start
- Adjsut the title of event-adding page
- Fullscreen of the gallery page.
发布日期: 20150930
- 添加事件、感想页面返回添加二次确认
- 修复 4.0.4 系统下 FC 问题
- 在设置中加入捐赠,如果心动对您有所帮助,欢迎请我喝杯咖啡^_^
Release date: 20150930
- Double-confirm when pressing back on add event page and add thought page.
- Fix FC problem under Android 4.0.4.
发布日期: 20150925
- 事件详情页生成长微博(长图)
Release date: 20150925
- Generate long image from event detail page.
发布日期: 20150917
- 现在可以添加带图感想啦!
- 增强感想编辑功能(无图的加图、加图的换图、感想删除)
Release date: 20150917
- Now we can add thoughts with image!
- Improved thought editing (add image to non-image thought, change thought image, delete thoughts)
发布日期: 20150909
Release date: 20150909
Refactoring the image storing part of the database.
Image added in older versions will migrate to new type automatically.
Improve the gallery page.
It is recommended to back up your database before updating in order to avoid missing data.
发布日期: 20150828
设置页 Email 点击打开邮件应用
修复 Bug:针对 Android 4.4 以上版本,之前版本添加图片的代码有误,存在图片无法显示问题,已修复(受影响的图片将标为失效,需要在详情页重新添加)
Release date: 20150828
Click image to display full image in event detail page.
Add image to event without image in event detail page.
Fix text center alignment under English language.
Click Email opens corresponding APP in Settings.
Bug fix: To device abrove Android 4.4, there is a bug in image-adding, may cause the image can not be shown. I fixed it. (The affected images will mark as "parse failed", need re-add in event detail page).
发布日期: 20150821
Add English translation.
Update Google Play introduction.
Update GitHub README.
发布日期: 20150816
发布日期: 20150807
发布日期: 20150731
发布日期: 20150724
发布日期: 20150717
- 添加事件感想统计功能,命名为「心路」
- 修正标签云的一处 Bug
- 界面调整
发布日期: 20150712
- 修复删除无标签事件崩溃问题
- 修复无感想事件显示崩溃问题
感谢 @紫魂0怨影之七号床 提供崩溃报告
发布日期: 20150711
- 感想的修改与删除, 在时间轴中长按操作。
- 事件及事件标签的修改与删除,在事件详情页长按操作。
- 添加崩溃报告功能,位于「设置」->「崩溃报告」。
- 修复 FC 问题。