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Ideas for the future of ODE.jl

Here a few of my ideas on how to take ODE.jl forward with the aim to turn it into a production-quality package of solvers for ordinary differential equation (ODE) and differential algebraic equation (DAE). This entails making ODE.jl correct, stable, and fast for a wide range of serial problems, ranging from space-discretised partial differential equations to systems which are encoded by custom types implementing their own algebra.

I think the improvements need to focus on the following areas:

  1. API specification (user-facing and internal) and refactoring of the code to match it
  2. documentation
  3. adding new solvers
  4. tight integration with a benchmarking and testing framework (e.g. IVPTestSuite.jl or similar)

In particular the following concrete features are desired and needed:

  • new/more implicit and explicit solvers (Confusingly, there are implicit and explicit solvers and also implicitly and explicitly defined differential equations.)
  • dense output
  • event handling/root finding
  • status reporting and logging of convergence, time step, location of biggest error

Future work, not considered here, should also focus on:

  • sensitivity analysis
  • parallel solvers

1) API

User-interface API

A ODE or DAE problem (this mirrors the API of the TS module of PETSc, see PETSc manual page 131) can be defined as

\begin{equation} F(t, y, \dot{y}) = G(t, y), \quad y(t_0)= y_0 \label{eq:full} \end{equation}

if $\frac{∂ F}{∂ \dot{y}}$ is nonsingular then above equation corresponds to a ODE, if singular then to a DAE. If it is an ODE it could in principle be transformed to the standard explicit form $\dot{y}=G(t,y)$ (however, solving for $\dot{y}$ is often impractical). Some ODE/DAE solvers may only work with problems where $F$ or $G$ have a special form, for instance $\dot{y}=G$ for explicit-form solvers.

High-level user interface: This is an extension of the API laid out in ODE.jl API (which is the API many high-level ODE libraries implement, such as SciPy or Matlab). The ease-of-use is traded for a slightly limited feature-set compared to the lower-level API.

I envisage the following three ways to call the solvers. For explicitly defined ODEs (i.e. for specifying a system $\dot{y}=G(t,y)$), the currently implemented API should stay

tout, yout = odeXX(G, y0, tspan; keywords...)

where XX corresponds to a particular solver, e.g. ode45.

For implicitly defined systems (i.e. $F(t,y,\dot{y})=0$ or $F(t,y,\dot{y})=G(t,y)$) the API could be

tout, yout = iodeXX(F, G, y0, tspan; keywords...)

again, where XX corresponds to a particular solver. This API is similar to the one used by DASSL.jl and Sundials.jl.

The following function will allow calling a solver without hard coding the solver with the function name

tout, yout = ode(method, F, G, y0, tspan; keywords...)

where the variable method (probably either a symbol or a type-instance encoding the method) selects the used method. Depending on the method either an explicit function G or implicit function F or both need to be specified.

Aside: The underlying low-level API will be based around in-place G! and F!. I am not sure (yet) whether or how to support this in the high-level API.

Solver parameters are specified through keywords arguments. However, at least for some solvers, not all of their options may be available. Most of these options are already supported, some are new:

  • abstol, reltol: error control
  • norm user supplied norm function used in the error estimation
  • step control: maxstep, minstep, initstep
  • maxorder: set or limit the order of variable order methods
  • status: a function called after each step
  • verbosity: how much solver status feedback is given
  • output points: points (I am unsure about the best interface here)
  • jacobian: Jacobian function or sparsity structure
  • eventfn: event detection/root finding function(s)
  • mass: a function which returns the mass matrix. (Not sure whether/how to include this as this can be encoded with the $F(t, y, \dot{y}) = G(t, y)$ formalism)

Lower-level user interface: This API will allow to access all solver features and at maximum performance (the high-level API wraps this). The API to solve eq.(1) is based around iteration (as advanced in PR #49 by @pwl), best shown as an example, in Julia-psuedo code:

# Equations to be solved
F!(res, t, y, ydot) = ...
G!(res, t, y) = ...
y0 = ...   # initial conditions
tspan = [start_time, end_time]  # integration time interval
tout = linspace(tspan[1], tspan[2], 100)  # output times, tout ∈ tspan

# Solver setup
eventfns = [f1, f2] # of form f1(t,y,ydot)
meth = method(:rk45) # returns a type-instance encoding Runge-Kutta 45
opts = options(meth; eventfns=eventfns, other_non_default_kws...) # create option structure
problem = Problem(F!, G!, y0, tspan, opts) # defines a ODE/DAE problem

# Iterating over the actual steps the solver takes:
yout, tout, events = [], [], []
for state in problem
    t,y,ydot = current(state)
    push!(yout, y)
    push!(tout, t)
    e = getevents!(state) # sets state.done if event is terminal
    append!(events, e)

# Iterating over the given output times tout (this is just a wrapper of above iterator)
yout, events = [], []
for (t,y,ydot,e) in denseoutput(problem, tout, points=:specified)
    push!(yout, y)
    append!(events, e) # e: list of events which happend since previous output time

In the first loop, the iteration returns the time-steps actually taken by the stepper, be it an adaptive time/order solver, or a fixed step solver. The function getevents detects any events that happened during the last step and terminates the iteration if one of the events requests it. The variable state holds all the necessary information to take the next step as well as all the information to do dense output. Solvers for a set of ODE/DAE-methods have to define a type to hold the state; the topic of the next section.

