9.5.2 (2024-09-15)
- blog: create middleware for rewrite post slug on runtime (3f684a1)
- lib: improve
parser (2fb7c29)
9.5.1 (2024-09-15)
- about: separate knowledge from stack UI on knowledge list (e7e5b6d)
- assets: add angular icon (7de2e83)
- deps: update dependency katex to v0.16.11 (b3964ad)
- deps: update dependency react-parallax-tilt to v1.7.238 (c0af458)
- deps: update dependency sharp to v0.33.5 (32d8bf5)
- deps: update dependency tailwindcss-animated to v1.1.2 (69d4f9b)
- deps: update dependency unified to v11.0.5 (1d74842)
9.5.0 (2024-09-14)
- tags: include T.I.L. tags on tags list (b4f802e)
- tags: include TILs on tag pages (3f84cf9)
- TIL: link T.I.Ls tags to global blog tag page (86b9569)
- til: update TIL item padding (0d190fc)
- deps: update dependency @phosphor-icons/react to v2.1.7 (479988c)
- deps: update dependency react-github-calendar to v4.1.5 (ab19d0a)
- deps: update dependency rehype-katex to v7.0.1 (a70c070)
- deps: update dependency shiki to v1.6.2 (699997f)
- deps: update nextjs monorepo to v14.2.4 (346d4d4)
- deps: update nextjs monorepo to v14.2.8 (2e2acb2)
9.4.2 (2024-06-14)
- projects: improve project card styles (23e91c9)
- header: remove padding-x of title when in middle screens (8555606)
- post: make table scrollable on small screens (84eb36b)
9.4.1 (2024-06-12)
- about: add new knowledge icons (0567011)
- blog: update post table styles (0aa72dd)
- css: increase pading top of small devices on "content-vertical-spaces" class (af3ed33)
- icons: add fastapi icon and knowledge (c5567fa)
- blog: use fixed size for icon on post link (a29d329)
- css: move ".content-container" and ".content-vertical-spaces" classes to
layer (f8c11c5) - deps: update dependency @headlessui/react to v2 (d614a76)
- deps: update dependency react-parallax-tilt to v1.7.227 (5fa8d31)
- deps: update dependency shiki to v1.6.1 (354f4b3)
- deps: update dependency tailwindcss-animated to v1.1.0 (c4cc96f)
- header: reponsiveness adjustments (7f98b40)
- header: use dynamic virtual height on mobile menu drawer (e38ad78)
- home: reponsiveness adjustments (7310160)
9.4.0 (2024-05-27)
- about: update knowledge section UI (bd75824)
- about: update knowledge section UI (257e81c)
- home/grid: add github link (ed94f80)
- home/grid: create "latest post" card (2cb806a)
- home/grid: create github stats (6911b6d)
- home/grid: create initial stacks card (b20cc06)
- home/grid: create letterboxed link card (d83f670)
- home/grid: create links card (04474b0)
- home/grid: update links card (f5ee52a)
- home: add grid links and statistics (c9a5d81)
- home: create about-me section (abe2895)
- home: create initial grid (19f4a31)
- home: dark mode on latest-post card (f8baef8)
- home: update "latest-post" card UI in home grid (909caa9)
- icon: add Vite and Markdown icons (886752d)
- icons: add new icons (ee3510c)
- icons: update some icons (2facd1d)
- lib: create
function for get music cover from Spotify database (455a49d) - projects: use local icons instead of react-icons (6398ad6)
- tailwindcss: create background-fade animation (04c4d23)
- ui: update blog post ui (1ac69e1)
- about/statistics: show album cover on top track card (94266ba)
- deps: update dependency @headlessui/react to v1.7.19 (fe21dc1)
- deps: update dependency @phosphor-icons/react to v2.1.5 (2fc08d2)
- deps: update dependency react-icons to v5.2.1 (8fd5835)
- deps: update dependency react-parallax-tilt to v1.7.220 (e43090f)
- deps: update dependency react-parallax-tilt to v1.7.226 (cf45250)
- deps: update dependency recharts to v2.12.7 (2a7b4ab)
- deps: update dependency rehype-pretty-code to v0.13.2 (dba6819)
- deps: update dependency sharp to v0.33.4 (376e763)
- deps: update dependency shiki to v1.2.4 (4e3603c)
- deps: update dependency shiki to v1.5.1 (1f13320)
- deps: update dependency shiki to v1.6.0 (e0a3308)
- home: fit text of spotify card on grid (2a91848)
- images: use old image hostname pattern on next config (cb524b0)
- post: specify custom colors for dark mode on tables (804ef62)
- svg: replace all "stop-color" to "stopColor" (f618f72)
9.3.0 (2024-04-09)
- about: add academic history section (b69078c)
