- Use SnakeYaml's SafeConstructor to avoid CVE-2022-1471
- Support escaping characters in log messages - #207
- Build with Cassandra 4.0.7 (only flavor ecaudit_c4.0)
- Build with Cassandra 3.11.14 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.11)
- Build with Cassandra 3.0.28 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.0)
- Bumps snakeyaml from 1.29 to 1.33
- Handle values that has not been assigned a value with prepared statements - #202
- Build with Cassandra 4.0.3 (only flavor ecaudit_c4.0)
- Build with Cassandra 3.11.12 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.11)
- Build with Cassandra 3.0.26 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.0)
- Build with Cassandra 3.11.11 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.11)
- Build with Cassandra 3.0.25 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.0)
- Bump to SnakeYAML 1.29 in eclog to close CVE-2017-18640
- Obfuscate passwords properly - #170
- Extend grant based audit to system tables - #172
- Always write audit entry on whitelist exception - #168
- Build with Cassandra 3.11.10 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.11)
- Build with Cassandra 3.0.24 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.0)
- Build with Cassandra 2.2.19 (only flavor ecaudit_c2.2)
- Support prepared batch statements - #164
- Support pure query logger deployment without authentication/authorization - #77
- Add support for custom authenticator and the Subject audit record field - #146
- Optimizing cache performance for role audit filter
- Make sure authorized user can whitelist himself - #145
- Introduce grants-based role white-listing
- Fix announcement of internal table (only flavor ecaudit_c3.0 and ecaudit_c3.11) - #137
- Build with Cassandra 3.11.6 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.11)
- Build with Cassandra 3.0.20 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.0)
- Build with Cassandra 2.2.16 (only flavor ecaudit_c2.2)
- Log only keys - #125
- Avoid logging BLOB values - #126
- Configurable format of printed records with eclog tool - #102
- Backport ecAudit to Cassandra 2.2.x - #111
- Configurable fields in Chronicle backend - #101
- Improve batch-id (UUID) performance - #108
Incomplete release - Don't use.
Incomplete release - Don't use.
- Make configuration updateable from tests - #98
- Make wrapped authorizer backend configurable - #104
- Optionally skip values when logging prepared statements - #92
- Add support for client port in log messages - #90
- Add support for post-logging - #24
- Add support for host address in log message - #28
- Add support for Chronicle-Queue backend - #62
- Add metrics for filtering and logging - #72
- Add support for system timestamp in log message - #27
- Fix typo of java property for custom audit.yaml path - #59
- Build with Cassandra 3.11.4 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.11)
- Build with Cassandra 3.0.18 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.0)
- Introduce configurable log message format - #55
- Make the audit whitelist table a protected resource in Cassandra
- NOTE: This version is breaking backwards compatibility - consult detailed instructions in the upgrade guide
- Add support for whitelists based on specific operations
- Make whitelist operations case insensitive
- Remove support for whitelist management in CREATE ROLE statement
- Limit whitelist management to one operation per statement
- Backport ecAudit to Cassandra 3.0.11 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.0.11)
- NOTE: This version is breaking backwards compatibility - consult detailed instructions in the upgrade guide
- Fix ability to grant whitelist to all other roles as long as granter has AUTHORIZE permission on the resource (Ericsson#31)
- Improve logger performance with micro benchmarks
- Build with Cassandra 3.11.3 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.11)
- Build with Cassandra 3.0.17 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.0)
- Fix role based whitelist for non-existing ks/table (Ericsson#10)
- Public release on Maven Central
- Build with Cassandra 3.0.16 (only flavor ecaudit_c3.0)
- Add support for combined YAML file and Role Based whitelists
- Improve documentation and setup guide
- Reduced memory footprint further for prepared statements (only flavor ecaudit_c3.11)
- Explicitly ignoring RPC (Thrift) requests
- Reduced memory footprint of prepared statement cache mapping
- Replace String.replaceFirst with comma separated list at the end of prepared statment log
- Authentication operation with YAML whitelist is always audit logged
- Replace string format with string builder for better performance
- Use one single adapter instance to minimize memory footprint
- Align name of connections resource with other resources in Cassandra
- Use role based whitelist filter by default
- Convert whitelist cache to IResource types for improved performance
- Only obfuscate password on role management statements for improved performance
- Add support for whitelisting roles and non-root resources
- Fix NPE if getPrepared(statementId) returns null
- Lazy bind of values to prepared statement for improved performance of whitelisted operations
- Fix value binding to same prepared statement in a batch
- Announce whitelist filter type in system log at start-up
- Fix quote of string literals in prepared statement logs
- Add support for role based whitelist management
- First development release