diff --git a/project.mml b/project.mml index 28462d4d32..5392882d62 100644 --- a/project.mml +++ b/project.mml @@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ "srs": "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over", "Datasource": { "extent": "-20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508", - "table": "(SELECT way, (CASE WHEN substr(feature, length(feature)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN substr(feature, 0, length(feature)-4) ELSE feature END) AS feature,\n horse, foot, bicycle, tracktype, int_surface, access, construction,\n service, oneway, link, layernotnull\n FROM ( -- subselect that contains both roads and rail/aero\n SELECT\n way,\n ('highway_' || highway) AS feature, --only motorway to tertiary links are accepted later on\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', \n \t'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE 'paved' END AS int_surface,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE\n WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text\n ELSE 'INT-normal'::text\n END AS service,\n CASE\n WHEN oneway IN ('yes', '-1') THEN oneway\n WHEN junction IN ('roundabout') AND (oneway IS NULL OR NOT oneway IN ('no', 'reversible')) THEN 'yes'\n ELSE NULL\n END AS oneway,\n CASE\n WHEN substr(highway, length(highway)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN 'yes'\n ELSE 'no'\n END AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE (tunnel = 'yes' OR tunnel = 'building_passage' OR covered = 'yes')\n AND highway IS NOT NULL -- end of road select\n UNION ALL\n SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n ('railway_' || (CASE WHEN railway = 'preserved' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard') THEN 'INT-preserved-ssy'::text WHEN (railway = 'rail' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'INT-spur-siding-yard' WHEN (railway = 'tram' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'tram-service' ELSE railway END)),\n ('aeroway_' || aeroway)\n ) AS feature,\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n 'null',\n CASE\n WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text ELSE 'INT-normal'::text END AS service,\n NULL AS oneway,\n 'no' AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE (tunnel = 'yes' OR tunnel = 'building_passage' OR covered = 'yes')\n AND (railway IS NOT NULL OR aeroway IS NOT NULL) -- end of rail/aero select\n ) AS features\n JOIN (VALUES -- this join is also putting a condition on what is selected. features not matching it do not make it into the results.\n ('railway_rail', 440),\n ('railway_INT-preserved-ssy', 430),\n ('railway_INT-spur-siding-yard', 430),\n ('railway_subway', 420),\n ('railway_narrow_gauge', 420),\n ('railway_light_rail', 420),\n ('railway_preserved', 420),\n ('railway_funicular', 420),\n ('railway_monorail', 420),\n ('railway_miniature', 420),\n ('railway_turntable', 420),\n ('railway_tram', 410),\n ('railway_tram-service', 405),\n ('railway_disused', 400),\n ('railway_construction', 400),\n ('highway_motorway', 380),\n ('highway_trunk', 370),\n ('highway_primary', 360),\n ('highway_secondary', 350),\n ('highway_tertiary', 340),\n ('highway_residential', 330),\n ('highway_unclassified', 330),\n ('highway_road', 330),\n ('highway_living_street', 320),\n ('highway_pedestrian', 310),\n ('highway_raceway', 300),\n ('highway_motorway_link', 240),\n ('highway_trunk_link', 230),\n ('highway_primary_link', 220),\n ('highway_secondary_link', 210),\n ('highway_tertiary_link', 200),\n ('highway_service', 150),\n ('highway_track', 110),\n ('highway_path', 100),\n ('highway_footway', 100),\n ('highway_bridleway', 100),\n ('highway_cycleway', 100),\n ('highway_steps', 100),\n ('highway_platform', 90),\n ('railway_platform', 90),\n ('aeroway_runway', 60),\n ('aeroway_taxiway', 50),\n ('highway_construction', 10)\n ) AS ordertable (feature, prio)\n USING (feature)\n ORDER BY\n layernotnull,\n prio,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 0 WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 1 ELSE 2 END,\n CASE WHEN int_surface IN ('unpaved') THEN 0 ELSE 2 END\n) AS tunnels", + "table": "(SELECT way, (CASE WHEN substr(feature, length(feature)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN substr(feature, 0, length(feature)-4) ELSE feature END) AS feature,\n horse, foot, bicycle, tracktype, int_surface, access, construction,\n service, oneway, link, layernotnull\n FROM ( -- subselect that contains both roads and rail/aero\n SELECT\n way,\n ('highway_' || highway) AS feature, --only motorway to tertiary links are accepted later on\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', \n 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE \n CASE WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'asphalt', 'cobblestone', 'cobblestone:flattened', 'sett', 'concrete', 'concrete:lanes', \n 'concrete:plates', 'paving_stones', 'metal', 'wood') THEN 'paved' \n ELSE null END END AS