- Termination function: binary goal trigger function
- Reward function: R plus option completion reward
- Initiation set: classification problem
- Learn policy and initiation set
- Termination function: initiation set of first option - add to list of target events
- When agent first enters new target, create a new option
- Reward function: R plus option completion reward
- "More than one option may be created to reach a target event if that event remains on the target event list after the first option is created to reach it."
- Conditions:
- don't create new option if target event is triggered from state already in initiation set of an option targeting that event
- initiation set does not overlap with siblings or parents
- limit branching factor by removing target event once it has some number of options targeting it
- Gestation period
- off-policy updates if state outside initiation set ignored
- updates for unsuccessful on-policy trajectory ignored
- when option is executed, states on trajectories that reach goal within 250 steps used as positive examples
starts taking 1000 steps after moving to exponential decay
- Limit number of bad steps in trajectory
change point detection after solving mdp - state trajectory through time, fit model to it Bayesian thing to determine when model is different scott nikum package champ
fixed timelength pick some number of steps and classify after that easy hack
bottleneck states best in theory trajectories into density estimator, sample from estimator find the peaks, non-maximal supression - ask Ben B