%%% Title = "CDR Plus: Sharing Arrangement V1" area = "Internet" workgroup = "cdrplus-parity"
[seriesInfo] name = "Internet-Draft" value = "draft-authors-cdrplus-sharing-arrangement-v1-latest" stream = "IETF" status = "experimental"
date = 2022-06-27T00:00:00Z
[[author]] initials="S." surname="Low" fullname="Stuart Low" organization="Biza.io" [author.address] email = "[email protected]"
[[author]] initials="B." surname="Kolera" fullname="Ben Kolera" organization="Biza.io" [author.address] email = "[email protected]" %%%
.# Abstract
Describes the CDR Sharing Arrangement V1
.# Notational Conventions
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [@!RFC2119].
This specification uses the terms "Consumer", "Data Holder", "Data Recipient", "Personally Identifiable Information (PII)", "Pairwise Pseudonymous Identifier (PPID)", "Software Product" as defined by [@!CDRPLUS-INFOSEC-BASELINE].
CDR Sharing Arrangement CDR Arrangement CDR Arrangement Identifier
Please refer to [@!CDRPLUS-INFOSEC-BASELINE] for further elaboration.
The authorisation server:
- SHALL issue refresh tokens with an expiry matched to the CDR Arrangement;
- SHALL NOT issue refresh tokens for a missing
or asharing_duration
with a value of0
(see Request Object); - MUST support the Holder CDR Arrangement Revocation Endpoint (HCARE)
- MUST include the CDR Arrangement ID as an attribute in its Introspection Endpoint response
The Holder CDR Arrangement (HCARE) Revocation endpoint accepts a CDR Arrangement Identifier and immediately revokes the CDR Sharing Arrangement.
The HCARE endpoint MUST be advertised using the cdr_arrangement_revocation_endpoint
attribute at the OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 [@!OIDC-Discovery] endpoint.
The protected resource calls the HCARE endpoint using an HTTP POST [@!RFC7231] request with parameters sent as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
data as defined in [@!W3C.REC-html5-20141028]. The protected resource sends a parameter representing the CDR Arrangement Identifier.
REQUIRED. The CDR Arrangement Identifier previously provided in the token and introspection endpoint responses.
The client also includes its authentication credentials as described in Section 2.2 of [@!RFC7523] (ie. private_key_jwt
For example, a Recipient may request CDR Arrangement revocation with the following request:
POST https://data.holder.com.au/arrangements/revoke
Host: data.holder.com.au
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
client_assertion=eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IjEyNDU2In0.ey ...&
The authorisation server first validates the client credentials and then verifies whether the CDR Arrangement Identifier exists and was issued to the client making the arrangement revocation request. If this validation fails, the request is refused and the client is informed of the error by the authorisation server as described below.
In the next step, the authorisation server invalidates the CDR Arrangement and any associated tokens. The invalidation MUST take place immediately and MUST occur against all Access and Refresh tokens.
The authorisation server MUST respond with HTTP status code 204 if the CDR Sharing Arrangement has been revoked successfully. If the CDR Sharing Arrangement was already revoked (but is otherwise valid) the authorisation server SHOULD respond with a successful response.
The error presentation conforms to the definition in Section X.X of [@!CDRPLUS-BASELINE-ERRORS].
The following additional error code is defined for the HCARE endpoint:
: The arrangement could not be found. The error detail is the CDR Arrangement ID of the being executed.
If the server responds with HTTP status code 503, the client must assume the CDR Arrangement still exists and may retry after a reasonable delay. The server may include a "Retry-After" header in the response to indicate how long the service is expected to be unavailable to the requesting client.
The request object submitted to the authorisation server:
- MUST support a claim parameter of
representing the number of seconds, as an integer, to request a CDR Sharing Arrangement; - MUST consider
lengths exceeding31536000
to be equal to31536000
; - SHOULD reject
values less than0
; - MUST support a claim parameter of
referencing an existing CDR Arrangement (see CDR Arrangement Identifier); - MUST reject requests containing an unknown
The authorisation server:
- MUST support the claim
representing the expiry of the refresh token as a numeric epoch. If no refresh token has been provided a0
SHOULD be returned; - MUST support the claim
representing the expiry of the CDR Arrangement. If asharing_duration
was not specified in the authorisation request object then a0
SHOULD be returned; - SHOULD ensure the
claim within refresh tokens is equal to thesharing_expires_at
The authorisation server:
- MUST support the claim
representing a unique identifier for the CDR Arrangement; - MUST ensure the
is non-guessable; - MUST ensure the
does not identify the Consumer; - SHOULD ensure the
is collision resistant; - MUST ensure the
claim, if specified within the request object and valid, remains static across authorisation flows; - MUST reject requests referencing a CDR Arrangement which has expired;
- MUST reject requests referencing a CDR Arrangement that does not match the authenticated Consumer;
- MUST revoke previously issued access and refresh tokens when a CDR Arrangement is updated
A Recipient SHALL support the provisions specified in clause 5.2.3 and 5.2.4 of [@!FAPI-1.0-Baseline].