int_surface,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE\n WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text\n ELSE 'INT-normal'::text\n END AS service,\n CASE\n WHEN oneway IN ('yes', '-1') THEN oneway\n WHEN junction IN ('roundabout') AND (oneway IS NULL OR NOT oneway IN ('no', 'reversible')) THEN 'yes'\n ELSE NULL\n END AS oneway,\n CASE\n WHEN substr(highway, length(highway)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN 'yes'\n ELSE 'no'\n END AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE (tunnel = 'yes' OR tunnel = 'building_passage' OR covered = 'yes')\n AND highway IS NOT NULL -- end of road select\n UNION ALL\n SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n ('railway_' || (CASE WHEN railway = 'preserved' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard') THEN 'INT-preserved-ssy'::text WHEN (railway = 'rail' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'INT-spur-siding-yard' WHEN (railway = 'tram' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'tram-service' ELSE railway END)),\n ('aeroway_' || aeroway)\n ) AS feature,\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n 'null',\n CASE\n WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text ELSE 'INT-normal'::text END AS service,\n NULL AS oneway,\n 'no' AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE (tunnel = 'yes' OR tunnel = 'building_passage' OR covered = 'yes')\n AND (railway IS NOT NULL OR aeroway IS NOT NULL) -- end of rail/aero select\n ) AS features\n JOIN (VALUES -- this join is also putting a condition on what is selected. features not matching it do not make it into the results.\n ('railway_rail', 440),\n ('railway_INT-preserved-ssy', 430),\n ('railway_INT-spur-siding-yard', 430),\n ('railway_subway', 420),\n ('railway_narrow_gauge', 420),\n ('railway_light_rail', 420),\n ('railway_preserved', 420),\n ('railway_funicular', 420),\n ('railway_monorail', 420),\n ('railway_miniature', 420),\n ('railway_turntable', 420),\n ('railway_tram', 410),\n ('railway_tram-service', 405),\n ('railway_disused', 400),\n ('railway_construction', 400),\n ('highway_motorway', 380),\n ('highway_trunk', 370),\n ('highway_primary', 360),\n ('highway_secondary', 350),\n ('highway_tertiary', 340),\n ('highway_residential', 330),\n ('highway_unclassified', 330),\n ('highway_road', 330),\n ('highway_living_street', 320),\n ('highway_pedestrian', 310),\n ('highway_raceway', 300),\n ('highway_motorway_link', 240),\n ('highway_trunk_link', 230),\n ('highway_primary_link', 220),\n ('highway_secondary_link', 210),\n ('highway_tertiary_link', 200),\n ('highway_service', 150),\n ('highway_track', 110),\n ('highway_path', 100),\n ('highway_footway', 100),\n ('highway_bridleway', 100),\n ('highway_cycleway', 100),\n ('highway_steps', 100),\n ('highway_platform', 90),\n ('railway_platform', 90),\n ('aeroway_runway', 60),\n ('aeroway_taxiway', 50),\n ('highway_construction', 10)\n ) AS ordertable (feature, prio)\n USING (feature)\n ORDER BY\n layernotnull,\n prio,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 0 WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 1 ELSE 2 END,\n CASE WHEN int_surface IN ('unpaved') THEN 0 ELSE 2 END\n) AS tunnels", "geometry_field": "way", "type": "postgis", "key_field": "", @@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ "srs": "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over", "Datasource": { "extent": "-20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508", - "table": "(SELECT way, (CASE WHEN substr(feature, length(feature)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN substr(feature, 0, length(feature)-4) ELSE feature END) AS feature,\n horse, foot, bicycle, tracktype, int_surface, access, construction,\n service, oneway, link, layernotnull\n FROM ( -- subselect that contains both roads and rail/aero\n SELECT\n way,\n ('highway_' || highway) AS feature, --only motorway to tertiary links are accepted later on\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', \n \t'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE 'paved' END AS int_surface,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE\n WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text\n ELSE 'INT-normal'::text\n END AS service,\n CASE\n WHEN oneway IN ('yes', '-1') THEN oneway\n WHEN junction IN ('roundabout') AND (oneway IS NULL OR NOT oneway IN ('no', 'reversible')) THEN 'yes'\n ELSE NULL\n END AS oneway,\n CASE\n WHEN substr(highway, length(highway)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN 'yes'\n ELSE 'no'\n END AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE (tunnel IS NULL OR NOT tunnel IN ('yes', 'building_passage'))\n AND (covered IS NULL OR NOT covered = 'yes')\n AND (bridge IS NULL OR NOT bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct'))\n AND highway IS NOT NULL -- end of road select\n UNION ALL\n SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n ('railway_' || (CASE WHEN railway = 'preserved' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard') THEN 