As docker-engine is only supported on Windows 10 and I am running Windows 7 I need a Linux Virtual Machine to act as my docker engine. I could create my own Linux Virtual Machine and install docker-engine on that, however, docker-machine makes this much easier. Make sure you have VirtualBox installed.
Docker Machine creates a lightweight Virtual Machine based on boot2docker for hosting containers. If on Windows or Mac install docker-toolbox (I selected Docker Client and Docker Machine).
Create a new docker host machine and log in to it:
docker-machine create --virtualbox-memory "4096"
docker-machine ssh
Download the projects: (note may need to set proxy export; export
git clone
cd HelloWorldMicroservice
Create the user-defined bridge network (so we get embedded DNS):
docker network create --driver bridge hwms_nw
Build the machines:
docker build -t hwms_db docker-images/hwms_db
docker build -t hwms .
docker build -t hwms_rest docker-images/hwms_rest
docker build -t hwms_web docker-images/hwms_web
docker build -t hwms_sbweb docker-images/hwms_sbweb
Start the database:
docker run --detach --network=hwms_nw --hostname hwmsdb --name hwmsdb --publish 3306:3306 --volume /home/docker/datadir:/var/lib/mysql hwms_db
Start the REST services tier:
docker run --detach --network=hwms_nw --hostname hwmsrest1 --name hwmsrest1 hwms_rest
docker run --detach --network=hwms_nw --hostname hwmsrest2 --name hwmsrest2 hwms_rest
Start the Spark Framework web tier:
docker run --detach --network=hwms_nw --hostname hwmsweb1 --name hwmsweb1 hwms_web
docker run --detach --network=hwms_nw --hostname hwmsweb2 --name hwmsweb2 hwms_web
Start the Spring Boot web tier:
docker run --detach --network=hwms_nw --hostname hwmssbweb1 --name hwmssbweb1 hwms_sbweb
docker run --detach --network=hwms_nw --hostname hwmssbweb2 --name hwmssbweb2 hwms_sbweb
Start the NGINX load balancer:
docker run --detach --network=hwms_nw --hostname hwmslb --name hwmslb --publish 8080:80 --volume /home/docker/HelloWorldMicroservice/nginx.conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d:ro nginx
curl http://localhost:8080/service/users
Access the Browser UI via NGINX.
- Deploy to docker swarm and use
docker service scale
- Use docker-compose
- Use Kubernetes?
- Use
rather than the unsupportedisuper/java-oracle