In addition, the authorisation client
- If a Refresh Token is issued for one-time collection the Data Recipient Software Product MUST call the Data Holder’s revocation endpoint after successful collection of the CDR data.
- The Data Recipient Software Product MAY provide the cdr_arrangement_id claim in the Request Object sent to the PAR End Point.
- Data Recipient Software Products MAY provide an existing cdr_arrangement_id claim in an authorisation request object to establish a new consent under an existing arrangement
- MUST support the Recipient CDR Arrangement Revocation Endpoint (RCARE)
The Recipient CDR Arrangement (RCARE) Revocation endpoint is a CDR specific endpoint that accepts a CDR Arrangement Identifier and immediately revokes the CDR Sharing Arrangement.
The protected resource calls the RCARE endpoint using an HTTP POST [@!RFC7231] request with parameters sent as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data as defined in [@!W3C.REC-html5-20141028]. The protected resource sends a parameter representing the CDR Arrangement Identifier.
RECOMMENDED. The CDR Arrangement Identifier previously provided in the token and introspection endpoint responses.
REQUIRED. A single signed [@!JWT] containing the following parameters:
representing the CDR Arrangement Identifier previously provided in the token and introspection endpoint responses;iss
: The Holder Brand ID as per Section X.X in [@!CDRPLUS-ADMISSION-CONTROL]sub
: The Holder Brand ID as per Section X.X in [@!CDRPLUS-ADMISSION-CONTROL]aud
: The URI to the RCARE Endpoint as per Section X.X in [@!CDRPLUS-ADMISSION-CONTROL]jti
: A unique identifier for the tokenexp
: Expiration time on or after the JWT must not be accepted
In addition, the client includes an Authorization
header parameter with a Bearer token containing a single signed [@!JWT] with the following parameters:
: The Holder Brand ID as per Section X.X in [@!CDRPLUS-ADMISSION-CONTROL]sub
: The Holder Brand ID as per Section X.X in [@!CDRPLUS-ADMISSION-CONTROL]aud
: The URI to the RCARE Endpoint as per Section X.X in [@!CDRPLUS-ADMISSION-CONTROL]jti
: A unique identifier for the tokenexp
: Expiration time on or after the JWT must not be accepted
For example, a Holder may request CDR Arrangement revocation with the following request:
POST https://data.recipient.com.au/arrangements/revoke HTTP/1.1
Host: data.recipient.com.au
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IjEyNDU2In0.ey …
cdr_arrangement_jwt=eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IjEyNDU2In0.ey ...&
The Recipient first validates the Holder credentials and then verifies whether the CDR Arrangement Identifier exists and was issued by the Holder making the CDR Arrangement Revocation request. If this validation fails, the request is refused and the Holder is informed of the error by the RCARE endpoint as described below.
In the next step, the Recipient invalidates the CDR Arrangement and SHOULD discard associated tokens. Data Minimisation events SHOULD also be triggered on receipt of this event.
The RCARE endpoint MUST respond with HTTP status code 204 if the CDR Sharing Arrangement has been revoked successfully. If the CDR Sharing Arrangement was already revoked (but is otherwise valid) the authorisation server SHOULD respond with a successful response.
The error presentation conforms to the definition in Section X.X of [@!CDRPLUS-BASELINE-ERRORS].
The following additional error code is defined for the HCARE endpoint:
: The CDR Arrangement Identifier could not be found. The error detail is the CDR Arrangement ID of the being executed.
If the server responds with HTTP status code 503, the client must assume the CDR Arrangement still exists and may retry after a reasonable delay. The server may include a "Retry-After" header in the response to indicate how long the service is expected to be unavailable to the requesting client.
<title>OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 incorporating errata set 1</title> NRI Ping Identity Microsoft Illumila
<title>JSON Web Token (JWT)</title> Microsoft Ping Identity Nomura Research Institute
<title>CDR+ Security Profile: Baseline</title>Biza.io
<title>CDR: Enhanced Error Baseline</title>Biza.io
<title>CDR: Admission Control</title>Biza.io
<title abbrev="FAPI 1.0 Baseline">Financial-grade API Security Profile 1.0 - Part 1: Baseline</title>Nat ConsultingYubicoIllumila