'INT-preserved-ssy'::text WHEN (railway = 'rail' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'INT-spur-siding-yard' WHEN (railway = 'tram' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'tram-service' ELSE railway END)),\n ('aeroway_' || aeroway)\n ) AS feature,\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n 'null',\n CASE\n WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text ELSE 'INT-normal'::text END AS service,\n NULL AS oneway,\n 'no' AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE (tunnel IS NULL OR NOT tunnel IN ('yes', 'building_passage'))\n AND (covered IS NULL OR NOT covered = 'yes')\n AND (bridge IS NULL OR NOT bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct'))\n AND (railway IS NOT NULL OR aeroway IS NOT NULL) -- end of rail/aero select\n ) AS features\n JOIN (VALUES -- this join is also putting a condition on what is selected. features not matching it do not make it into the results.\n ('railway_rail', 440),\n ('railway_INT-preserved-ssy', 430),\n ('railway_INT-spur-siding-yard', 430),\n ('railway_subway', 420),\n ('railway_narrow_gauge', 420),\n ('railway_light_rail', 420),\n ('railway_preserved', 420),\n ('railway_funicular', 420),\n ('railway_monorail', 420),\n ('railway_miniature', 420),\n ('railway_turntable', 420),\n ('railway_tram', 410),\n ('railway_tram-service', 405),\n ('railway_disused', 400),\n ('railway_construction', 400),\n ('highway_motorway', 380),\n ('highway_trunk', 370),\n ('highway_primary', 360),\n ('highway_secondary', 350),\n ('highway_tertiary', 340),\n ('highway_residential', 330),\n ('highway_unclassified', 330),\n ('highway_road', 330),\n ('highway_living_street', 320),\n ('highway_pedestrian', 310),\n ('highway_raceway', 300),\n ('highway_motorway_link', 240),\n ('highway_trunk_link', 230),\n ('highway_primary_link', 220),\n ('highway_secondary_link', 210),\n ('highway_tertiary_link', 200),\n ('highway_service', 150),\n ('highway_track', 110),\n ('highway_path', 100),\n ('highway_footway', 100),\n ('highway_bridleway', 100),\n ('highway_cycleway', 100),\n ('highway_steps', 100),\n ('highway_platform', 90),\n ('railway_platform', 90),\n ('aeroway_runway', 60),\n ('aeroway_taxiway', 50),\n ('highway_construction', 10)\n ) AS ordertable (feature, prio)\n USING (feature)\n ORDER BY\n layernotnull,\n prio,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 0 WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 1 ELSE 2 END,\n CASE WHEN int_surface IN ('unpaved') THEN 0 ELSE 2 END\n) AS roads_casing", + "table": "(SELECT way, (CASE WHEN substr(feature, length(feature)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN substr(feature, 0, length(feature)-4) ELSE feature END) AS feature,\n horse, foot, bicycle, tracktype, int_surface, access, construction,\n service, oneway, link, layernotnull\n FROM ( -- subselect that contains both roads and rail/aero\n SELECT\n way,\n ('highway_' || highway) AS feature, --only motorway to tertiary links are accepted later on\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', \n 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE \n CASE WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'asphalt', 'cobblestone', 'cobblestone:flattened', 'sett', 'concrete', 'concrete:lanes', \n 'concrete:plates', 'paving_stones', 'metal', 'wood') THEN 'paved' \n ELSE null END END AS int_surface,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE\n WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text\n ELSE 'INT-normal'::text\n END AS service,\n CASE\n WHEN oneway IN ('yes', '-1') THEN oneway\n WHEN junction IN ('roundabout') AND (oneway IS NULL OR NOT oneway IN ('no', 'reversible')) THEN 'yes'\n ELSE NULL\n END AS oneway,\n CASE\n WHEN substr(highway, length(highway)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN 'yes'\n ELSE 'no'\n END AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE (tunnel IS NULL OR NOT tunnel IN ('yes', 'building_passage'))\n AND (covered IS NULL OR NOT covered = 'yes')\n AND (bridge IS NULL OR NOT bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct'))\n AND highway IS NOT NULL -- end of road select\n UNION ALL\n SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n ('railway_' || (CASE WHEN railway = 'preserved' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard') THEN 'INT-preserved-ssy'::text WHEN (railway = 'rail' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'INT-spur-siding-yard' WHEN (railway = 'tram' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'tram-service' ELSE railway END)),\n ('aeroway_' || aeroway)\n ) AS feature,\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n 'null',\n CASE\n WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text ELSE 'INT-normal'::text END AS service,\n NULL AS oneway,\n 'no' AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE (tunnel IS NULL OR NOT tunnel IN ('yes', 'building_passage'))\n AND (covered IS NULL OR NOT covered = 'yes')\n AND (bridge IS NULL OR NOT bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct'))\n AND (railway IS NOT NULL OR aeroway IS NOT NULL) -- end of rail/aero select\n ) AS features\n JOIN (VALUES -- this join is also putting a condition on what is selected. features not matching it do not make it into the results.