; Signature:
BYTE 0x02
BYTE 0x0a
BYTE "CART", 0x00
; Number of objects ("media files") in cartridge:
USHORT number_of_objects
; references to individual objects in cartridge.
; there is exactly [number_of_objects] blocks like this:
repeat times {
USHORT object_id ; distinct ID for each object, duplicates are forbidden
LONG address ; address of object in GWC file
LONG header_length ; length of information header (following block):
struct {
DOUBLE Latitude ; N+/S-
DOUBLE Longitude ; E+/W-
DOUBLE Altitude ; (see url 2)
LONG unknown_value
LONG unknown_value
; media-ID of icon and splashscreen:
SHORT ID_of_splashscreen ; -1 = without splashscreen/poster
SHORT ID_of_small_icon ; -1 = without icon
ASCIIZ type_of_cartridge ; "Tour guide", "Wherigo cache", etc.
ASCIIZ PlayerName ; name of player who downloaded this cartridge
LONG unknown_value
LONG unknown_value
ASCIIZ CartridgeName ; "Name of this cartridge"
ASCIIZ CartridgeDescription ; "this is a sample cartridge"
ASCIIZ StartingLocationDescription ; "nice parking"
ASCIIZ Version ; "1.2"
ASCIIZ Company
ASCIIZ RecommendedDevice ; "Garmin Colorado", "Windows PPC", etc.
LONG unknown_value
ASCIIZ CompletionCode ; only the first 15 chars are needed
} header
@xxxx + header_length + 4:
; here should be first object, but it is not important, as all objects have
; it's address (offset in .gwc file) known, including the first one:
@address_of_FIRST_object (with ID=0):
; always Lua bytecode
LONG length
BYTE[length] content_of_object ; Lua bytecode
@address_of_ALL_OTHER_objects (with ID > 0):
BYTE valid_object
if (valid_object == 0) {
; when valid_object == 0, it means that object is DELETED and does not exist in cartridge.
; nothing else follows.
} else {
LONG object_type ; -1=deleted, 1=bmp, 2=png, 3=jpg, 4=gif, 17=wav, 18=mp3, 19=fdl, other values have unknown meaning
LONG length
BYTE[length] content_of_object
; ============================================================================
; And that is all.
; ============================================================================
BYTE = unsigned char (1 byte)
SHORT = signed short (2 bytes)
USHORT = unsigned short (2 bytes)
LONG = signed long (4 bytes)
ULONG = unsigned long (4 bytes)
DOUBLE = double-precision floating point number (8 bytes)
ASCIIZ = zero-terminated string ("hello world!", 0x00)