- blog: add new components (fc0c7d6)
- blog: update table UI (93529c6), closes #876
- post/thumbnail: use nodejs runtime and decrease image size (1a9e3f5)
- projects: update project card styles and add compact variant (0a15d70)
- projects: update tech-icons colors and add Bun icon (09506e9)
- projects: use project-card for all projects and remove project-info component (ee93fa7)
- ui: small imrpovements on blog post styles (a24bfa0)
- about: use square image on small screen (a95dfa9)
- deps: update dependency @phosphor-icons/react to v2.1.3 (f2f8a47)
- deps: update dependency @phosphor-icons/react to v2.1.4 (40e4676)
- deps: update dependency date-fns to v3.5.0 (ea0bf4c)
- deps: update dependency date-fns to v3.6.0 (8b50308)
- deps: update dependency katex to v0.16.10 (2d54db3)
- deps: update dependency next-themes to ^0.3.0 (9fa1c37)
- deps: update dependency react-github-calendar to v4.1.3 (ebaccab)
- deps: update dependency react-parallax-tilt to v1.7.217 (14e68e6)
- deps: update dependency react-parallax-tilt to v1.7.218 (16aff8b)
- deps: update dependency react-parallax-tilt to v1.7.219 (6fbaaf3)
- deps: update dependency recharts to v2.12.3 (d2d99b8)
- deps: update dependency recharts to v2.12.4 (948fd5d)
- deps: update dependency rehype-pretty-code to v0.13.1 (aec6f66)
- deps: update dependency sharp to v0.33.3 (2380928)
- deps: update dependency shiki to v1.2.1 (16eba45)
- experience: break title of work item on small devices (773fa7b)
9.2.0 (2024-03-15)
- about-me: add profile picture relative to color theme (8b8fa1b)
- footer: update footer background (04dab3e)
- header: repaginate Header UI (b860b81)
- home: add new phrases to rypewriter (4ac5b31)
- post: create Spoiler component (9204f88)
- projects: update project card styles (f749168)
- ui: update background and arts on specific pages (8d55172)
- deps: update dependency date-fns to v3.4.0 (3d6fa60)
- deps: update dependency react-error-boundary to v4.0.13 (a5ee4e6)
- deps: update dependency react-parallax-tilt to v1.7.213 (25bf201)
- deps: update dependency react-parallax-tilt to v1.7.214 (65e937b)
- deps: update dependency react-parallax-tilt to v1.7.215 (2efd805)
9.1.0 (2024-03-06)
9.0.1 (2024-03-04)
- header: replace signature by a styled name (26e3c3b)
9.0.0 (2024-03-04)
- about-me: use vlite to get about content (78f0927)
- analytics: add
parameter on external URLs (89c338b), closes #782 - blog/post: use MDXContent from Velite (cf342f8)
- blog: create pinned section on post list (def488c)
- blog: improve codeblock styles (810c436)
- blog: partial integrade blog pages with Velite (ddee863)
- blog: use velite built-in toc parsers (d4d23ff)
- blog: use velite file handler for handle post images (6212fa3)
- categorize-posts-by-year: use velite
as post type (05936ff) - contact: add AUR link (9b4a59c), closes #791
- experience: add Experience section on About page (775bc07)
- feed: use velite on blog feed (09fad88)
- get-sorted-posts: use velite
as post type (6ede02b) - guestbook: add guestbook description (76e0d33)
- header: add unique styles for active tab (eefe745)
- kbar: remove blur effect on overlay (1fbd1f3)
- knowledge: add "Bun" on "Back-end development" list (1badd0c)
- lib: integrate post libs with velite (5b9b4f6)
- mdx-content: create MDXContent component (1cdcc3a)
- post-list: integrate post-list components with velite (4b9593d)
- post: use velite on post thumbnail generation (f5df72c)
- projects: update project card style (004eb8d)
- projects: use velite to list projects (e87d19d)
- rehype-pretty-code: add new langauges: "VisuAlg" and "Birl" (f5a8a31)
- rehype-pretty-code: update plugin config (ac85c39)
- shuffle-array: check array type on parameter level (b2ae59d)
- statistics: include til tags on tag-cloud (94fbdc1), closes #797
- til: implement velite for T.I.Ls (18d6175)
- ui: add styles for video (d5df658)
- ui: update blog post styles (9face6e)
- ui: update code fragment styles (73c63d1)
- ui: update image card style (3c62041)
- ui: update knowledge accordion styles (70f55fd)
- ui: update scrollbar styles (8f89009)
- velite: create Posts collection (ae2a317)