\n ('railway_rail', 440),\n ('railway_INT-preserved-ssy', 430),\n ('railway_INT-spur-siding-yard', 430),\n ('railway_subway', 420),\n ('railway_narrow_gauge', 420),\n ('railway_light_rail', 420),\n ('railway_preserved', 420),\n ('railway_funicular', 420),\n ('railway_monorail', 420),\n ('railway_miniature', 420),\n ('railway_turntable', 420),\n ('railway_tram', 410),\n ('railway_tram-service', 405),\n ('railway_disused', 400),\n ('railway_construction', 400),\n ('highway_motorway', 380),\n ('highway_trunk', 370),\n ('highway_primary', 360),\n ('highway_secondary', 350),\n ('highway_tertiary', 340),\n ('highway_residential', 330),\n ('highway_unclassified', 330),\n ('highway_road', 330),\n ('highway_living_street', 320),\n ('highway_pedestrian', 310),\n ('highway_raceway', 300),\n ('highway_motorway_link', 240),\n ('highway_trunk_link', 230),\n ('highway_primary_link', 220),\n ('highway_secondary_link', 210),\n ('highway_tertiary_link', 200),\n ('highway_service', 150),\n ('highway_track', 110),\n ('highway_path', 100),\n ('highway_footway', 100),\n ('highway_bridleway', 100),\n ('highway_cycleway', 100),\n ('highway_steps', 100),\n ('highway_platform', 90),\n ('railway_platform', 90),\n ('aeroway_runway', 60),\n ('aeroway_taxiway', 50),\n ('highway_construction', 10)\n ) AS ordertable (feature, prio)\n USING (feature)\n ORDER BY\n layernotnull,\n prio,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 0 WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 1 ELSE 2 END,\n CASE WHEN int_surface IN ('unpaved') THEN 0 ELSE 2 END\n) AS roads_casing", "geometry_field": "way", "type": "postgis", "key_field": "", @@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ "srs": "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over", "Datasource": { "extent": "-20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508", - "table": "(SELECT way, (CASE WHEN substr(feature, length(feature)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN substr(feature, 0, length(feature)-4) ELSE feature END) AS feature,\n horse, foot, bicycle, tracktype, int_surface, access, construction,\n service, oneway, link, layernotnull\n FROM ( -- subselect that contains both roads and rail/aero\n SELECT\n way,\n ('highway_' || highway) AS feature, --only motorway to tertiary links are accepted later on\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', \n \t'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE 'paved' END AS int_surface,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE\n WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text\n ELSE 'INT-normal'::text\n END AS service,\n CASE\n WHEN oneway IN ('yes', '-1') THEN oneway\n WHEN junction IN ('roundabout') AND (oneway IS NULL OR NOT oneway IN ('no', 'reversible')) THEN 'yes'\n ELSE NULL\n END AS oneway,\n CASE\n WHEN substr(highway, length(highway)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN 'yes'\n ELSE 'no'\n END AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE (tunnel IS NULL OR NOT tunnel IN ('yes', 'building_passage'))\n AND (covered IS NULL OR NOT covered = 'yes')\n AND (bridge IS NULL OR NOT bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct'))\n AND highway IS NOT NULL -- end of road select\n UNION ALL\n SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n ('railway_' || (CASE WHEN railway = 'preserved' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard') THEN 'INT-preserved-ssy'::text WHEN (railway = 'rail' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'INT-spur-siding-yard' WHEN (railway = 'tram' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'tram-service' ELSE railway END)),\n ('aeroway_' || aeroway)\n ) AS feature,\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n 'null',\n CASE\n WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text ELSE 'INT-normal'::text END AS service,\n NULL AS oneway,\n 'no' AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE (tunnel IS NULL OR NOT tunnel IN ('yes', 'building_passage'))\n AND (covered IS NULL OR NOT covered = 'yes')\n AND (bridge IS NULL OR NOT bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct'))\n AND (railway IS NOT NULL OR aeroway IS NOT NULL) -- end of rail/aero select\n ) AS features\n JOIN (VALUES -- this join is also putting a condition on what is selected. features not matching it do not make it into the results.