(File provided by Ulrik Buchholtz)
Here we derive a contradiction from “type in type”, a universe that contains itself, assuming that this is additionally closed under generalized inductive types. Then we can directly encode Russell's paradox.
This development is inspired by Aczel's “sets as trees” interpretation of constructive set theory, from which this very simple paradox was deduced by Thierry Coquand. N.G. de Bruijn also noticed a similar paradox.
{-# OPTIONS --without-K --type-in-type #-}
module Russell where
Type = Set
We need some standard inductive types: Σ, ∅, and identity types.
data Σ (A : Type) (B : A → Type) : Type where
_,_ : (a : A) → B a → Σ A B
pr₁ : {A : Type} {B : A → Type} → Σ A B → A
pr₁ (a , b) = a
data ∅ : Type where
data _≡_ {A : Type} (a : A) : A → Type where
refl : a ≡ a
Then we use the following generalized inductive type. (It's called generalized because it has a recursive argument that is a function type.) It represents trees that can branch according to any type in the universe. Without “type in type”, these would be well-founded trees, like the membership trees in the cumulative hierarchy model of set theory.
data V : Type where
sup : (X : Type) → (X → V) → V
We can similarly define membership and non-membership.
_∈_ : V → V → Type
x ∈ sup X f = Σ X λ x' → x ≡ f x'
_∉_ : V → V → Type
x ∉ y = x ∈ y → ∅
Now it's straight-forward to define Russell's paradoxical “set” of all sets that don't contain themselves, and derive a contradiction.
R : V
R = sup (Σ V λ x → x ∉ x) pr₁
x∈R→x∉x : (x : V) → x ∈ R → x ∉ x
x∈R→x∉x x ((.x , x∉x) , refl) = x∉x
x∉x→x∈R : (x : V) → x ∉ x → x ∈ R
x∉x→x∈R x x∉x = (x , x∉x) , refl
R∉R : R ∉ R
R∉R R∈R = x∈R→x∉x R R∈R R∈R
boom : ∅
boom = R∉R (x∉x→x∈R R R∉R)