- velite: include rehype/remark plugins for MDX content (9083b52)
- about: add spacing between description content and title (2cde60b)
- deps: update dependency @giscus/react to v2.4.0 (9653a6d)
- deps: update dependency @giscus/react to v3 (cf98df9)
- deps: update dependency @headlessui/react to v1.7.18 (fa74366)
- deps: update dependency @phosphor-icons/react to v2.0.15 (52058d2)
- deps: update dependency date-fns to v3.3.1 (acf0bf9)
- deps: update dependency react-error-boundary to v4.0.12 (35929e0)
- deps: update dependency react-github-calendar to v4.1.2 (59e4486)
- deps: update dependency react-parallax-tilt to v1.7.212 (34324df)
- deps: update dependency recharts to v2.12.1 (f4da054)
- deps: update dependency recharts to v2.12.2 (4bf41e5)
- deps: update dependency remark-rehype to v11.1.0 (e4fbfd5)
- deps: update dependency sharp to v0.33.2 (c31d860)
- feed: get raw content for markdown generation (1ba29ee)
- mdx-components: add
on Anchore component (6e6c5bf) - statistics: resolve spotify top track bug (57fe0aa)
8.12.2 (2024-02-06)
- types: use
type instead ofTrack
on statistics page (dcc4b4b) - ui: copy button on code fragments (07b6488)
- ui: long
lines (f2749f1)
8.12.1 (2024-02-04)
- lastFm: create new types and functions (cc0bcee)
- ui: replace "last track" sectionby "top track" section (d140981)
- ui: replace "last track" sectionby "top track" section (c70fc38)
8.12.0 (2024-01-23)
- add references to
(43ae5e9) - assets: add gitscus theme css (9647b73)
- giscus-comments: small improvements (91d0cec)
- page: create
page (9e170a6)
- deps: update dependency date-fns to v3.3.0 (f1606ba)
8.11.3 (2024-01-19)
- deps: update dependency date-fns to v3.2.0 (57e7a47)
- deps: update dependency react-icons to v5 (61d86db)
- deps: update dependency react-icons to v5.0.1 (962b783)
8.11.2 (2024-01-11)
- ui: replace link icon to
on blog post (1485a9d)
- deps: update dependency date-fns to v3.1.0 (6fddbf2)
- deps: update dependency kbar to v0.1.0-beta.45 (db5f495)
- ui: add
on link icon from blog post (35205d9) - ui: set correct theme for blog comments section (f2845b2)
8.11.1 (2024-01-04)
- ui: add dark colors for "Download CV" button on about page (7c07bf6)
8.11.0 (2024-01-04)
- assets: update
(772ea0b) - statistics: update github-contribution-calendar (78216ec)
- stats: create
function on github lib (53dbfb5), closes #L79C23-L79C44 - ui: add "more projects" button on bottom of projects page (cd5047f)
- ui: add
button on about page (ba287c1), closes #714 - ui: add contribution graph (3817811)
- ui: add description on contribution graph (ec0e261)
- ui: increment +1 on month number on render info of statistics page (a28dc0c)
- ui: keep profile picture proportion on about page mobile (4395797)
8.10.3 (2023-12-28)
- project-card: remove tilt transform effect (d9c8ef3)
- deps: update dependency date-fns to v3.0.6 (901113f)
- tools: use
instead of.getDay()
on "new-til" command (0e0f826)
8.10.2 (2023-12-22)
- ui: remove preferred_color_scheme from giscus config (ee70d14)
8.10.1 (2023-12-22)
- ui: add
property in all phosphor-icons components (b24b541)
8.10.0 (2023-12-22)
- blog/til: add an anchor for direct go to TIL (44e8fc5)
- kbar: make TILs searchable (bdc3fbe)
- ui: add blog statistics (273c690)
- ui: make writing-dashboard responsive (d7cc21c)
- ui: update tag cloud implementation (7c49e77)
- deps: update dependency date-fns to v3 (88810cd)
- deps: update dependency kbar to v0.1.0-beta.44 (c232cb6)
- deps: update dependency react-icons to v4.12.0 (1ae2303)
- deps: update dependency sharp to ^0.33.0 (7df634b)
- update all broken links of
- ssr: import phosphor icons from
on footer component (caab8a8)
8.9.1 (2023-12-05)
- ui: improve blog/til content style (70edbd9)
8.9.0 (2023-11-29)
- content: create
definition (1310cbc) - content: include
on contentlayer config (97698f4) - seo: add metadata on
page (aec294c) - ui: add "Today I Learn" page to kbar menu (17b9e82)
- ui: add icon before title on
component (ecbf8b6), closes #703 - ui: add top links on blog page (6186f10)
- ui: broken links on kbar component (1841b87)
- ui: create
page (ef0f4a5) - ui: replace "|" with "•" separator on page title (c6edf29), closes #705