\n ('railway_rail', 440),\n ('railway_INT-preserved-ssy', 430),\n ('railway_INT-spur-siding-yard', 430),\n ('railway_subway', 420),\n ('railway_narrow_gauge', 420),\n ('railway_light_rail', 420),\n ('railway_preserved', 420),\n ('railway_funicular', 420),\n ('railway_monorail', 420),\n ('railway_miniature', 420),\n ('railway_turntable', 420),\n ('railway_tram', 410),\n ('railway_tram-service', 405),\n ('railway_disused', 400),\n ('railway_construction', 400),\n ('highway_motorway', 380),\n ('highway_trunk', 370),\n ('highway_primary', 360),\n ('highway_secondary', 350),\n ('highway_tertiary', 340),\n ('highway_residential', 330),\n ('highway_unclassified', 330),\n ('highway_road', 330),\n ('highway_living_street', 320),\n ('highway_pedestrian', 310),\n ('highway_raceway', 300),\n ('highway_motorway_link', 240),\n ('highway_trunk_link', 230),\n ('highway_primary_link', 220),\n ('highway_secondary_link', 210),\n ('highway_tertiary_link', 200),\n ('highway_service', 150),\n ('highway_track', 110),\n ('highway_path', 100),\n ('highway_footway', 100),\n ('highway_bridleway', 100),\n ('highway_cycleway', 100),\n ('highway_steps', 100),\n ('highway_platform', 90),\n ('railway_platform', 90),\n ('aeroway_runway', 60),\n ('aeroway_taxiway', 50),\n ('highway_construction', 10)\n ) AS ordertable (feature, prio)\n USING (feature)\n ORDER BY\n layernotnull,\n prio,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 0 WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 1 ELSE 2 END,\n CASE WHEN int_surface IN ('unpaved') THEN 0 ELSE 2 END\n) AS roads_fill", + "table": "(SELECT way, (CASE WHEN substr(feature, length(feature)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN substr(feature, 0, length(feature)-4) ELSE feature END) AS feature,\n horse, foot, bicycle, tracktype, int_surface, access, construction,\n service, oneway, link, layernotnull\n FROM ( -- subselect that contains both roads and rail/aero\n SELECT\n way,\n ('highway_' || highway) AS feature, --only motorway to tertiary links are accepted later on\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', \n 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE \n CASE WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'asphalt', 'cobblestone', 'cobblestone:flattened', 'sett', 'concrete', 'concrete:lanes', \n 'concrete:plates', 'paving_stones', 'metal', 'wood') THEN 'paved' \n ELSE null END END AS int_surface,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE\n WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text\n ELSE 'INT-normal'::text\n END AS service,\n CASE\n WHEN oneway IN ('yes', '-1') THEN oneway\n WHEN junction IN ('roundabout') AND (oneway IS NULL OR NOT oneway IN ('no', 'reversible')) THEN 'yes'\n ELSE NULL\n END AS oneway,\n CASE\n WHEN substr(highway, length(highway)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN 'yes'\n ELSE 'no'\n END AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE (tunnel IS NULL OR NOT tunnel IN ('yes', 'building_passage'))\n AND (covered IS NULL OR NOT covered = 'yes')\n AND (bridge IS NULL OR NOT bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct'))\n AND highway IS NOT NULL -- end of road select\n UNION ALL\n SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n ('railway_' || (CASE WHEN railway = 'preserved' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard') THEN 'INT-preserved-ssy'::text WHEN (railway = 'rail' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'INT-spur-siding-yard' WHEN (railway = 'tram' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'tram-service' ELSE railway END)),\n ('aeroway_' || aeroway)\n ) AS feature,\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n 'null',\n CASE\n WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text ELSE 'INT-normal'::text END AS service,\n NULL AS oneway,\n 'no' AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE (tunnel IS NULL OR NOT tunnel IN ('yes', 'building_passage'))\n AND (covered IS NULL OR NOT covered = 'yes')\n AND (bridge IS NULL OR NOT bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct'))\n AND (railway IS NOT NULL OR aeroway IS NOT NULL) -- end of rail/aero select\n ) AS features\n JOIN (VALUES -- this join is also putting a condition on what is selected. features not matching it do not make it into the results.\n ('railway_rail', 440),\n ('railway_INT-preserved-ssy', 430),\n ('railway_INT-spur-siding-yard', 430),\n ('railway_subway', 420),\n ('railway_narrow_gauge', 420),\n ('railway_light_rail', 420),\n ('railway_preserved', 420),\n ('railway_funicular', 420),\n ('railway_monorail', 420),\n ('railway_miniature', 420),\n ('railway_turntable', 420),\n ('railway_tram', 410),\n ('railway_tram-service', 405),\n ('railway_disused', 400),\n ('railway_construction', 400),\n ('highway_motorway', 380),\n ('highway_trunk', 370),\n ('highway_primary', 360),\n ('highway_secondary', 350),\n ('highway_tertiary', 340),\n ('highway_residential', 330),\n ('highway_unclassified', 330),\n ('highway_road', 330),\n ('highway_living_street', 320),\n ('highway_pedestrian', 310),\n ('highway_raceway', 300),\n ('highway_motorway_link', 240),\n ('highway_trunk_link', 230),\n ('highway_primary_link', 220),\n ('highway_secondary_link', 210),\n ('highway_tertiary_link', 200),\n ('highway_service', 150),\n ('highway_track', 110),\n ('highway_path', 100),\n ('highway_footway', 