A Clojure implementation of the famous Conway's game of life.
It's implemented in 60 x 60 matrix and displays in multicolor using Quil.
lein run
(require '[zone.lambda.game.board :as b :refer [DEAD ALIVE]])
(defn neighbour-cells [block]
(concat (subvec (vec block) 0 4) (subvec (vec block) 5 9)))
(defn neighbour-count [block]
(count (filter #(= % ALIVE) (neighbour-cells block))))
(defn is-alive? [board i]
(= (get board i) ALIVE))
(defn coords2state [board coords]
(map #(get board %) coords))
(defn parse-block [board block-coords]
(let [i (get block-coords 4)
ncount (neighbour-count (coords2state board block-coords))]
(if (is-alive? board i)
(< ncount 2) DEAD
(or (= ncount 2) (= ncount 3)) ALIVE
(> ncount 3) DEAD)
(if (= ncount 3)
(defn apply-rules [board]
(mapv (fn [i]
(let [mov (partial b/move i)] (parse-block board [(mov -1 -1) (mov 0 -1) (mov +1 -1)
(mov -1 0) i (mov +1 0)
(mov -1 +1) (mov 0 +1) (mov +1 +1)])))
(range (* b/column-nb b/raw-nb))))
(defn game-of-life-step [{:keys [board] :as state}]
(reset! b/arena board)
(let [new-board (apply-rules board)]
{:board new-board}))
modify the code and re-run lein run
modify the code and re-run lein run
modify the code and re-run lein run
or use Klipse for an interactive session :)
Copyright © 2016 Mathieu Gauthron
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.