🚨 Vulnerabilities found in
, these functions should not be used until this notice is removed after further testing!
Bost.ts is a library that makes working with browsers easier: everything from DOM manipulation to web components, event handling, animations, routing, multi-threading and AJAX requests. It was developed for Mathigon.org, an award-winning mathematics education project.
- DOM elements: selection, creation, manipulation, and styling
- SVG and Canvas drawing
- Event handling: gestures, pointers, scroll, hover, intersections, draggable elements, and more
- Animations and transitions
- Custom web components
- Template and observables
- AJAX utilities
- Browser load and resize events, Cookies and Local Storage, Keyboard events
- Router for single-page sites
- Multi-threading using WebWorkers
First, install Boost.ts from NPM using
npm install @mathigon/boost
Now, simply import all functions and classes you need, using
import {$, CustomElement, Browser} from '@mathigon/boost'
Importing the webcomponents <x-modal>
, <x-popup>
, <x-icon>
, <x-alert>
and <x-select>
a bit different from other functions exported by this module. Because they are just static classes
with no side effects, they would usually be removed by tree-shaking. We also want to avoid duplicate
component declarations, or any globally-running code.
- The types can be imported like all other classes from
. - The actual code is not included in the CJS or ESM bundles. needs to be included using
something like
import '@mathigon/boost/dist/components.js'
. - The SCSS styles can be imported in other SCSS files using
@import node_modules/@mathigon/boost/src/components/components
We welcome community contributions: please file any bugs you find or send us pull requests with improvements. You can find out more on Mathigon.io.
Before submitting a pull request, you will need to sign the Mathigon Individual Contributor License Agreement.
Copyright © Mathigon ([email protected])
Released under the MIT license