100),\n ('highway_bridleway', 100),\n ('highway_cycleway', 100),\n ('highway_steps', 100),\n ('highway_platform', 90),\n ('railway_platform', 90),\n ('aeroway_runway', 60),\n ('aeroway_taxiway', 50),\n ('highway_construction', 10)\n ) AS ordertable (feature, prio)\n USING (feature)\n ORDER BY\n layernotnull,\n prio,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 0 WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 1 ELSE 2 END,\n CASE WHEN int_surface IN ('unpaved') THEN 0 ELSE 2 END\n) AS roads_fill", "geometry_field": "way", "type": "postgis", "key_field": "", @@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ "srs": "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over", "Datasource": { "extent": "-20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508", - "table": "(SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n ('highway_' || (CASE WHEN substr(highway, length(highway)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN substr(highway, 0, length(highway)-4) ELSE highway end)),\n ('railway_' || (CASE WHEN (railway = 'rail' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'INT-spur-siding-yard' WHEN railway IN ('rail', 'tram', 'light_rail', 'funicular', 'narrow_gauge') THEN railway ELSE NULL END))\n ) AS feature,\n CASE WHEN tunnel = 'yes' OR tunnel = 'building_passage' OR covered = 'yes' THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS int_tunnel,\n CASE WHEN substr(highway, length(highway)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS link,\n CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', \n \t'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE 'paved' END AS int_surface\n FROM planet_osm_roads\n WHERE highway IS NOT NULL\n OR (railway IS NOT NULL AND railway != 'preserved'\n AND (service IS NULL OR service NOT IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')))\n ORDER BY z_order\n) AS roads_low_zoom", + "table": "(SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n ('highway_' || (CASE WHEN substr(highway, length(highway)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN substr(highway, 0, length(highway)-4) ELSE highway end)),\n ('railway_' || (CASE WHEN (railway = 'rail' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'INT-spur-siding-yard' WHEN railway IN ('rail', 'tram', 'light_rail', 'funicular', 'narrow_gauge') THEN railway ELSE NULL END))\n ) AS feature,\n CASE WHEN tunnel = 'yes' OR tunnel = 'building_passage' OR covered = 'yes' THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS int_tunnel,\n CASE WHEN substr(highway, length(highway)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS link,\n CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', \n 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE \n CASE WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'asphalt', 'cobblestone', 'cobblestone:flattened', 'sett', 'concrete', 'concrete:lanes', \n 'concrete:plates', 'paving_stones', 'metal', 'wood') THEN 'paved' \n ELSE null END END AS int_surface\n FROM planet_osm_roads\n WHERE highway IS NOT NULL\n OR (railway IS NOT NULL AND railway != 'preserved'\n AND (service IS NULL OR service NOT IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')))\n ORDER BY z_order\n) AS roads_low_zoom", "geometry_field": "way", "type": "postgis", "key_field": "", @@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ "srs": "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over", "Datasource": { "extent": "-20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508", - "table": "(SELECT way, (CASE WHEN substr(feature, length(feature)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN substr(feature, 0, length(feature)-4) ELSE feature END) AS feature,\n horse, foot, bicycle, tracktype, int_surface, access, construction,\n service, oneway, link, layernotnull\n FROM ( -- subselect that contains both roads and rail/aero\n SELECT\n way,\n ('highway_' || highway) AS feature, --only motorway to tertiary links are accepted later on\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', \n \t'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE 'paved' END AS int_surface,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE\n WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text\n ELSE 'INT-normal'::text\n END AS service,\n CASE\n WHEN oneway IN ('yes', '-1') THEN oneway\n WHEN junction IN ('roundabout') AND (oneway IS NULL OR NOT oneway IN ('no', 'reversible')) THEN 'yes'\n ELSE NULL\n END AS oneway,\n CASE\n WHEN substr(highway, length(highway)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN 'yes'\n ELSE 'no'\n END AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct')\n AND highway IS NOT NULL -- end of road select\n UNION ALL\n SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n ('railway_' || (CASE WHEN railway = 'preserved' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard') THEN 'INT-preserved-ssy'::text WHEN (railway = 'rail' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'INT-spur-siding-yard' WHEN (railway = 'tram' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'tram-service' ELSE railway END)),\n ('aeroway_' || aeroway)\n ) AS feature,\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n 'null',\n CASE\n WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text ELSE 'INT-normal'::text END AS service,\n NULL AS oneway,\n 'no' AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct')\n AND (railway IS NOT NULL OR aeroway IS NOT NULL) -- end of rail/aero select\n ) AS features\n JOIN (VALUES -- this join is also putting a condition on what is selected. features not matching it do not make it into the results.