<?php /** * Matomo - free/libre analytics platform * * @link https://matomo.org * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later * */ namespace Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions; use Piwik\Common; use Piwik\DataTable\Row; use Piwik\Archive; use Piwik\DataTable; use Piwik\Filesystem; use Piwik\Metrics; use Piwik\Piwik; use Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions\Dao\Configuration; use Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions\Dao\LogTable; use Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions\Dimension\Active; use Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions\Dimension\CaseSensitive; use Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions\Dimension\Dimension; use Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions\Dimension\Extraction; use Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions\Dimension\Extractions; use Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions\Dimension\Index; use Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions\Dimension\Name; use Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions\Dimension\Scope; use Piwik\Tracker\Cache; /** * The Custom Dimensions API lets you manage and access reports for your configured Custom Dimensions. * * @method static API getInstance() */ class API extends \Piwik\Plugin\API { /** * Fetch a report for the given idDimension. Only reports for active dimensions can be fetched. Requires at least * view access. * * @param int $idDimension * @param int $idSite * @param string $period * @param string $date * @param bool|false $segment * @param bool|false $expanded * @param bool|false $flat * @param int|null $idSubtable * @return DataTable|DataTable\Map * @throws \Exception */ public function getCustomDimension($idDimension, $idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $expanded = false, $flat = false, $idSubtable = null) { Piwik::checkUserHasViewAccess($idSite); $dimension = new Dimension($idDimension, $idSite); $dimension->checkActive(); $record = Archiver::buildRecordNameForCustomDimensionId($idDimension); $dataTable = Archive::createDataTableFromArchive($record, $idSite, $period, $date, $segment, $expanded, $flat, $idSubtable); if (isset($idSubtable) && $dataTable->getRowsCount()) { $parentTable = Archive::createDataTableFromArchive($record, $idSite, $period, $date, $segment); foreach ($parentTable->getRows() as $row) { if ($row->getIdSubDataTable() == $idSubtable) { $parentValue = $row->getColumn('label'); $dataTable->filter('Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions\DataTable\Filter\AddSubtableSegmentMetadata', array($idDimension, $parentValue)); break; } } } else { $dataTable->filter('Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions\DataTable\Filter\AddSegmentMetadata', array($idDimension)); } $dataTable->filter('Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions\DataTable\Filter\RemoveUserIfNeeded', array($idSite, $period, $date)); return $dataTable; } /** * Configures a new Custom Dimension. Note that Custom Dimensions cannot be deleted, be careful when creating one * as you might run quickly out of available Custom Dimension slots. Requires at least Admin access for the * specified website. A current list of available `$scopes` can be fetched via the API method * `CustomDimensions.getAvailableScopes()`. This method will also contain information whether actually Custom * Dimension slots are available or whether they are all already in use. * * @param int $idSite The idSite the dimension shall belong to * @param string $name The name of the dimension * @param string $scope Either 'visit' or 'action'. To get an up to date list of availabe scopes fetch the * API method `CustomDimensions.getAvailableScopes` * @param int $active '0' if dimension should be inactive, '1' if dimension should be active * @param array $extractions Either an empty array or if extractions shall be used one or multiple extractions * the format array(array('dimension' => 'url', 'pattern' => 'index_(.+).html'), array('dimension' => 'urlparam', 'pattern' => '...')) * Supported dimensions are eg 'url', 'urlparam' and 'action_name'. To get an up to date list of * supported dimensions request the API method `CustomDimensions.getAvailableExtractionDimensions`. * Note: Extractions can be only set for dimensions in scope 'action'. * @param int|bool $caseSensitive '0' if extractions should be applied case insensitive, '1' if extractions should be applied case sensitive * @return int Returns the ID of the configured dimension. Note that the same idDimension will be used for different websites. * @throws \Exception */ public function configureNewCustomDimension($idSite, $name, $scope, $active, $extractions = array(), $caseSensitive = true) { Piwik::checkUserHasWriteAccess($idSite); $this->checkCustomDimensionConfig($name, $active, $extractions, $caseSensitive); $scopeCheck = new Scope($scope); $scopeCheck->check(); $extractions = $this->unsanitizeExtractions($extractions); $this->checkExtractionsAreSupportedForScope($scope, $extractions); $index = new Index(); $index = $index->getNextIndex($idSite, $scope); $configuration = $this->getConfiguration(); $idDimension = $configuration->configureNewDimension($idSite, $name, $scope, $index, $active, $extractions, $caseSensitive); Cache::deleteCacheWebsiteAttributes($idSite); Cache::clearCacheGeneral(); Filesystem::deleteAllCacheOnUpdate(); return $idDimension; } private function unsanitizeExtractions($extractions) { if (!empty($extractions) && is_array($extractions)) { foreach ($extractions as $index => $extraction) { if (!empty($extraction['pattern']) && is_string($extraction['pattern'])) { $extractions[$index]['pattern'] = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($extraction['pattern']); } } } return $extractions; } /** * Updates an existing Custom Dimension. This method updates all values, you need to pass existing values of the * dimension if you do not want to reset any value. Requires at least Admin access for the specified website. * * @param int $idDimension The id of a Custom Dimension. * @param int $idSite The idSite the dimension belongs to * @param string $name The name of the dimension * @param int $active '0' if dimension should be inactive, '1' if dimension should be active * @param array $extractions Either an empty array or if extractions shall be used one or multiple extractions * the format array(array('dimension' => 'url', 'pattern' => 'index_(.+).html'), array('dimension' => 'urlparam', 'pattern' => '...')) * Supported dimensions are eg 'url', 'urlparam' and 'action_name'. To get an up to date list of * supported dimensions request the API method `CustomDimensions.getAvailableExtractionDimensions`. * Note: Extractions can be only set for dimensions in scope 'action'. * @param int|bool|null $caseSensitive '0' if extractions should be applied case insensitive, '1' if extractions should be applied case sensitive, null to keep case sensitive unchanged * @return int Returns the ID of the configured dimension. Note that the same idDimension will be used for different websites. * @throws \Exception */ public function configureExistingCustomDimension($idDimension, $idSite, $name, $active, $extractions = array(), $caseSensitive = null) { Piwik::checkUserHasWriteAccess($idSite); $dimension = new Dimension($idDimension, $idSite); $dimension->checkExists(); if (!isset($caseSensitive)) { $caseSensitive = $dimension->getCaseSensitive(); } $extractions = $this->unsanitizeExtractions($extractions); $this->checkCustomDimensionConfig($name, $active, $extractions, $caseSensitive); $this->checkExtractionsAreSupportedForScope($dimension->getScope(), $extractions); $this->getConfiguration()->configureExistingDimension($idDimension, $idSite, $name, $active, $extractions, $caseSensitive); Cache::deleteCacheWebsiteAttributes($idSite); Cache::clearCacheGeneral(); } private function checkExtractionsAreSupportedForScope($scope, $extractions) { if (!CustomDimensions::doesScopeSupportExtractions($scope) && !empty($extractions)) { throw new \Exception("Extractions can be used only in scope 'action'"); } } /** * Get a list of all configured CustomDimensions for a given website. Requires at least Admin access for the * specified website. * * @param int $idSite * @return array */ public function getConfiguredCustomDimensions($idSite) { Piwik::checkUserHasViewAccess($idSite); $configs = $this->getConfiguration()->getCustomDimensionsForSite($idSite); return $configs; } /** * For convenience. Hidden to reduce API surface area. * @hide */ public function getConfiguredCustomDimensionsHavingScope($idSite, $scope) { $result = $this->getConfiguredCustomDimensions($idSite); $result = array_filter($result, function ($row) use ($scope) { return $row['scope'] == $scope; }); $result = array_values($result); return $result; } private function checkCustomDimensionConfig($name, $active, $extractions, $caseSensitive) { // ideally we would work with these objects a bit more instead of arrays but we'd have a lot of // serialize/unserialize to do as we need to cache all configured custom dimensions for tracker cache and // we do not want to serialize all php instances there. Also we need to return an array for each // configured dimension in API methods anyway $name = new Name($name); $name->check(); $active = new Active($active); $active->check(); $extractions = new Extractions($extractions); $extractions->check(); $caseSensitive = new CaseSensitive($caseSensitive); $caseSensitive->check(); } /** * Get a list of all supported scopes that can be used in the API method * `CustomDimensions.configureNewCustomDimension`. The response also contains information whether more Custom * Dimensions can be created or not. Requires at least Admin access for the specified website. * * @param int $idSite * @return array */ public function getAvailableScopes($idSite) { Piwik::checkUserHasViewAccess($idSite); $scopes = array(); foreach (CustomDimensions::getPublicScopes() as $scope) { $configs = $this->getConfiguredCustomDimensionsHavingScope($idSite, $scope); $indexes = $this->getTracking($scope)->getInstalledIndexes(); $scopes[] = array( 'value' => $scope, 'name' => Piwik::translate('General_TrackingScope' . ucfirst($scope)), 'numSlotsAvailable' => count($indexes), 'numSlotsUsed' => count($configs), 'numSlotsLeft' => count($indexes) - count($configs), 'supportsExtractions' => CustomDimensions::doesScopeSupportExtractions($scope) ); } return $scopes; } /** * Get a list of all available dimensions that can be used in an extraction. Requires at least Admin access * to one website. * * @return array */ public function getAvailableExtractionDimensions() { Piwik::checkUserHasSomeWriteAccess(); $supported = Extraction::getSupportedDimensions(); $dimensions = array(); foreach ($supported as $value => $dimension) { $dimensions[] = array('value' => $value, 'name' => $dimension); } return $dimensions; } private function getTracking($scope) { return new LogTable($scope); } private function getConfiguration() { return new Configuration(); } }