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98 lines (87 loc) · 2.8 KB

File metadata and controls

98 lines (87 loc) · 2.8 KB
layout title permalink

{% assign albums_with_scores = site.posts | where_exp: "album", "album.score > 0" %} {% assign top_albums = albums_with_scores | sort:"score" | reverse %} {% assign bottom_albums = top_albums | reverse %}

All our albums, ranked by score

{% for album in top_albums -%} {%- endfor -%}
Artist and album Host Score
#{{ forloop.index }}. {% include record_title.html record=album %} {{ }} {{ album.score }} / 100

All our hosts (and the number of times they hosted)

{% assign albums_by_host = albums_with_scores | group_by:"host" %} {% assign albums_by_host_average_score = "" | split: "," %} {% for group in albums_by_host %} {% assign num_albums = group.items | size %} {% assign score_total = 0 %} {% for album in group.items %} {% assign score_total = score_total | plus:album.score %} {% endfor %} {% assign avg_score = score_total | divided_by:num_albums %}

{% assign object = '{"host": "' | | append:'",' %}
{% assign object = object | append:'"num_times": ' | append:num_albums | append:',' %}
{% assign object = object | append:'"avg_score": ' | append:avg_score %}
{% assign object = object | append:'},' | parse_json %}
{% assign albums_by_host_average_score = albums_by_host_average_score | push:object %}

{% endfor %}

<script> function dynamicSort(property) { var sortOrder = 1; if(property[0] === "-") { sortOrder = -1; property = property.substr(1); } return function (a,b) { /* next line works with strings and numbers, * and you may want to customize it to your needs */ var result = (a[property] < b[property]) ? -1 : (a[property] > b[property]) ? 1 : 0; return result * sortOrder; } } const host_data = [{{albums_by_host_average_score | json}}] let html = ` `; const sorted_list = host_data.sort(dynamicSort('avg_score')).reverse(); for (const host in sorted_list) { const x = host_data[host]; html += ` ` } html += `
Host Number of times hosted Average score
${parseInt(host) + 1}. ${} ${x.num_times} ${x.avg_score}
`; document.getElementById('js-stats-avg').innerHTML = html; </script>