\n ('railway_rail', 440),\n ('railway_INT-preserved-ssy', 430),\n ('railway_INT-spur-siding-yard', 430),\n ('railway_subway', 420),\n ('railway_narrow_gauge', 420),\n ('railway_light_rail', 420),\n ('railway_preserved', 420),\n ('railway_funicular', 420),\n ('railway_monorail', 420),\n ('railway_miniature', 420),\n ('railway_turntable', 420),\n ('railway_tram', 410),\n ('railway_tram-service', 405),\n ('railway_disused', 400),\n ('railway_construction', 400),\n ('highway_motorway', 380),\n ('highway_trunk', 370),\n ('highway_primary', 360),\n ('highway_secondary', 350),\n ('highway_tertiary', 340),\n ('highway_residential', 330),\n ('highway_unclassified', 330),\n ('highway_road', 330),\n ('highway_living_street', 320),\n ('highway_pedestrian', 310),\n ('highway_raceway', 300),\n ('highway_motorway_link', 240),\n ('highway_trunk_link', 230),\n ('highway_primary_link', 220),\n ('highway_secondary_link', 210),\n ('highway_tertiary_link', 200),\n ('highway_service', 150),\n ('highway_track', 110),\n ('highway_path', 100),\n ('highway_footway', 100),\n ('highway_bridleway', 100),\n ('highway_cycleway', 100),\n ('highway_steps', 100),\n ('highway_platform', 90),\n ('railway_platform', 90),\n ('aeroway_runway', 60),\n ('aeroway_taxiway', 50),\n ('highway_construction', 10)\n ) AS ordertable (feature, prio)\n USING (feature)\n ORDER BY\n layernotnull,\n prio,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 0 WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 1 ELSE 2 END,\n CASE WHEN int_surface IN ('unpaved') THEN 0 ELSE 2 END\n) AS bridges", + "table": "(SELECT way, (CASE WHEN substr(feature, length(feature)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN substr(feature, 0, length(feature)-4) ELSE feature END) AS feature,\n horse, foot, bicycle, tracktype, int_surface, access, construction,\n service, oneway, link, layernotnull\n FROM ( -- subselect that contains both roads and rail/aero\n SELECT\n way,\n ('highway_' || highway) AS feature, --only motorway to tertiary links are accepted later on\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', \n 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE \n CASE WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'asphalt', 'cobblestone', 'cobblestone:flattened', 'sett', 'concrete', 'concrete:lanes', \n 'concrete:plates', 'paving_stones', 'metal', 'wood') THEN 'paved' \n ELSE null END END AS int_surface,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE\n WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text\n ELSE 'INT-normal'::text\n END AS service,\n CASE\n WHEN oneway IN ('yes', '-1') THEN oneway\n WHEN junction IN ('roundabout') AND (oneway IS NULL OR NOT oneway IN ('no', 'reversible')) THEN 'yes'\n ELSE NULL\n END AS oneway,\n CASE\n WHEN substr(highway, length(highway)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN 'yes'\n ELSE 'no'\n END AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct')\n AND highway IS NOT NULL -- end of road select\n UNION ALL\n SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n ('railway_' || (CASE WHEN railway = 'preserved' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard') THEN 'INT-preserved-ssy'::text WHEN (railway = 'rail' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'INT-spur-siding-yard' WHEN (railway = 'tram' AND service IN ('spur', 'siding', 'yard')) THEN 'tram-service' ELSE railway END)),\n ('aeroway_' || aeroway)\n ) AS feature,\n horse,\n foot,\n bicycle,\n tracktype,\n 'null',\n CASE\n WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text\n WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text\n ELSE NULL\n END AS access,\n construction,\n CASE WHEN service IN ('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway') THEN 'INT-minor'::text ELSE 'INT-normal'::text END AS service,\n NULL AS oneway,\n 'no' AS link,\n CASE WHEN layer~E'^-?\\\\d+$' AND length(layer)<10 THEN layer::integer ELSE 0 END AS layernotnull\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct')\n AND (railway IS NOT NULL OR aeroway IS NOT NULL) -- end of rail/aero select\n ) AS features\n JOIN (VALUES -- this join is also putting a condition on what is selected. features not matching it do not make it into the results.