- seo: define
metadata onpage.tsx
instead oflayout.tsx
(a8c2626) - ui: sort T.I.Ls by date and fix content width (930b649)
8.8.5 (2023-11-23)
8.8.4 (2023-11-20)
- ui: render statistics timestamp on client (3c6d109)
8.8.3 (2023-11-16)
- add
config on/about
page (188ae02)
8.8.2 (2023-11-15)
- ui: remove
from API fetch functions (8ab3e49)
8.8.1 (2023-11-14)
- api: increase period of spotify quest data (f2e7db2)
8.8.0 (2023-11-09)
- assets: create preview image (1e7c2ca)
- lib: create
function (d7861a1) - rss: add thumbnail image to returned xml feed content (56005e6)
- seo: add
config on root layout (24fbdaa) - sitemap: include
(5d784f0) - ui: add
prop onTitle
component (4badc98) - ui: add a "See more" link to
page on/about
page (cc921dd) - ui: add description on statistics page title (71770d8)
- ui: add error fallback ui on statistic cards (26ef815)
- ui: add icon on personal statistics cards (8585299)
- ui: add loading feedback for statstic cards (648302b)
- ui: add responsivity on
component (8e7181c) - ui: add responsivity on statistics cards of
page (a06c471) - ui: add visual error feedback on personal statistics (0c57f41)
- ui: create personal statistic cards on about page (233cdef)
- ui: create statistcs page (d8a1eda)
- ui: include
page on KBar link list (a11b232) - ui: use
component on sitemap page (4ec0365) - wrap statistics cards in an
page (a597ed5)
- add
config on/about
page layout (7f96b27) - increase
config to 86400 on/about
route segment (a69595b) - increase statistics page
to 24h (6516af3) - optimize main image on
page (a45101f) - ssr: wrap statistics cards from
page with<Suspense />
tag (e2bacd9) - wrap all statistics cards with
<Suspense />
8.7.2 (2023-10-30)
- deps: rollback unified related updates (8333384)
8.7.1 (2023-10-30)
- deps: update dependency rehype-stringify to v10 (ea272e2)
- deps: update dependency remark-gfm to v4 (cf6a7fa)
- deps: update dependency remark-math to v6 (#673) (0d9bbe2)
- deps: update dependency remark-parse to v11 (223966e)
- deps: update dependency unified to v11 (cfc774a)
- feed: remove broken remark-hint from plugin list (dd63e1f)
- og: import
from "next/og" instead of "next/server" (fbf813b)
8.7.0 (2023-10-28)
- ui: add bottom-right illustrantion on all pages (078774f)
- ui: add top-left illustrantion on all pages (ae5e2d3)
- ui: update homepage illustration (0cd691a), closes #679
8.6.2 (2023-10-24)
- ui: add svelte on knowledge list (e3e0a24)
8.6.1 (2023-10-24)
8.6.0 (2023-10-01)
- ui: create Comments component with giscus (843c07f)
- deps: update dependency rehype-katex to v7 (961d294)
- deps: update dependency remark-breaks to v4 (3cf75d9)
- deps: update dependency remark-rehype to v11 (3a327f0)
8.5.0 (2023-09-17)
- ui: create
component (5807dc2) - ui: overwrite tailwind ping animation keyframes (b77fc00)
- ui: update knowledge accordion layout (43d64d2)
8.4.1 (2023-09-13)
- deps: update dependency react-icons to v4.11.0 (bdb9d72)
- deps: update dependency rehype-autolink-headings to v7 (eb637af)
- deps: update dependency rehype-shift-heading to v2 (c159118)
- deps: update dependency rehype-slug to v6 (3c52ef2)
- ui: change portuguese button title (12d5180)
8.4.0 (2023-08-29)
- ui: change color pallete (83f2bba)
8.3.1 (2023-08-28)
- deps: update dependency kbar to v0.1.0-beta.43 (180e58a)
8.3.0 (2023-08-03)
- ui: update mobile-menu items order and use
on Sitemap item instead ofOutLink
(b50f5da) - ui: use signature as logo (e17656a)
- ui: rollback mobile spaces of header (f4caf81)
8.2.1 (2023-08-02)
- ui: small header style improvements (452d657)
8.2.0 (2023-08-01)
8.1.0 (2023-07-31)
- ui: add personal links section on kbar modal (6b94905)
- ui: create
page (492eb43) - ui: remove mount delay of "toggle-theme" component (cf1bcd6), closes #596
- update sitemap page links (b75320c)
8.0.3 (2023-07-30)
8.0.2 (2023-07-30)
8.0.1 (2023-07-30)
- content/projects: add bg-eraser project (0272f2a)
- deps: update dependency kbar to v0.1.0-beta.41 (2f49e85)
8.0.0 (2023-07-22)
- a11y: add
to mobile menu trigger button (0e8ff23) - a11y: add
