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Library - Views

Recline Views

Recline Views are instances of Backbone Views and they act as 'WUI' (web user interface) component displaying some model object in the DOM. Like all Backbone views they have a pointer to a model (or a collection) and have an associated DOM-style element (usually this element will be bound into the page at some point).

Views provided by core Recline are crudely divided into two types:

  • Dataset Views: a View intended for displaying a recline.Model.Dataset in some fashion. Examples are the Grid, Graph and Map views.
  • Widget Views: a widget used for displaying some specific (and smaller) aspect of a dataset or the application. Examples are QueryEditor and FilterEditor which both provide a way for editing (a part of) a recline.Model.Query associated to a Dataset.

Dataset View

These views are just Backbone views with a few additional conventions:

  1. The model passed to the View should always be a recline.Model.Dataset instance

  2. Views should generate their own root element rather than having it passed in.

  3. Views should apply a css class named 'recline-{view-name-lower-cased} to the root element (and for all CSS for this view to be qualified using this CSS class)

  4. Read-only mode: CSS for this view should respect/utilize a parent recline-read-only class in order to trigger read-only behaviour (this class will usually be set on some parent element of the view's root element).

  5. State: state (configuration) information for the view should be stored on an attribute named state that is an instance of a Backbone Model (or, more speficially, be an instance of recline.Model.ObjectState). In addition, a state attribute may be specified in the Hash passed to a View on iniitialization and this information should be used to set the initial state of the view.

    Example of state would be the set of fields being plotted in a graph view.

    More information about State can be found below.

To summarize some of this, the initialize function for a Dataset View should look like:

   initialize: {
       model: {a recline.Model.Dataset instance}
       // el: {do not specify - instead view should create}
       state: {(optional) Object / Hash specifying initial state}

Note: Dataset Views in core Recline have a common layout on disk as follows, where ViewName is the named of View class:



State information exists in order to support state serialization into the url or elsewhere and reloading of application from a stored state.

State is available not only for individual views (as described above) but for the dataset (e.g. the current query). For an example of pulling together state from across multiple components see recline.View.DataExplorer.

Flash Messages / Notifications

To send 'flash messages' or notifications the convention is that views should fire an event named recline:flash with a payload that is a flash object with the following attributes (all optional):

  • message: message to show.
  • category: warning (default), success, error
  • persist: if true alert is persistent, o/w hidden after 3s (default=false)
  • loader: if true show a loading message

Objects or views wishing to bind to flash messages may then subscribe to these events and take some action such as displaying them to the user. For an example of such behaviour see the DataExplorer view.

Writing your own Views

See the existing Views.