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Bucky Developer Guide

WIP document on getting the dev env setup

This only applies to the poetry branch until all this is merged into master!



You need at least git, python 3.7+ and standard build tools (like ubuntu's build-essential)

TODO someone needs to run through an install in a fresh env to make sure there's nothing else here...

Install Poetry

Download and run it:


Mac Requirements

If installing Bucky on a Mac, the following dependencies must also be installed. Note: This assumes you have brew installed.

  • OpenBLAS brew install openblas

  • GDAL brew install gdal

  • PyProj brew install proj

Create your own fork

To submit pull requests to the main repository you'll need to setup your own fork of the repo:

  • In the GitHub UI, fork the main repository to your own account.
  • Add your fork of the repository as the origin
    git clone[your_username]/bucky.git -b [branch_name]
    cd bucky
  • Add the original version of the repository as an "upstream" source:
    git remote add upstream

Do all of your work in this fork, make a bunch of commits, push to it whenever you want, etc. Once a feature is done, use the GitHub UI to create a pull request from your fork to the upstream repository, so that it may be code reviewed.

Install Nox (optional)

If you want to run the full test suite against multiple versions of python (3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10), you'll need to setup Nox+pyenv.

Pyenv potentially mucks up your python setup SYSTEM WIDE, be careful and only do this if you need to.
  • Install pyenv.

    See this guide for details.

    • If installing Bucky on a Mac, use brew to install. * brew install pyenv * After installing pyenv, add to your path by adding the following to your .zshrc (or bashrc) file:
eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
  • Install compatible python versions in pyenv (this will take awhile to build each one).

    pyenv install 3.7.11
    pyenv install 3.8.12
    pyenv install 3.9.10
    pyenv install 3.10.2
  • Set the local python versions for bucky:

    cd bucky
    pyenv local 3.10.2 3.9.10 3.8.12 3.7.11

    The first version listed is the one used when you run plain python. Every other version can be used by invoking python<major.minor>. For example, use python3.7 to invoke Python 3.7.

  • Install Nox at the system level (not in a bucky venv)

    pip install nox

Now you should be setup to run the full test suite against all four python versions by running nox in the top level bucky directory:

cd bucky

Install GDAL

Some dependencies (geopandas, fiona) require GDAL to be installed at the system level. How to do this depends on your OS. The following are untested (except arch):


sudo pacman -Sy gdal


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin libgdal-dev


brew install gdal


TODO You will need to manually install the gdal/fiona wheels under windows.

Install Python Dev requirements

In your local checkout of your bucky fork (you should be in the top level bucky folder that contains pyproject.toml), install the local development requirements inside a virtual environment using poetry:

poetry install
poetry run inv install-hooks

NB: you can install the GPU extras version on compatiable systems using poetry install -E gpu instead.

Everything should be good to go now, you can execute commands in the bucky venv using poetry run <cmd>

For Mac users: Because some dependencies were installed via brew, their locations must be specified when running poetry install. Use the following command:

OPENBLAS="$(brew --prefix openblas)" DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH="$(HOME)/lib:/usr/local/lib:/lib:/usr/lib" poetry install

Other poetry commands can be run as normal.


TODO need more info here

You should now be able to execute the bucky cli using the editable install in the poetry venv:

poetry run bucky

Writing tests

Invoke tasks

There are some predefined devel tasks that can be run using Invoke (which is already installed as a dev dep).


  • poetry run inv clean - remove ALL temporary files
    • poetry run inv clean_build - remove temporary files from building wheels
    • poetry run inv clean_python - remove temporary python caches
    • poetry run inv clean_tests - remove temporary files from testing
    • poetry run inv clean_docs - remove temporary files from sphinx-building the docs


  • poetry run inv hooks - run all pre-commit hooks, (like running pre-commit run -a in the poetry venv.

  • poetry run inv lint - run all linters

    • poetry run inv format - run black and isort
    • poetry run inv flake8 - run flakehell (which wraps flake8 and pylint)
    • poetry run inv safety - run safety to check for outdated/insecure dependences (dependabot should catch all these though 🤷)


  • poetry run inv tests - run pytest on the active python version (see here for running against all python versions)

  • poetry run inv coverage - generate coverage report


  • poetry run inv docs - build a local copy of the sphinx docs


  • poetry run inv version - bump the version and commit

Building the wheels

Don't worry about this unless you're matt...


Don't worry about this unless you're matt...