to toggle-theme trigger button (e80f479) - a11y: update icon and titles of toggle-theme component (2962fc7)
- a11y: update name of system color theme on kbar (360a1b1)
- add
to all contact links (23fcd09) - assets: add code-type.svg (d9c892b)
- contentlayer: add new projects (eede1a2)
- contentlayer: create AboutMe definition and mdx file (dacd878)
- contentlayer: create Project definition (310186d)
- contentlayer: update Project fields (f95dc03)
- seo: add about links to sitemap and menus (1edf801)
- seo: add about page metadata (822d928)
- seo: add project page links (9d531ac)
- seo: update sitemap generator with new routes (3a2d9f2)
- ui: add
styles (6e3bba7) - ui: add blog link on header (83d27a5)
- ui: add info section on about page (2de757e)
- ui: add search button and remove category/tag links from header mobile (29e92ef)
- ui: add tag and category list on kbar component (6fa2767)
- ui: add title to blog page (36dfa67)
- ui: crate contact list on about page (bffad04)
- ui: crate knowledge accordion on about page (887b92d)
- ui: create home page (feb091d)
- ui: create projects page (41252ff)
- ui: improve color contrast on search button (610f5e4)
- ui: remove global animation duration style (d0152ae)
- ui: small improvements on
responsve style (862ec72) - ui: small improvements on image card style (c56192c)
- ui: small improvements on knowledge accordion responsve style (48efe4c)
- ui: small improvements on knowledge accordion style (248043d)
- ui: style improvements (68d0df3)
- ui: update some contact-section styles and remove "use client" directive (34906c4)
- deps: update dependency unist-util-visit to v5 (dfadcd9)
- rendering: add "use client" directive to knowledge-section component (37f8f10)
- ui: use
to correct post-list-by-year sorting (73f36ad)
7.4.1 (2023-07-14)
- config: use manual setted HOST env variable instead of use VERCEL_URL (ff1703e)
7.4.0 (2023-07-14)
- config: create
with global config and metadata (2220916) - providers: add kbar provider on providers list (46a7332)
- ui: create kbar component and provider (6414509)
- ui: create kbar search trigger component and add it on Header (581753f)
- deps: downgrade prettier to v2.8.8 (686f60c)
- deps: update dependency next to v13.4.9 (2f7565f)
- update old website url to
- ui: use
<Image />
component fromnext/image
instead of common<img />
7.3.0 (2023-07-04)
- feed: generate rss2 instead of atom1 and add image metadata (9500e19)
- seo: add
generator (6652a6c) - seo: add og:image to post metadata (5fef014)
- seo: add post thumbnail path to robots.txt (2d1e04c)
- seo: add twitter and other metadatas to post (a20e4c7)
- seo: create og image generator for posts (7057a15)
7.2.1 (2023-07-04)
- ui: justify post text to left on all devices (562d504)
7.2.0 (2023-07-03)
- ui: add utterances component to post page (a887085)
- ui: create utterances comments component (8a8c2d3)
- deps: update dependency contentlayer to v0.3.4 (ba2e66b)
- deps: update dependency next to v13.4.7 (f8a0a49)
- deps: update dependency next-contentlayer to v0.3.4 (02cf3d1)
- deps: update dependency react-icons to v4.10.1 (afa2219)
- deps: update dependency rehype-pretty-code to v0.9.11 (1e9bb33)
- deps: update dependency rehype-pretty-code to v0.9.9 (1b3307f)
7.1.8 (2023-06-22)
7.1.7 (2023-06-21)
7.1.6 (2023-06-21)
7.1.5 (2023-06-21)
7.1.4 (2023-06-21)
7.1.3 (2023-06-21)
7.1.2 (2023-06-21)
7.1.1 (2023-06-21)
7.1.0 (2023-06-21)
- tailwind: add new animations (8700b0a)
- ui: create Footer component for blog section (7853ed0)
- ui: create mobile menu (96a8af4)
- ui: update padding top on blog main content (c1a6251)
- ux: adapt footer layout to small devices (e6c15d9)
- ux: adapt portifolio page to small devices (c6b48d5)
- ux: adapt post link layout to small devices (838ce70)
- ux: adapt post list layout to small devices (088ab9e)
- ux: adapt post page to small devices (5492a99)
- ux: adapt tags and categories pages to small devices (b2b8faa)
- ui: reset just horizontal padding instead all padding on
utilities (152ed28) - ui: set z-index of tag post number to 0 (392bb80)
7.0.0 (2023-06-19)
- api: create endpoint to get atom feed (69d0665)
- ceo: create dynamic sitemap (97ca8ac), closes #544
