Module to manage the vnc server.
It will install vncserver, fluxbox and also browser, default browser is "google-chrome", and also configure the user and fluxbox and start the vncserver service
Puppet Server Version <5
usage: Install and configure vnc server
class { 'vnc':
vncusername => 'vncuser',
userpassword => '$1$qCmU0a$a9Q6W/fDzU6zQI42/Z2s',
vncpassword => 'password',
vncport => 5900,
Hiera Usage:
vnc::vncusername: 'test1'
vnc::userpassword: '$1$qCmU0a$a9Q6W/fDzU6zQI42/Z2s'
vnc::vncpassword: 'password'
vnc::vncport: '5901'
NOTE: You have to pass the plaintext password for vncpassword param.
Recommended : change the vncserver password manually, instead of passing plaintext to vncpassword.
cmd : '$vncpasswd /home/vncuser/.vnc/passwd'
you can pass hash to the userpassword param, use this command "$openssl passwd -1" to generate md5 hash.
To change default browser to firefox , just change the following param
#usage in manifest
browser1 => firefox #for ubuntu
browser2 => firefox #for centos
#usage in hiera
vnc::browser1: firefox #for ubuntu
vnc::browser2: firefox #for centos
Module is successfully tested on Ubuntu14-64b and CentOS7-64b.
NOTE: You can not use multiple vncdisplay.
NOTE: please reboot the server after finished the catalog.
Thank you , Have a great day!