The iteration using denseoutput outputs the y, ydot at the times specified in tout, however, underneath the same steps as in the first loop are taken. If points=:all is set, then additionally the actual steps are also output

Internal API

The aim of below-proposed design of the internal API is to make adding new integration methods as easy as possible: meaning that for most methods it should suffice to add a method to advance one time step (plus some helper methods and types). The adaptive time/order stepping, error control, dense output (to 3rd order), and event location will be provided by ODE.jl. If a method does not fit into this scheme then it can directly implement the lower-level, user-facing API (see previous section) and still be a “full member” of ODE.jl.

The API, which makes implementing new solvers easy, together with the envisaged tight integration for running benchmark & test cases (see below), will hopefully make ODE.jl an attractive environment for ODE/DAE solver development.

The internal API in Julia pseudo code (extending PR #49 of @pwl):

# Integration methods (aka solvers) are subtypes of:
abstract IntegrationMethod

# Integration methods options/settings
abstract AOptions
# universal options:
type Options <: AOptions
    abstol; reltol; norm; # etc: all the keyword arguments and some more
    # Method specific option structure:

# Type holding the mathematical definition of the problem
immutable ODEdef
    F!; G! # the differential equation: F(t, y, ydot) = G(t, y)
           # with F!(t,y,ydot,res), G!(t,y,res)
    y0 # initial conditions
    t0 # initial time

# Combine this definition with an integration method and with an
# end-time to create a the full problem specification
immutable Problem
    eventfns # list of event functions: find the zeros of these
    opts::AOptions     # numerical options for that method
    tend    # end time
# wrap above type for dense output
immutable DenseProblem
    tout # requested output times

# Abstract super-type for ODE-state types
abstract AState

# Iterator setup to allow lower-level user-API loops:
function start(p::Problem)
    # Does various setups
    return state::AState
function timestep!(state::AState, F!, G!, opts) # -> status-code: success or failure
    # Does one time step:
    # - takes a step with `step!` which is integration-method specific
    # - checks its error and accepts or rejects the step.  Sets the
    #   step-size and order for the next step.
    # - if it is a fixed step solver, just accept all steps
    while true
        step!(state, F!, G!, tend, opts) # sets state.done if done
        accept = stepcontrol!(state) # sets new state.dt, state.order
        if accept
            state.status = SUCESS
        elseif too_many_steps_etc
            state.status = FAILURE
            state.done = true
            # try again with new step size and/or order
    return state.status

next(p::Problem, state::AState) = (timestep!(state, p.F!, p.G!, p.opts); (state,state) )
done(p::Problem, state::AState) = state.done

# Dense output using state
denseoutput(state, tout) = (...; return ts, ys)

# Dense output iterator
denseoutput(p::Problem, tout) = DenseOutput(p, tout)
start(d::DenseOutput) = (1,start(d.problem)) # first is index into tout
function next(d::DenseOutput, st::Tuple{Int,AState})
    ind, state = st
    if new_state_needed
        state = next(d.problem, state)
        events = getevents(state)
    t,y,ydot,e = get_dense_output(state, events, tout[ind], ...)
    return ( (t,y,ydot,e), (ind+1, state) )
done(d::DenseOutput, st::Tuple{Int,AState}) = ...

To make above machinery work each integration-method, or group of methods, needs to implement below interface. Basically it consists of a type to hold the state and implementing methods to do one time-step and to provide dense output (if higher than 3-order dense output is required). Again in Julia pseudo code:

type OptionsXX <: AOptions
    # method specific options/parameters

type StateXX <: AState
    # Holds the state for a particular set of integration methods,
    # i.e. all info necessary to:
    # - take the next step
    # - create dense output between current and last step (if supported)
    # - this also includes necessary temporary storage
    # There are various subtleties, e.g. with multistep solver during
    # startup.
    # The constructor creates `state` for the initial conditions, e.g.:
    y; t;
    y_previous; t_previous;
    StateXX(...) = ...
# + some helper functions
current(state::StateXX) = ...  # return t, y(t), ydot(t)
currenttime(state::StateXX) = ...  # return t
previous(state::StateXX) = ... # return t-1, y(t-1), ydot(t-1)
# etc

function step!(state::StateXX, F!, G!,  tend, opts)
    # This function takes one time step.  This is the core function of
    # a solver-method.
function rollback!(state::StateXX, tend, opts)
    # Undoes the last time step, needed if it gets rejected.
function denseoutput(state::StateXX, tout)
    # Provides interpolated output at the times specified in tout.
    # ( t_last< tout <= t_current ).
    # If not specifed, then it uses a 3rd-order fallback using Hermite interpolation.
function getevents(state::StateXX)
    # Returns events in last timestep. Sets state.done if terminal event.
    # If not specifed, falls back to find roots using the denseoutput method.