- contentlayer: add custom rehype plugin to get ad inject raw code on code elements (061b378)
- lib: check if is on development env instead of production (6579ff3)
- lib: create function to generate atom feed (5c7dfaf)
- lib: create markdown-to-html converter (1d815c4)
- lib: create webserver constanst for export things like
(dd12303) - lib: set host based on
env variabled (f713625) - lib: update feed config on
(915ad5b) - ui: add custom code component with copy button on post page (2b2fb01)
- ui: improve post matadata spaces on post page (3ed0a5f)
- ui: small updates on post style (bf22a03)
- deps: update dependency next to v13.4.6 (cb5b817)
- seo: use slug version of tag/category link on sitemap (9b13834)
6.4.0 (2023-06-13)
- lib: create
function (e37eee6) - ui: add glitch effect on header title (c206c40)
- ui: change category display on categories page (1d2319e)
- ui: create category selector menu (6a0c9ae)
- ui: create tags page (d2128a0)
- ui: update
on glitch effect (66e7ef0) - ui: update some tailwind styles of post page (16f28cc)
- deps: update dependency next to v13.4.5 (ef4489c)
- ui: return toggle theme component just when mounted (9dbe8f7)
6.3.0 (2023-06-09)
- stats: add umami tracker script (d179569)
- ui: add headlessui menu to select theme (0b4ebee)
- ui: create custom
component (a68a3ab) - ui: remove leading on header menu items (1c30440)
- ui: update anchor style on hints (97ba3d0)
- deps: update dependency next-contentlayer to v0.3.3 (9e6345a)
- deps: update dependency react-icons to v4.9.0 (904a0a3)
6.2.0 (2023-06-06)
- lib: use weight on search function (e1976e8), closes #521
- ui: move metadata to right on post link component (6b69cf6)
6.1.0 (2023-05-30)
- components: create shared icons (6d6fd17)
- components: use
import path onPostLink
component (00b2818) - contentlayer: add reading_time computed field on Post definitions (5948ea4)
- lib: use
path when import slug (c8b71ea) - post: add
computed field (d0859d6) - providers: add
option on next themes provider (05e7fd8) - ui: add reading time on post link (ee2ed71)
- ui: add reading time on post page (e90fdf0)
- ui: add shine effect on planned badge (d69daf6)
- contentlayer: use relative imports instead of ts paths on
definition (ceb8f68) - deps: update dependency next to v13.4.4 (a72ba1a)
- route: use
instead ofusername
on author page (4f362da) - ui: add a batter background contrast on post-link dark mode (17281c0)
- ui: add better contrast on shine effect color (1947d4d), closes #523
6.0.2 (2023-05-25)
- ui: breake longer strings on inline code blocks (2e4513b), closes #430
- ui: shows code block scroll bar only when necessary (41d699e)
6.0.1 (2023-05-25)
- category link on post page was redirecting to a non existing route
6.0.0 (2023-05-25)
- filter planned posts from
on "/post/[slug]" (367572f) - lib: create
function to be used as search algorithm (543babb) - lib: create
function (080bcfc) - lib: filter test posts on
(4926118) - lib: filter test posts on
(215b60f) - lib: filter test posts on
(21813e0) - Post: add "status" and "test" fields (5c1dd58)
- providers: add
provider (7f5b63a) - tailwind: add new animations (d4e3505)
- ui: add
compoentn toHeader
(eba77ec) - ui: add badges on knowledge link component (1d359ec)
- ui: create
component class (ddb76a5) - ui: create
component (6a60d52) - ui: create
component (ed86468) - ui: create post badge components (82c27ce)
- ui: increase blog vertical padding on small screens (d846ba3)
- ui: separate posts by status on post list (fd24132)
- deps: regenerate lock file (a3d6112)
- deps: update dependency next to v13.4.3 (4828322)
- deps: update dependency remark to v14.0.3 (e1f257a)
5.2.0 (2023-05-19)
5.1.0 (2023-05-18)
- ui: update article style (67bf7d8)
- ui: update article style (0249822)
- utils: complement slug function with github-slug package (fd84d93), closes #497
- utils: increment
function (361e731)
5.0.6 (2023-05-16)
5.0.5 (2023-05-16)
- contentlayer: add remote files function (98b38af)
- contentlayer: create post source list (1a1ebc2)
- contentlayer: generate post id from title slug (0eee145)
