- Running analysis for the all models, including the MonitorMulparametric Model(integrated)
- Is missing:
- Running analysis with redundance
- Add sterotype for battery and running analysis
- ErrorModelBehavior modelling to ManageBattery, but didn't work for the running the analysis
- Running analysis for the models, but deem server did not behave well
- Is missing:
- Get better results running Analyses
- Test the analysis define DEEM Server parameters
- Remove CPU from each modelling
- Create a new Interface for Voltage representing 5V inside the modelling
- Add energy on sensor
- Remove NoCardiacAnomalyDetected from DetectAomalies
- Create a CentralProcess to receive OximeterPulse, Termometer and RateRespiratory config and Signals
- Change name ElectricSignalDC interface to ElectricSignalAC
- Change name Voltage intarface to VoltageDC
- Is missing:
- ErrorModelBehavior modelling to ManageBattery
- Running Analyses
- To refine DEEM Server parameters
- Make improvements on general modelling and finish the general modelling
- Finish Link general modelling
- Finish Composite for ServerResults
- Is missing generate instances and Running Analysis
- Link alarms to all dispostives(ecg, termometer, pulse oximeter and rate respiratory)
- Link pre configurations to dispositives models
- Finish the class diagram to server results
- Is missing general linking
- Is missing composite for ServerResults
- Refactor all the project
- Is missing the general integrations
- Link pre cofinguration with models (ecg, term, oximeter and resp)
- Is missing finish the server results with alarms and signals provided another models
- Is missing configuration the analysis and running
- Create a new class diagram to Integrate 4 modelling(battery, screen results, detect diseases and ecg)
- Create a new compose for integrate 4 modelling(battery, screen results, detect diseases and ecg)
- Running analysis for integrated modelling, works perfectly
- Modelling General ICU with Multiparametric Editor
- Add more components to modelling Mulparametric Monitor
- Running alanysis
- Modelling General ICU Environment
- Is missing component that represent each modelling
- Modelling ECGSignalFlow
- Running Analysis to ECGSignalFlow
- Modelling ScreeResults
- Running Analysis to ScreenResults
- PS: I cannot runned yet the analysis for each modelling. I runned the analysis for each modelling time by time
- Modelling AlarmBattery and DetecteDiseases in a new project
- Analysis runned and tested for AlarmBattery, will running on DetecteDiseases yet
- Create another project only with SystemView, contains modelling to AlarmBattery, Screen Results and ECG Signal Flow
- Refactor SystemView and run analysis on SystemView
- Refactor models and organize the architecture models
- Organize DetectDieses on packages
- Organize ECGSignalFlow on packages
- Organize ScreenResults on packages
- Organize GeneralECG on packages
- Organize BatteryAlarm on packages
- End modelling, is missing configure the analysis