This concludes the overview of the envisaged user-facing and internal API. Certainly, the design should/would evolve during an implementation as design constraints from newly implemented solvers become apparent, as well as mistakes in this design.

Hooking up external ODE solvers

There are several other Julia ODE/DAE solver packages: DASSL.jl, Sundials.jl, ODEInterface.jl, Dopri.jl and in future probably PETSc.jl. It should be straight forward to wrap solvers which have an interface based around iteration (DASSL.jl, Sundials.jl, PETSc.jl). However, wrapping packages which do not provide iterators may not be possible to the full extent and thus may not be worthwhile to wrap.

External packages for solving non-linear equations (used by implicit solvers)

Systems of (non-)linear equations need to be solved when using implicit solvers:

\begin{equation} H(x) = 0. \end{equation}

Often this is implemented with a Newton method (but there are also other methods) which involves repeatedly solving a system of linear equations

\begin{equation} J(x_k) Δ x_k = −H (x_k), \end{equation}

for $Δ x_k$ which is then used to update the solution estimate $xk+1=x_k + Δ x$. $J$ is the Jacobian $J=H’$.

Ideally ODE.jl would use an external package for solving non-linear equations. As far as I can tell NLsolve.jl is the most advanced package for this, providing automatic computations of Jacobians (by finite differences or automatic differentiation). However, for large and sparse Jacobians, matrix-coloring provides a big speed boost by lowering the amount of function evaluations. I started implementing such a package (MatrixColorings.jl used in Rosenrock-W methods PR #72), which ideally would be integrated with NLsolve.jl.

I suggest that ODE.jl should have a simple Newton-based non-linear solver built-in. However, it should also allow using the more advanced solvers of NLsolve.jl or other packages.

Linear solvers

Currently, the focus of ODE.jl is on serial problems, i.e. on systems with up to a few 10,000 degrees of freedom. Therefore, only Julia-Base direct linear solvers, i.e. the \-operator, are considered at the moment (to be used inside the Newton-solver). However, for large-scale systems iterative solvers (e.g. IterativeSolvers.jl) would be better suited and should be made available in the future, in particular if parallel capabilities are added to ODE.jl.

2) Documentation

Simple yet effective documentation should be provided, probably hosted on Read the Docs. API documentation can derived from in-line doc-strings (which also need writing), the manual will probably best be written in markdown. Examples may be provided as markdown documents or Jypter notebooks (e.g. PR #87), a uniform format has to be decided on.

3) New solvers

For non-stiff ODEs, there are quite a few explicit solvers in ODE.jl, in particular a suite of adaptive Runge-Kutta methods (but explicit adaptive multistep methods are missing). However, for stiff ODEs there is only one implicit, adaptive solver: ode23s. Focus for new solvers should therefore be on providing more implicit solvers. In particular the following:

  • finish up PR 72 for Rosenrock-W methods
  • IMEX (implicit-explicit) methods
  • multistep solvers: explicit & implicit (Adams-Bashforth, BDF which is implemented in DASSL.jl)
  • implicit Runge-Kutta methods
  • Structure preserving methods, e.g. symplectic solvers (see PR 10)

4) Tight integration with benchmark/test suite

When developing an ODE solver, tests for both correctness and performance are indispensable. IVPTestSuite.jl is such a package, albeit in need of some attention, but it should make a good foundation. Ideally such test/benchmarks would be run (semi-)automatically during continuous integration and produce reports. BenchmarkTrackers.jl provides such a frame-work and hopefully IVPTestSuite.jl can hook into it.


Hairer, E.; Nørsett, S. P. & Wanner, G. 3nd (Ed.) Solving ordinary differential equations I: nonstiff problems; Springer-Verlag, 1992

Wanner, G. & Hairer, E. 2nd (Ed.) Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II: Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems; Springer-Verlag, 1996

Hairer, E.; Lubich, C. & Wanner, G. Geometric numerical integration: structure-preserving algorithms for ordinary differential equations; Springer Science & Business Media, 2004, 31

Butcher, J. C. 2nd (Ed.) Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations; John Wiley & Sons, 2008 (less accessible than above)

S. Balay et al., PETSc Users Manual, Revision 3.6, 2015

Sundials Documentation

Sensitivity analysis: DASPK-solver