- contentlayer: get repositories from a list of repositories (7481968)
- ui: show url paths of category and tags in slug format (db56f2c), closes #489
- deps: downgrade "contentlayer" and "next-contentlayer" to v0.2.9 (53185de)
- deps: update dependency contentlayer to ^0.3.0 (54fee1f)
- deps: update dependency next to v13.4.1 (266e966)
- deps: update dependency next to v13.4.2 (9f3095d)
- deps: update dependency next-contentlayer to ^0.3.0 (797ebf6)
4.1.0 (2023-05-10)
- ui: add icon next to category and tag title (a7b1420), closes #488
- ui: show test message instead of "1" on year section (9d16c5e), closes #487
4.0.1 (2023-05-10)
4.0.0 (2023-05-10)
- create author page (c4d07c3)
- definitions: update Post definition (567cecf)
- lib: create authors lib (8e0118f)
- ui: add "duration-150" to all element (d6c685c)
- ui: add option prop on
component (015b232) - ui: hide year when posts area separated by year (e49aa24)
- ui: increase padding bottom on blog layout (18e5cb2)
- ui: remove "duration" class from
component (4763d29) - ui: show author on post page (45aee43)
- ui: update
component props (f63a6a3) - utils: create
function (190afc7)
: use relative import onPost
definition (3d00d37)
3.3.4 (2023-05-05)
- deps: update dependency next to v13.3.4 (e1a5675)
3.3.3 (2023-05-05)
- app/layout: use
as "anonymous" (6c7711a) - deps: update dependency date-fns to v2.30.0 (6c4ffab)
- deps: update dependency rehype-katex to v6.0.3 (674ef21)
3.3.2 (2023-05-05)
3.3.1 (2023-04-28)
- ui/ux: made Header responseive (fdb0f56)
3.3.0 (2023-04-28)
- ui/ux: add
option onKnowledgeList
component (9c529e2) - ui/ux: add portifolio menu to header (1765082)
- ui/ux: create new blog header (5c94201)
- ui/ux: create option to show year categorized posts (3e8454c)
- ui/ux: implement blog layout to new header (a808618)
- ui/ux: use
css class on portifolio page (d5dbc39) - ui: create
css classes (c71a000) - ui: use
as default website background (17943ea)
3.2.1 (2023-04-27)
3.2.0 (2023-04-25)
- ui/ux: update knowledge section (852e112)
3.1.0 (2023-04-25)
- ui/ux: update
on portifolio page (8648590) - ui: add border bottom to portifolio Header (6d5676e)
- ui: update
on portifolio page (6e3163a) - ui: update
on portifolio page (479a6be) - ui: update
on portifolio page (d03e2d7)
3.0.1 (2023-04-24)
- ui: remove global anchor style (5c41de2)
3.0.0 (2023-03-28)
- app: create base files for app dir (2eb2ddd)
- ux/ui: create toggle theme button component (1813f47)
- ux/ui: update Header component (c7c704f)
- deps: update dependency react-icons to v4.8.0 (47b76cb)
2.5.8 (2023-03-21)
2.5.7 (2023-03-20)
- deps: update dependency next to v13.2.4 (bac75a6)
- deps: update dependency shiki to ^0.14.0 (560a877)
2.5.6 (2023-03-20)
2.5.5 (2023-01-26)
- deps: update dependency next to v13.1.4 (2c66622)
2.5.4 (2023-01-26)
- deps: update dependency rehype-pretty-code to ^0.9.0 (862420b)
2.5.3 (2022-12-26)
- seo: add title on Portifolio page (ea012aa)
2.5.2 (2022-12-26)
- ui: fixes spelling errors in portfolio (ddfc89a)
2.5.1 (2022-12-26)
- make portifolio/AboutSection responsive (942293a)
- make portifolio/Header responsive (aa93919)
- make portifolio/HomeSection responsive (fe10e48)
- make portifolio/KnowledgeSection responsive (a7a194c)
- make portifolio/ProjectCard responsive (448e8b1)
- ui: update
class to match responsive rules (00e6d8b)
- deps: update dependency next to v13.1.0 (954c5e6)
2.4.2 (2022-12-23)
- scroll behavior on portifolio' (020d031)
2.4.1 (2022-12-23)
- add smooth scroll class on body tag (a6adb19)
- change IDs on each portifolio section (0839858)
- pass scroll position to portifolio/Header (711552b)
- translate projects description (f473665)
- ui: update Header nav behavior (96d7650)
- update smooth scroll rules (456030f)
2.3.1 (2022-12-22)
- add base Postifolio page and components (538b246)
- add projects (1bccd12)
- tailwind: add new classes (e62c9e6)
- ui: add Chivo Mono font (fb42719)
- ui: add cv and icons on About section (6c6a301)
- ui: add icons and links on portifolio/Header (50f1820)
- ui: add icons on ContactSection (5319273)
- ui: add icons on KnowledgeSection (2f23998)
- ui: add icons on ProjectCard (20bbe7d)
