The following is a list of causal inference libraries, ordered by language and popularity (stars).
- regression - Linear regression models
- tsa - Time series analysis
- duration - Survival and duration models
- nonparametric - Nonparametric methods
- gmm - Generalized method of moments
- stats - Statistical tests and tools
Linearmodels (extension of Statsmodels)
- gcm - Graphical causal model-based inference
- inference.tree - Tree-based uplift models [Docs]
- inference.meta - S-, T-, X-, R-, DR-, TMLE-learners [Docs]
- inference.iv - Doubly-robust instrumental variables [Docs]
- match - Matching
- propensity - Propensity score estimation
- dml - Double machine learning
- dr - Doubly robust learning
- forest - Causal forests
- metalearners - S-, T-, X-learners [Paper]
- iv.dml - Double machine learning with instrumental variables
- iv.nnet - Deep instrumental variables
- dynamic_dml - Dynamic double machine learning
- structure - Directed acyclic graph structure learning
- network - Bayesian network modeling
- evaluation - Model evaluation
- inference - Model inference
- search - Search methods for causal discovery
- InterruptedTimeSeries - Interrupted time series
- SyntheticControl - Synthetic control methods
- DifferenceInDifferences - Difference-in-differences
- RegressionDiscontinuity - Regression discontinuity
- Fast generalized linear models [Docs]
- AutoML for causal inference
- Uplift modeling for geographical experiments [Docs]
- Fast high-dimensional fixed effect orthogonalization algorithm
- Trimmed match estimator for aggregate geographical experiments [Paper]
- Fast high-dimensional fixed effect regression for ols, iv and poisson regression following fixest syntax
- Difference-in-differences with staggered adaption: Gardner's 2-stage estimator ("did2s") and Dube et al's (2023) local projections approach (vignette link)
DeepIV - Deep learning for instrumental variables estimation [Paper]
ananke - Causal inference with DAGs
scikit-uplift - Basic meta-learner and uplift tools
- Bayesian structural time-series models [Docs]
- Marketing mixed models [Docs]
- Generalized random forests [Docs]
- Fast high-dimensional fixed effect regression [Docs]
- Tidy-style heterogeneous treatment effect estimation [Docs]
alpaca - Generalized linear models with high-dimensional fixed effects
ggdag - Visualizing and analyzing causal DAGs
pcalg - Causal structure learning and causal inference using DAGs
- Tidyverse port to Julia
- Fast high-dimensional fixed effect regression
- Causal inference with directed acyclic graphs