\n ('railway_rail', 440),\n ('railway_INT-preserved-ssy', 430),\n ('railway_INT-spur-siding-yard', 430),\n ('railway_subway', 420),\n ('railway_narrow_gauge', 420),\n ('railway_light_rail', 420),\n ('railway_preserved', 420),\n ('railway_funicular', 420),\n ('railway_monorail', 420),\n ('railway_miniature', 420),\n ('railway_turntable', 420),\n ('railway_tram', 410),\n ('railway_tram-service', 405),\n ('railway_disused', 400),\n ('railway_construction', 400),\n ('highway_motorway', 380),\n ('highway_trunk', 370),\n ('highway_primary', 360),\n ('highway_secondary', 350),\n ('highway_tertiary', 340),\n ('highway_residential', 330),\n ('highway_unclassified', 330),\n ('highway_road', 330),\n ('highway_living_street', 320),\n ('highway_pedestrian', 310),\n ('highway_raceway', 300),\n ('highway_motorway_link', 240),\n ('highway_trunk_link', 230),\n ('highway_primary_link', 220),\n ('highway_secondary_link', 210),\n ('highway_tertiary_link', 200),\n ('highway_service', 150),\n ('highway_track', 110),\n ('highway_path', 100),\n ('highway_footway', 100),\n ('highway_bridleway', 100),\n ('highway_cycleway', 100),\n ('highway_steps', 100),\n ('highway_platform', 90),\n ('railway_platform', 90),\n ('aeroway_runway', 60),\n ('aeroway_taxiway', 50),\n ('highway_construction', 10)\n ) AS ordertable (feature, prio)\n USING (feature)\n ORDER BY\n layernotnull,\n prio,\n CASE WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 0 WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 1 ELSE 2 END,\n CASE WHEN int_surface IN ('unpaved') THEN 0 ELSE 2 END\n) AS bridges", "geometry_field": "way", "type": "postgis", "key_field": "", diff --git a/project.yaml b/project.yaml index 4b10412830..48e9cec012 100644 --- a/project.yaml +++ b/project.yaml @@ -501,7 +501,10 @@ Layer: bicycle, tracktype, CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', - 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE 'paved' END AS int_surface, + 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE + CASE WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'asphalt', 'cobblestone', 'cobblestone:flattened', 'sett', 'concrete', 'concrete:lanes', + 'concrete:plates', 'paving_stones', 'metal', 'wood') THEN 'paved' + ELSE null END END AS int_surface, CASE WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text ELSE NULL @@ -778,7 +781,10 @@ Layer: bicycle, tracktype, CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', - 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE 'paved' END AS int_surface, + 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE + CASE WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'asphalt', 'cobblestone', 'cobblestone:flattened', 'sett', 'concrete', 'concrete:lanes', + 'concrete:plates', 'paving_stones', 'metal', 'wood') THEN 'paved' + ELSE null END END AS int_surface, CASE WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text ELSE NULL @@ -930,7 +936,10 @@ Layer: bicycle, tracktype, CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', - 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE 'paved' END AS int_surface, + 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE + CASE WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'asphalt', 'cobblestone', 'cobblestone:flattened', 'sett', 'concrete', 'concrete:lanes', + 'concrete:plates', 'paving_stones', 'metal', 'wood') THEN 'paved' + ELSE null END END AS int_surface, CASE WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text ELSE NULL @@ -1102,8 +1111,11 @@ Layer: ) AS feature, CASE WHEN tunnel = 'yes' OR tunnel = 'building_passage' OR covered = 'yes' THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS int_tunnel, CASE WHEN substr(highway, length(highway)-3, 4) = 'link' THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS link, - CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', - 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE 'paved' END AS int_surface + CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', + 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE + CASE WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'asphalt', 'cobblestone', 'cobblestone:flattened', 'sett', 'concrete', 'concrete:lanes', + 'concrete:plates', 'paving_stones', 'metal', 'wood') THEN 'paved' + ELSE null END END AS int_surface FROM planet_osm_roads WHERE highway IS NOT NULL OR (railway IS NOT NULL AND railway != 'preserved' @@ -1157,7 +1169,10 @@ Layer: bicycle, tracktype, CASE WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', - 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE 'paved' END AS int_surface, + 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'ground', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'woodchips', 'clay') THEN 'unpaved' ELSE + CASE WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'asphalt', 'cobblestone', 'cobblestone:flattened', 'sett', 'concrete', 'concrete:lanes', + 'concrete:plates', 'paving_stones', 'metal', 'wood') THEN 'paved' + ELSE null END END AS int_surface, CASE WHEN access IN ('destination') THEN 'destination'::text WHEN access IN ('no', 'private') THEN 'no'::text ELSE NULL