- ui: update ProjectCard (5e038e1)
- update cv (9ffdc16)
- update cv (7165f13)
- deps: update dependency shiki to ^0.12.0 (f741cf0)
2.2.4 (2022-12-20)
2.2.3 (2022-12-20)
- next using tools folder (ee1f14a)
2.2.2 (2022-12-19)
- adapt category lib to contentlayer (ad7728e)
- adapt tag lib to contentlayer (8040209)
- convert Document to functional component (fb20dd0)
- create
lib (3eb1a40) - create rehype-pretty-code config (c1dc79c)
- create syntax-highlighting styles for fark mode (e51568f)
- mdx: add new rehype/remark plugins (8da086d)
- mdx: add remark-breaks plugin (40d1a2e)
- mdx: increment rehype-pretty-code options (e6ed864)
- post/content: update draft-post (1df61d3)
- post/content: update draft-post (9e1ce6e)
- post/content: update draft-post (5108447)
- post/content: update draft-post (fbee1ec)
- post/content: update draft-post (3248ccb)
- post/content: update learn-with-ethereum (55238cd)
- post/content: update s3-plan (90b8aeb)
- post/content: update s3-plan (ce08ee5)
- rehype-pretty-code: update highlight classes (1f5c9e7)
- rehype: add dark and light theme to rehype-pretty-code (03a2460)
- rehype: add rehype-shift-heading plugin (9392545)
- remark: add remark-hint plugin (22da1f0)
- remove og image on
(05a5902) - seo: add global meta tags on
(3b7872a) - seo: add meta tags on
(31ff389) - seo: add meta tags on
(4a51ff0) - seo: add meta tags on categories page (f418507)
- seo: add meta tags on category page (8602bf9)
- seo: add meta tags on knowledge page (9af8629)
- seo: add meta tags on tag page (c49d8d3)
- sort post list on category page (0b4fd72)
- sort post list on index page (f1aeabd)
- sort post list on tag page (efbf51b)
- tailwind: add new colors (0446bb4)
- ui/ux: add tag icon on the right of each tag (ae52e56)
- ui: add dark alternative colors on Categories page (427a534)
- ui: add dark alternative colors on Header (71392bb)
- ui: add dark alternative colors on knowledge page (14c3cf1)
- ui: add dark alternative colors on KnowledgeLink (028df4b)
- ui: add dark alternative colors on main css file (c974167)
- ui: add global transitions (7af63db)
- ui: add hover background on category list (e66a3ba)
- ui: add rounded corners on category list (bfee00c)
- ui: add rounded styles (53c440c)
- ui: apply initial tailwind settings (5b31ff4)
- ui: create toggle theme button on Header (64d9c09)
- ui: improve SEO and a11y on Header component (fc20267)
- ui: update background color (cc8d90d)
- ui: update codeblock colors (5321914)
- ui: update main content styles (7caaf94)
- ui: update post title styles to match rehype-shift-heading config (31c664e)
- ui: update table styles (1b00a62)
- ui: use tailwind default colors (b6ac602)
- ui: use theme provider on _app (da64e89)
- update content main class (ce6e105)
- update utils lib (7e86f49)
- use contentlayer on index file (0df79c1)
- use contentlayer on knowledge page (3c5bb7b)
- use static image url on Header component (1432d9d)
- ux: add footnotes styles (5033478)
- #406: remove
child on<Link>
components (d0404d8), closes #406 - adapt category page to new category lib (c0f01b9)
- adapt specific category page to new category lib (c12355d)
- adapt tag page to new tag lib (f3189bb)
- data format on elixir_notes_nlw5 (704267a)
- deps: install eslint-plugin-n (b952006), closes #419
- deps: update dependency highlight.js to v11.7.0 (d2406a7)
- deps: update dependency next to v12.3.3 (9ef3888)
- deps: update dependency next to v13 (32d7e2f)
- deps: update dependency next to v13.0.6 (f04e7db)
- deps: update dependency next to v13.0.7 (79d6c97)
- deps: update dependency react-icons to v4.6.0 (232c927)
- deps: update dependency react-icons to v4.7.1 (0737e2f)
- deps: update dependency rehype-highlight to v6 (d53d87f)
- deps: update dependency rehype-slug to v5.1.0 (30c1e5a)
- deps: update dependency styled-components to v5.3.6 (1267ac7)
- elixir_notes_nlw5 (eb02001)
- elixir_notes_nlw5 (98988ae)
- next using tools folder (02eee9d)
- remove
from Header imports (5a5b826) - type error on
component (fbec0c3), closes #414 - ui: use .knowledge-content before title tags (976aa9e)
- ui: use background on
tag (0e0674d)